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fat=handicap? wtf


Active member
i'ed be willing to accept fat as a handicap,if they change the word to "fatticaped" for fat people


Active member
i might give up my seat.. im tall & slim, so i can assume that for a very obese person it would be hard to just stand for long periods of time. its not that big of a deal for me to stand on a bus. i like opening my jar of og kush on any public bus.. its fun to watch heads turn..


New member
When they renovated Yankee Stadium there was a loss of about 5000 seats. Can anyone guess why?

Unless it's a genetic disorder it's usually the fat person's fault for being overweight. Is it really so hard to bike/jog for 20 minutes, 3 times a week? Combined with a healthy diet that's really all you need to stay fit.

65% (or was it 75%...) of Americans also eat their largest meal past 6PM, which is a big no-no. You don't have enough time to digest all of that before bed, so it turns into fat.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
there have been fat humans since they were able to collect enough food to make them so
its not just america
or americans

but it may be more prevelant here

but its so easy to say if they just exercised a bit they wouldnt be so fat....


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I just got off the scale. I'm at 172. Before Thanksgving, I was 205. Yes. I ate a lot, but one night of violent vomiting did something and since, the weight has just been vanishing. I still have a stomach, but the hips have been melting off and I'sure sure I've lost a lot of muscle.

I feel great about the weight loss and yet at the same time I'm concerned about it. Sometimes I think I'm wasting away. That's cancer is eating me to the bone. I've become quite the hypocondriac.

The Uncola

The % of people who are obese has risen every single year in the US since the mid 1980's. It wasn't always this bad. Clearly environmental factors are the most significant. Sedentary jobs. Suburbia is hardly walker friendly. Giant SUV's and Super Big Gulps. HFCS. Longer working hours and greater fast food reliance. The rising cost of petro may prompt a few fatties to look for other options other than that monster SUV to get you to the 7-11. Wages are not rising. This is a country in serious metabolic decline. As Springsteen would say, we're on a "down bound train".
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Canabudz said:
i think fat people should be paid significantly less. like over a certain BMI and boom less money for you, fatty. they're less capable and efficient, and more likely to have the attitude they have towards their own body when it comes to anything important they have to do. maybe the rule can be tweaked if you have a gland problem or some other scapegoat of an excuse like that. but seriously come on theres always a way to stay fit
Here's one fatass that would run your ass into the ground. Stickboy ;)


If the f*cking driver was so worried, he should have given him HIS seat.

Asking me to move so a fat dude can sit down is like asking me to turn my eyes so a whore can blow her john on a streetcorner - ain't gonna happen...

Hell, I don't even give up my seat except for really little old ladies - got rattled at once, trying to be nice, and am not gonna get burned like that again...


the man was Not handicap. he was a fat asshat that saw a long haired white man w/a Very good looking White girl. MY Wife. she is still glad i didnt get up. she didnt want him all up on her for 3O minutes.

he thougt his size and flavour would be enough. NOT.

ws i had the same thing happen. ONLY old ladies and pregos get my seat.

well i appriciate you all posting.

fyi.. i was 5'5" at 25O...now 5'11" at 15O. at 5' 11 iv maxed at lil over 3OO. got the extra skin to prove it.


Fatness is self made thing. Nobody puts food into your mouth, you do it yourself, and when u do it too much, means you are greedy, and u become fat.

I used to be 120 kg, now I'm 70 kg, I didn't loose one kilo before realizing facts.


Alright, The Leader, I'm calling shennigans. We all know you are too ugly to have a good looking wife. She's either blind or she was your "wife" for just the bus ride. lol Just dogging you, man.
Fat is not a handicap. Ugly is. I know because not only am I the poster child for ugly but the chairman of the local ugly support group. We meet every other week at the buffet if any of you fat folks want to join us. Let us go in first. We'll scare off everyone so there will be more buffet for you fat folk.


rofl OF....i got my ugo lifetime membership card signed by richard simmons. hes ex fat to....lol

i got a good personnality and huge feet and hands....lol. hence the goodness i get via wife...im so good she married me...lol


Why does the saying.." you can fool some of the people some of the time..." come to mind? In my state, they passed what is known as the old Fool Reproduction Act. In a nutshell, I'm so ugly I'm not legally allowed to have kids. I'm glad you found someone who would marry you. How much did it cost you? My wife makes me pay 1 year in advance. I tried for the lump sum but she told me I was so ugly she would just commit to a one year contract paid in advance. She's not willing to take the chance on me getting any uglier. Yeah, like that's possible.


my wife has serious medical problems that my one day soon confine her to a electric scooter and she gets very upset when she sees over weight people riding around in theirs.

Yes some over weight people don't chose to be but a large percentage do! I'm sorry fat people you get no sympathy from me i know to many people in wheelchairs because their joints have been eaten by their own immune system to the point walking is no longer possible, then they die young.

also if you have a disability then get fat i think you should diet more and try to get some physical therapy and you still get some sympathy.


OF my contract allows no speaking of payment amount or i forfiet that months rights...j/k

its 4OO a week...
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Get two birds stoned at once
Your only handicapped if you cant fucking stand up and walk..

I've had a fat phobia since I was 3 or so, I used to heckle fat people from my stroller, no joke (so says my mother at least I don't remember much of it).

If someone asked me to give up my seat for a fat bastard I'd ask the driver if he was considering driving like a maniac, otherwise just let the fat man stand.


Get two birds stoned at once
If your fat and want to be a healthy weight for your phenotype, eat as much as you want, but walk a little more!!