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fat=handicap? wtf

I'd give up the seat or you might get the fat guy "bump"​


Cannabrex Formulator
The percentage of obese people does NOT match up with the percentage of people who have a legitimate metabolic problem...........

MOST of the obese folks out there are simply PIGS, who eat way too much of the wrong foods (fast food, HFCS, grease and more grease).

We live in a gluttonous, parasitic society that does everything it can to encourage over-consumption (of everything, not just food)........is it any wonder the fatties are on the rise?


i am a great big fatty with metabolic problems, greed and laziness. and fuck the lot of you skinny-ass mofos. u think ur superior cos u've managed to consume less food? losers.


i absolutely hate when overweight people blame their problem on anyone but themselves... ditch the car/bus/whatever for a year, buy a bike and take it everywhere, make some dietary changes (no, not a diet, just a healthier eating style) and you'll drop the weight in no time.

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