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Fan Leaves Turning Over


Active member
I did a thread search for fan leaves turning over and i felt it was about over watering in soil. I am using DWC and a couple of fan leaves turn vertical. What causes this? and how can it be controlled?


Meatball in Residence
What kind of temps are you hitting in the room/canopy? How close is the light and what wattage? It appears you have a T5.

[Edit. Is this the one that vegged for over 2 months?]
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Well-known member
Hmm on closer inspection..

Somethings up. Looking good as far as growth. Going to need to give more info.

Wats in the mix? Ppms? pH still good? How are you checking pH? I forget, you may want to re cal. pH fluctuations can cause twisting and leaf curl. Pests can do this as well. Dont freak it could be anything.


Active member
I was doing ok using the bottle water because my tap water is 141 Ppm and i got lazy and used tap water. I found out that using the bottle water Ph and Ppm's are ok, but when i use tap water everything gets wacky. So that being said no more tap water. I use General Hydroponics 3 part this last rez change i did 5ml Gro and 10ml Micro and 5ml Bloom. Have not used CalMag yet. Ph was at 650 and Ppm was 400. I should of went with 7.5 of the Micro but i felt the age and size of the plant i could bump it up to 10 ml.


Well-known member
Well, hmm. Since you have a ppm meter you dont have to worry about milliliters/gal. Its better if you think in terms of the ratio. In other words, work to keep the NPK levels the same , while setting your rez at what ppm/ec you think is best. Id say you could be feeding a little more.

140ppm is maybe too high for hydro since you dont know whats in it. If its municipal you should be able to request a water quality report. Tell them you got fish for christmas.

It sounds to me you might need to ask someone how to mix a rez, i only know coco.


Active member
So chronosync what you are saying is that this gives you the ability to use the EC meter to customize your ppm's and keep them constant and let the ph drift until you need to bring it down or up. so that being said you have to know what your NPK ratios are and what ppm's they have to make this possible.


Well-known member
Yup, as far as i know you can.

Ive never used a rez or bucket, but isnt that what topping off means? It seems like you could just add in correct proportions until ec is met and ph is right. How you balance these two is tricky.

When i mix i get my target ppm first then ph it, if its too hot i dilute with water, fine tune ph again, and double check ppm making sure im still about right because my ph drops raise ec a little too.

Hope thats right. Second opinions please.


In Hydro your PH should be between 5.7 and 6.2 from what I've read. I have been having trouble with my fan leaves turning over all the way because the petiole twisted. I'm in Coco Coir and when I checked my runoff my PH was 6.5 I PH'ed my reservoir to 5.7 and flooded my plants. I'm keeping my PH at 5.7-5.8 before flooding and the twist/roll over seems to have stopped. I too am trying tap water but think I will probably go back to buying RO water because then I know what is in the water to start with. You might want to check out my post https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=321522


Active member
Hi guys i think i am on the right path my Ph is 6.12 and the Ppm is at 485 i had started to get some tips but i have everything under control. I am only using bottle water from now on, and using my TDS meter to keep my Ppm's constant. Thanks for all help. I just have to stay on it until i feel comfortable.


I let mine fluctuate from 5.5 to 6.2. I was letting my res run down rather than top off with water but I saw I was about to have issues. The Ph would go down and the EC would go up. I would definitely look into keeping the water level right, which in a small reservoir like that I could see it getting low fast compared to my 50 gallon res.

Just food for thought, I'm only a short ways through my first hydro grow but this has been an observation of mine.