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Fake Trimpro


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Fast_Pine said:
Well, in an effort to ajust the blade on my trimpro, I ruined the machine!!!!!...CAn you believe it!,,,,$1600 machine goes down the drain
:fsu: What happened?!

What did you try to adjust, and how did it fuck up?

Were you ever able to track down the knockoff? Looking into one of these things myself for the near future... couldn't seem to find prices and wasn't too comfortable with ordering this thing from China and all...


Tried to adjust the blade height....It got stuck at that height, an wouldnt move...When I closed the grill the blade and grill were touching....

Like an idiot...I tried to turn it on....It shorted out the motor....

I think yer gonna like the Trimpro CT..They are fuckin great!...If I wasnt buying that other machine(you know the one)....I would get another TP or 5..


Active member
Yeah I'm kinda leaning on the real-deal TrimPro now after reading about trich-zilla's experience and their overnighting him a new motor, etc. Just makes me more comfortable.


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Hightime awards? You mean High Times Magazine gave them an award? LOL, nothing from High Times Magazine means anything reputable anymore, it seems... seems like a complete sell-out magazine (definitely fun to look at), pretty $$-biased "articles" (or are they "ads"?), "awards", etc...

Anyways, thanks for the link. Roughly half the price of a real TrimPro. Not sure if a couple of zips is worth skimping on these types of things... unless they're identical down to the detail except for the logo sticker.
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Based on what we're dealing with here, the markups are criminal. The only reason these things cost $1500 is because their target market has pounds of weed! Soon enough, competition wil make high-quality alternatives for a fraction of the cost. In the meantime, I would rather risk the problems associated with the learning curve of the competitors, than essentially pay a $1200 intellectual property fee on top of maybe $300 worth of manufacturing and parts. I mean, compare the cost of it's parts and manufacturing complexity to a chiller for example.


Active member
Just to be the devil's advocate here... if it was a crime to mark up prices on these units because of the intended audience (i.e., good marketing), then it's an even bigger crime to complain about the markup on something that's a drop in the bucket for what you're marking up. I mean, that's the idea of the business, isn't it?

But I know that wasn't enough, so I'll quote some of my previous ranting here:

... on E/F tables:

clowntown said:
I understand better than anyone that DIY is good for some situations, but as PonicalChillin pointed out, WTF kind of response did you expect? What if you ran a business, and someone came in asking how to bypass you and do the job cheaper? What kind of look would you give them? (Profitable) businesses have a purpose: make money. Anyone else is considered either to be charity or stupid. When was the last time you took risk, made investments, and worked hard with absolutely nothing expected in return?

... on ballasts:

clowntown said:
Funny how most people can't seem to understand the concept of a business. All you think about is the raw material costs, right? Forget the fact that companies pay for licenses, certifications, employees, misc. overhead (HR, legal, janitorial), logistics / transportation, returns / repairs / warranty, support, R&D, marketing / sales, and on, and on, and on, and on. And on, and on, and on...

And oh, the goal is to make money, not make the world a cheaper place to live for stoners.

So... why don't you make some nice ballasts and sell them to us for $6-10? I'll be the first in line. Let me know when you have something to sell.


Sorry to be so harsh, but my point is that these really nice ballasts have been researched, designed, tested, built, marketed, and transported to you because someone is interested in making money. Everyone in between also needs to put food on the table, and maybe have some money to enjoy life with. I don't care if the store gets them for $0.50 a piece or are paid to take them. All that matters to me is that they're reasonably affordable and perform. And they do just that. I don't have to listen to some buzzing magnetic ballast, and that alone is well worth it.

You're making it sound like these guys should be doing all the work for you for nothing, just so you can save a few bucks in your weed growing adventure.

As always, if you don't like it, you don't have to buy it. No one is forcing you to buy these so-called horrendously expensive ballasts.

Yeah, I'm glad the guys that designed and make 'em are getting paid... it just encourages further development and innovation in the future. Not that these TrimPro's are all that truly innovative and high-tech or anything, but the TumbleWeed / Rolling Thunder / etc are examples...

Wanna start up a company and sell us some units for $300? Even $400? I'll be the first in line. (Did that sound a little familiar?)
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It's all about competition. I look at thing like this as a bubble economy. The current pricing model relies on the fact that the more efficient manufacturers are not yet in the game. The entry or a chinese manufacturer into the market is a good thing for prices IMO.
Currently, makers of trimpro ae charging more than the meterials, time and expertise usually costs. The business model is currently valid, but completely relies on the immaturity of the industry. Eventually, manufacturers who are already used to making less than $500 for a table saw will drive the prices down. In the meantime, the makers of trim pro are as they say "taking advantge".
A non-exploitive scenerio can exist when there is insufficient demand to make something that costs alot when made in small numbers, but can be cheap when black n decker makes it. Now normally, such a situation would simply prevent the product from bein made at all. If there isn't enough demand to justify the factory, then it must be made in a workshop instead, and if workshop made is too expensive for anyone to buy, then that won't get done either. But what if those who needed it are willing to pay - what if their need is great enough and their pockets deep enough tp buy it anyway, even if it is "too expensive"?
That's what we are dealing with here. There's a tipping point, and it has yet to be met. It will tip when the demand increases to the point that some larger manufacturers get interested.
Not everyone has the time or expertise to simply make their own when the market is not yet mature enough to provide a conventionally affordable solution. But I encourage people to try. So for anyone who needs one, but thinks $1500 is too much, it is, but the price is also a realty, so either pay, or make your own. (or buy off someone else who makes one, but custom made = $$ so there you go.)


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
its been a while since i visited this thread, i noticed that the 4" fan i have in my veg cab was cutting the leaves off of some of my plants clean! so i was gonna use that nd have it blowing into a bag, but for me its not worth it.

the most ill have at any time is about 2-3lbs and thats fien for me to hand trim, last time i did it, i actually had a good time and enjoyed it; 2 blunts, a bong, about 2oz. untrimmed, 3 redstripe beers, reggae tunes in teh background, two pairs of sharp ass barber scissors and i was good!!!

well wither way i wish you all well in your quest for the trimpro on teh cheap!!!



Greyskull said:
Here's a video of the trimbox in action.

Thats a cool video. I watched a bunch of videos that came up. Those automatic trimmers look like they wreak havoc though.

As far as the price of a trimpro or any other trimmer. First its supply and demand. Second, look at the scale of operations on these things. Someone mentioned chillers. I would imagine the chillers are a large production run item and are produced in volume. How may trim pros do you think are in circulation versus chillers?

Dam, I may have to get a trimmer. this hand shit sucks
After watching that video i'm sold. I'll probably cop one from china though I don't see how the official one could be all that much better.


yamaha_1fan said:
Thats a cool video. I watched a bunch of videos that came up. Those automatic trimmers look like they wreak havoc though.

As far as the price of a trimpro or any other trimmer. First its supply and demand. Second, look at the scale of operations on these things. Someone mentioned chillers. I would imagine the chillers are a large production run item and are produced in volume. How may trim pros do you think are in circulation versus chillers?

Dam, I may have to get a trimmer. this hand shit sucks

Dude it totally pays for itself. I know guys who charge $200 per LB to trim... if you're doing 1lb per 1k, then paying to trim 9lbs = $1800 EACH HARVEST. You buy a Trimpro and it'll pay for itself after the first harvest. With the grow you got going on, dude FUCK THAT HANDY WORK!

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