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Fake Trimpro


...can any one point me in the direction of a place that I can order a knock-off trimpro?....

dont want to have this again, ya know...

wat do you mean a fake? there's one that uses the same concept of the trimpro which is the hedgehog. All the other machines either using a vacuum cleaner or you can buy that expensive rig that you need a trailer around with you that cost 15k.


There is a company, I dont know there name, they make fake trimpro's...The machine looks just like an authentic one, but is less than half the price..Generic version, ya know...Kinda like the fake oakley sunglasses you see at the flea market....just a knock off..

I plan to replace the grill with a real one from trimpro...

I saw one on ebay once..
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uhg ... 5lbs alone? what a chore ...
Ever considered lolipopin' ? cut the work load by 3/4 but one needs to support the buds in the last 3 weeks ...
No loss of final weight if "shaving" is done in the first week of 12/12 ...
I like to leave the "crown" of each branch but "shave" everything below, makes for "donkey dick" like buds ... easy trim, lots of hash, big fucking buds :muahaha:
Sorry I dont know of any knock off trimpro yet, but just wanted to interject real quick




Yeah, I trimm off alot of lower buddsites, specially indoor, when I can give them more attention.. I still get my fair share if smaller nuggs though.

When doin a large outdoor run there is just no way to stay on top of it all, even when i take off lowers..Thats why I have to resort to machines..

Thanks for yer interest in my thread Cannabin


Texas Kid

Check out a site called chinahydroponics.com, all these guys doing business in China forgot that it is a communist country I guess and didn't realize that all the designs, patterns, materials, and developement in essence become property of the state(China) So then they turn tight atound and sell it out the back door as a private label and get to take advantage of the high retail mark-up provided by the legit companies and sell direct into the market place at a reduced cost and still make good money.

www.chinahydroponics.com this may or may not work all the time

If you know it was made in China, these guys can find ya the knockoff with the quickness..

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I checked out that site. I would be scared to buy anything from there. They have several trimmers listed but they all have the same description.

Buy the Trimpro. You know you are getting a quality product backed by a distributors who will support it.

You get what you pay for


I already have a trimpro....need another, just dont want to shell out another $1500 if I can avoid it....I think the knock offs go for close to $500....As far as im concerned the only thing that would be sub-standard on the fake ones, is the grill...I will try to outfit it with the stainless grill tom hill recommends in the "calling the big boys out of hiding" thread...


Active member
I bought a knock off trimpro a few years ago for 600 bux.
the 1st or 2nd day using it, the fan unscrewed from the blade and sent the blade through the grill! almost lost a finger!
since then I used my friends real trimpro. not only are they safer but they work better. I think the fan and motor are better, drawing more leaf through the grill.

The Vermonster

Active member
Surfnfisher said:
Boo hoo, I have a big harvey and dont like to trim LOL! Wish that was my biggest dilema.

LOL....right? :rasta: .........big problem to have........j/k........gl w/ your hunt.........


Well, in an effort to ajust the blade on my trimpro, I ruined the machine!!!!!...CAn you believe it!,,,,$1600 machine goes down the drain, and I still had alot of indoor to harvest!....

Now I need 2 machines...

Thinking of getting the trimboxes instead, in an attempt to save some coin...

Take care if what you have people...Shit is expensive nowdays.....


Active member

Anything you could ever need for your hobby... Just do a search on hydroponic.

If you don't see one listed, just start contacting the suppliers who have a lot of different things listed. I know there are a few, but I've forgotten exactly which ones, who offered those boxes.

The shipping is what will cost you the most. I bought a box of HPS bulbs for about $15.00. They're still burning and I've got a few spares. Shipping was $35.00. Still a better deal though.

And for those who are interested in those $500 ufo lights... I found this one poking around just now.

UFO Light

ps - The suppliers will most likely ask you for a minimum order. Tell them you need some samples first and ask them for a sample price. Communication is a little tough sometimes due to the language barrier and poor translation software. It can be entertaining at times.
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
SpacedCWBY said:

Anything you could ever need for your hobby... Just do a search on hydroponic.

If you don't see one listed, just start contacting the suppliers who have a lot of different things listed. I know there are a few, but I've forgotten exactly which ones, who offered those boxes.

The shipping is what will cost you the most. I bought a box of HPS bulbs for about $15.00. They're still burning and I've got a few spares. Shipping was $35.00. Still a better deal though.

And for those who are interested in those $500 ufo lights... I found this one poking around just now.

UFO Light

ps - The suppliers will most likely ask you for a minimum order. Tell them you need some samples first and ask them for a sample price. Communication is a little tough sometimes due to the language barrier and poor translation software. It can be entertaining at times.

since you have done it already, can you buy things in bulk, i mean is that how they normally sell things? i wanted to buy a half dozen of a couple of things (bulbs, ballasts, reflectors) . do you know if they well wholesale to the general public?

dot get me wrong im gonna call, but i want t try and get through that language barrier as much as i can now!! lol

shoot me a pm if anything


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
ok i have a couple questions about this thing. i have never used one so i need some simple operational info.

1. does it operate like a fan would, although it is used for cutting/trimming?
2. can the fan speed be controlled at all/ do they come with speed variation normally?
3.for those that have used it/one: does the area of the faceof the fan have to be that big? can you get the same results if the fan were a 6" or a 8" surface area?

MY BRAINSTORM: as i was walking around a thirft store killin time, i noticed one of those smaller version of a high powered floor fan. the thought occurred to me that what if one were to turn the fan upside down to get a down draft and then mount it to the bottom of a table with an ample center cut out to give a good amount of trimming/ cutting surface area. of course you would
have to disassemble the fan in order to sharpen the metal blades, but that shouldn't be a problem

considering that most cannabis colas are about 2"- 4" thick you wouldn't need that much surface space realistically in order to trim your plants. im thinking since most people take their plants down by the branch , so why would one want to have a surface space/diameter of 1'-2' to trim something that can get about 2"-4" in diameter? the most a person would need is about a 1' diameter of space for cannabis cola trimming.

i was gonna make a a mock up of it once my main flower cab is constructed. ill have a descent amount of scrap pieces left so i would be able to make table and by a cheap fan like the one i mentioned above

EDIT: i was also thinking that if the fan blades were plastic, some double edged razor blades could be glued/"mounted" to the blades some how (epoxy, pvc adhesive or the like)
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FRANKENBLUNT lol I almost choked on a roach when I read that...forget about the razor blades on the fan, man that sounds like one of those humorous/tragic articles you read about in the paper sometimes.

yeah I gotta agree here from what I saw in those pics buying a coupla real trimpros should just be kinda factored in.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
if thats the case then , the hell with it, i dont need it that bad anyway. but $1500, $800!?!? thats a whole system!! so i do see why this thread was started and my posting was in the spirit of that. even if i sold it by the lb i wouldn't spend that much money on one thing unless it was helping me produce more buds/plants. but just to trim?!?!? most id pay for one of those would be a about as much as a cheap reflector or cool tube. about 70-120 bucks tops

hmmmm. . .in light of that. . . .you know what. .. .i may just give it a shot anyway though, sounds like something i could use on a smaller scale though

edit: i think theres a thread that someone started , in order to come up with a DIY design for a trimpro, thats probably where these lines of thought stemmed from ill look for that thread and go there!!, peace yall :rasta:
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untimately you have to decide how valuable your time is. and how risky it is to involve others to trim. If what you have done up til then is working for you, then why change it? but if I am correct in the assumtion that you want less work, technology is your friend and I agree with the others that you should invest in the trimpro. Easy for me to say though... I'm not the one forking out the $$$.