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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Frank: I can't speak for all...but I'm certain everyone supports your decision to step down/eliminate the grows. That being said, knowing what you have done and the sheer insanity that are your prior grows; every single post that I read stating that "it's coming to an end"...is gut wrenching.....
.....it's like seeing any of the greats retire. You can respect the decision, but at the same time wonder "what if...?" he/she had explored the possibilities....

That's just me thinking aloud. All I can do is wish you the best and hope that you do in fact stick around at the very least to see what the family is doing...
And make an additional promise that if you have a change of heart, or circumstances allow...that this family member is always willing to help you get back in the game if you need anything...
Love your damn sense of humor....always look forward to the new avatar...the signatures and funny-ass taglines....
You busting people's chops around the threads and chat....it's all good and would be sorely missed.


Active member
PotParty, you dont know how to do laundry? bleach is only used on white clothes homie! :muahaha: :muahaha:

Cellar im prolly a good bit younger then you and prolly most of the guys on here but ive had my own scares at the hospital n it sure is a wake up call but thats life aint shit you can do about it but take the warning how you please.. Hope that was the last speed bump for you with your health, get better n stay on top of what you can.. as for the job F.U.C.K.E.M. time to sleep in the living room n get the whole crib done :muahaha: just messin.. hope everything gets better for you soon:joint:

kallen.. Canna fan?


Tonatiuh,kallen,Core,Hydro420,PeterPan,xoox,asher,Endo,Uber,accessndx,potparty and of course,cocktail frank, and anyone who gave up the +K for me..
I just wanted to say thanks for being there. After a couple of days I am feeling almost normal again physically. Losing that crap-ass'd job had me on the downlow for a bit too, but after a good nights sleep and +K from my girl I am not worried about that one bit. I would like to get out of food service and find something better for my family and myself. Thats alot like saying CF is done growing, only I've been in food service for more than 25 years. It is a very tough decision to make, but if the right job comes along, F.U.C.K.I.T. Im done with cookin.
Anyway enough of this all about cellar crap!
Everyones pics look great and even if potparty doesnt know the "ancient chinese secret" for laundry, Im sure his bleached tops will smoke just fine..and that SCROG looks very even! nice job!
Love to all of you F.U.C.K.E.R.S. ...
anyone thinkin bout goin to any harvest fests this year?
I may go to Maine, but I think I might already have a rider.


cocktail frank said:
well guys, my veg room is empty.
minus one cut of sfv ogk.
she still has one more job to do for me before she goes.

Empty noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :eek:


Active member
i got a feeling francis is gonna veg out that SFV OGK till she's the size of the veg room then LET her do her thing :laughing: :laughing:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
LOL @ francis...
"anybody calls me francis i'll kill'em"..."settle down francis" that movie is classic yo. "and thats the fact jack"

hope all went ll with the lil ones ash.?.?

i'll edit some pics in here later fam,just hollerin on a wake and bake tip...im hungry as hell yo...

starved myself all day yesterday cause i was scheduled for surgery this morning,then my dumbass was late gettin up and i gotta reschedule now.:fsu:
probably be atleast 2 weeks now...im pissed at myself yo.
now i gotta eal with this pain in my leg for who know how longer...not cool.
peace F.A.M.-Tonatiuh-


should set two alarms..maybe some BUDDER would help?
Get them posts up bro!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
An offer you can't refuse...

An offer you can't refuse...

Been thinking about this whole Frank conundrum....and my recent inability to attend Vegas N&J. Two downers for me. So I'm gonna put an idea out there...but I'd rather not talk about it in detail in the open thread for obvious reasons.
If Frank's sincere about his retirement...we should style him out. Kind of like a real retirement party....family only. I've got dinner and drinks for everyone (unless there's like 1000 F.U.C.K.E.R.S. I don't know about...LOL!!!)...it can be very low-key...like an actual dinner with no sketchiness.....just enough other stuff to make it interesting. I'd easily hit a Ruth Chris's or Smith & Wolensky...the Palms...whatever. Can be real civilized. Eat, Drink, Talk, B.S., Burn one (or 20), and head for home.


donny darko

Nice tread you have got going here and some nice strain in the mix to. It is great to hear from so many likeminded people o the east coast. I think it might be a net idia to get a lst of harvest fests that are on the east coast and spread the word maybe.

Peace darko :joint:


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Heya boy's MOneY's back..........CD just skimmed thru and saw....glad ur ok,u gotta keep them sweet's in check..lol.........TrippinBall's I'm dwn!.....pic's too come soon.............MOneY
Hey peoples

Hey peoples

Hi Folks I'm on OG'r from long ago too, recently got back into this forum, I like it. Can I join? I'm all the way east on the water.

Whopper Lifesaver.....yes that's a box truck; long story with a happy ending


white russian indoor 57 days

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Actually asher that is a uhaul there was a compromise on security so I had to relocate her to a pals house. I had the luxury of having it in my yard all summer last year then some damn hunters got lost and they came walking right up out of the woods (off my land) into my yard I saw them look right at it so I had to move it but a happy ending did ensue. Fucking trespassing jacklighting rednecks are lucky I'm a nice guy. I got alot of guns. Oh well whatever worked out.
Hey Money Mike.....

Hey Money Mike.....

LOve the Giesha pimp thread........what the heck is that stuff & where does one get some beaners???????


Great to see everyone made it home safe and sound from N&J's!!!

Great to see everyone made it home safe and sound from N&J's!!!

Took a couple of pics just now, still learning this new cam so bear with me...and I'm stoned from smoking this white rhino tumbler hash....lmao
:joint: anywhooo heres some shots....

First up is the white rhino hash I just smoked, quite tasty and flavorful, with a thumpin high to it...

Next up is a one pheno of my Jillybeans its the candy pheno that smells EXACTLY like jellybeans...

And a couple of cluse ups on her right now shes at day 27 and doin great. Little yellowing underneath but the 400 can only do so much...

And last but not least a shot of the other JIlly pheno I have that smells exactly like oranges no two ways about it, also next to her is a Jacks Cleaner II thats been tied down just recently as she's flowering away right now...

Oh yeah forgot about my Bubba Kush clone that I recieved, it bounced back great Vinny!

F.U.C.K.E.M the right way!

Oh yeah here's one more pic of the orange pheno of the Jilly's...lmao... :rasta:
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Buteo Jamaicensis
sup fellas :respect: i was wondering if any of you know the finishing time for G13xBurmese. i have 2 in flower and dont know if theyll finish with the OGs or not, those go 65-70 days.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kallenavndk again.

Cool shit bro def. over the top!
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