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nice garden 88.
super jealous of you outdoor guys this time of year.
plants are huge outside.peace -Y-


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea got some outdoors penis envy to ....LOL
but boy how i love them pics....envy or not..... keep'm comming !! ^^

as you all might know ..i'm running on low plantcount so here is the male again that i am gonne use ...it is a Bogglegum F2 male ...and ready to spit his pollen any day now...:D
i wanne add that this plant is only about 25 cm high and is in 1 L pot...



Herbalistic we have rippers but my dogs have big k9 and the rippers now so i dont have any probs and then all i my village now that dont mind me dogs beware of the owner .......My wife is really strong


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Man Core, you've got balls postin' them pix here LOL! JK Bro. What's he gonna spuge all over?


allright crew---I posted this in a seperate thread in growers forum---ZERO response. somebody throw me an idea. the second question is most important to me.

Male is in isolation closet, no ventilation now, no air movement. down to a few branches, bent over a nice clean piece of glass. His first sack opened all the way this morning, when i fiddled with it, it dropped the dust. i can see it on the glass.

my question is do I let it go for a couple days, wait for more pollen to drop, or do I cut it up and drop it in my kief box (this box is clean now) to dry, then sieve out the pollen?

next question, I have flowering females that I do not want to make seeds with that are about five days from harvest.

Pretend worse case scenario--the pollen got into the airstream of the flowering closet and got those girls.

question is how quick do they need to be cut? today? can I let them finish out the rest of the way? again this is a worst case question.


thanks for the response herbalistic....i just noticed this was my 420th post....doing a bong rip to celebrate
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Herbal relaxation...
Jide my friend, even if the pollen would escape and pollinate those fems, it doesnt affect/effect in your yield for an bit. When you pollinate pistils you can actually check out what stage it´s going by observing the pollinated pistil :wink:

So, no worry at all if it hit´s the your flowering fems, btw, there shouldnt be that much viable pistils left if it´s five days from harvest..

Kallen: I assumed something like that after you ahve posted pics with your face + that Chinese rocket :D You need license to drive those 125 cc in Denmark? We can only "sport" 50 cc without license here in Finland :confused:

Damn guys, autumn is hittin fast here and the winter is coming slow, but so surely, I hope everyone has good stash for the cool winter. However, dont know about you guys, but I love those first cool autumn breezes, get´s me all nostalgic and shit reminiscing all the old homies at early teens that aint here anymore..


Good morning fellow Fuckemers, I've been going through it with my outdoor grow this yr. Lost ALOT of plants due to deer this yr. I think the fuckers should all be shot! LOL, and I found three of my plants pulled up and totally gone, so it was the last time I went up there. Still have a couple of things going in my cab here so I'll show you guys those for now...

The strain is Jilly Bean from Subcool and also theres a JCII in there as well. I said before I was setting up a med grow for a friend of mine at his house but his enviroment was way to hot and he didnt wanna do what it took to cool things off so I brought the plants home to flower out. Due to height issues I had to bend the plants all the way over to fit in my cab. NO worries they took to it like a champ and are now growing horizontally. And of course everything has turned torwards the light now and is looking great. Its been nine days since they've gotten the flip so things should be getting intresting here soon. Shine on good people of the Tristate and may the sun (or your lights) shine brightly on all of F.U.C.K.E.M!!!!!!


Endo said:
heya guys! harvested some flo and white last night, a few, the rest in my growlog.

Looking great Endo......k+ buddy

U must spread rep around before giving it to Endo again......
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Hi everybuddy! Im on a friends comp for a bit and had ta check in with the fam. Some outstanding pics in here as of late. Been talkin to some fellow F.U.C.K.E.R.S. too and much love goes out to em..

Yet again I have turned another smoker into a grower. He will get some clones that were gifted to me by a lovely lady, and we might run some Rhino or G-13 Alpha D from seed as well. Why waste veg time right? He isnt reg'd on IC yet but will be as soon as we set up his closet, then I know he's serious and he'll be let in to the circle.
Peace fam

p.s. I get my comp back on Monday. C-ya soon!


endo you have some nice buds to the winter to main :)
Yes my JinLun needs a licens But FUCKEM :) I have a licens :joint:

A little peace of heaven

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nice pics and pulls goin on in here fam...lookin forward to my white and the jillybean gettin into flower...long way away still though.atleast i can see them in here and have somethin to strive for;)
peace yo-Y-


Active member
Damn all you guys and your big fuckin plants!
great pics tho everyone.

Kallen, those trees are impressive. first time i saw i also thought about what kinda ripper problems (if any) you have.

Coupla updates, it's been a few days since i last posted a pic of this WW lady, you can definately tell that she likes it under my 175W MH. Things should be warming up in a few weeks!

Feels good to be growin again :joint:

- SubN


thanks for the info brother...

this morning there were about five or six of the spider looking flowers and plenty of pollen on the glass. I cut and bagged the male, got it the hell out of dodge. Then I razored up the pollen just like kief. I used a tiny make up brush to pollinate a lifesaver that was at day 16. has another 40 to make those seeds. i just did one branch, but I am pretty sure it hit more.

first time ever in years of growing that I have tried this. pretty stoked.



It was a gorgeous day here in the northeast and the girls in the garden were loving it.

Here are a few updated pictures (only five days since the last garden photos were snapped).

Here's one of the two Sativa bagseed plants soaking up the September sunshine

...here's a close-up of one of her buds

...and another close-up of the sativa bagseed bud (same bud, just a bit closer)

this is the purple bubblicous

- eyes88


Hearts8 what a nice picture and a good way to see size on buds thanks main

And to the rest of the familiy thank you to :jump: Rippers is no probs i have my trees in the front yard so i can see em from my living room the rest is in the backyard close to my dogs yard and 2 Rotteilers is a brilliant guard they bow wow at anything not normal and if it wont work they find a way out but i dont hope it ever happen

We starts one up in the plot every day my and my k9 :jump:


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nice pics spaded ,and 88...

You must spread some Reputation around before
giving it to kallenavndk again.

beautiful dog yo...oh yeh nice plant too;)

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
nice rotties man.
such good dogs.
im also digging the tribal on yer right arm.
ima tribal guy myself

away you gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


Herbal relaxation...
88: Love those outdoor sat´s!!!! It all starts from seed.. This only shows what gems you might find in bagseeds, doesnt have to be multidollar/elite strains to produce expectional erb :2cents: ++++K++++

Kallen, that´s one fine pic at last page, talking about that blurry sativaish type of pic, piece of heaven etc.. :yes: Btw, not many better ways to start a morning than your way!

Jide: It´s cool to make own crosses, if you next time wanna pollinate only one branch I would suggest you would cover the rest of the plant by plasticbag till you have worked it out with your brush and selected branch and do all this at the start of day and keep the baggie till evening and before taking it off -> spray the pollinated branch & plastic bag with water to kill all the loose pollen!

Pistil will be pollinated at the very moment pollen hits it and you give it some "safehours" before springling the water it´s 100 % quarantie if the pollen is viable + there isnt any unwanted seeds :wink:

That´s just my to do it...

SpadeNfaded: That looks like promising start, I´ve been thinkng for awhile to grow a single bush in 10 L bubbler under 200 W nurturelite in a quite similar cab than yours, just the train the sap out of her to keep her controlled :D

Have a great weekend F.U.C.K E.M fam :rasta:
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