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EZ-Cloner review



ewc wont help slime that already there, you need to dump those clones & sterilize the cloner .. then use the EWC on the next batch.. i had problems time after time(10% success) but after ewc use i get 100% success, one other thing i did was open up my veg room & put a fan in there.. he fungus that attacks the clones loves a humid stagnant/no air flow room...you want those clones dancing in the wind.

Lune TNS

I love my ezcloners, one of the best investment's I've made... Gotta love when you leave cuts in there for 2 weeks and they come out with footlong knotty roots!! Put em in cups and just a few days later they want to be transplanted again :joint:

Like other have said cleaning it with bleach (or something similar, Physian or whatever) is very key to good results. Once I see stubble on the cuts I usually dump in a couple capfuls of my bloom nutes into the cloner and I've noticed the extra K really gets the roots going...

turtle farmer

thanks to 40 and everyone else adding their 2 cents
i'm rockin a 120,with some EWC bubblin nearby-cant wait to clone
where are you findinng the Physan20??been to a few aquarium stores with no luck
thankx again fellow growers


Thanks again to everyone here for the advice. The ewc tea worked for me at 7-8 days... however, I waited til ten days, and my roots only grew about a millimeter a day, not the rapid root growth TS reports. Not sure why, but my temps were running in the 70's. This time, I'm at day 6 today, some showing roots startin, temps have been set to 80.

First batch, threw em all in some b'cuzz coco and washed the same ewc tea through it, covered them with a dome for 24 hours, and got 42/45!


Thanks again to everyone here for the advice. The ewc tea worked for me at 7-8 days... however, I waited til ten days, and my roots only grew about a millimeter a day, not the rapid root growth TS reports. Not sure why, but my temps were running in the 70's. This time, I'm at day 6 today, some showing roots startin, temps have been set to 80.

First batch, threw em all in some b'cuzz coco and washed the same ewc tea through it, covered them with a dome for 24 hours, and got 42/45!

its strain dependant, i have 1 that shoots roots out in abundance 6-8 days & others like yours..after 14 days you should have big roots... as long as they are poking out nice & white the EWC tea is working...


Threw the cloner in the trash, back to perl/vermic..... Just don't have the time to mess around right now.... going with what works for me..... I'll try this again


Second use: Clean it out with bleach water etc start it up a couple of days later. This time I forgo the 400$ water chiller and add 1 cup of earthworm casting tea and this is what I see on day 7-8 with 0 sign of slime:

Reservoir temp sits from 84-89 degrees 60 cuts done easy in one 30 site machine.
And then you mention what you did for your slime
Take off what you can on the stems and add EWC tea every 4-5 days at a cup at a time to combat it.

That's what I would do and did last time anyways...Hope it works for you man!

I added 1 1/2 cups to 6 gallons of water this time.

Your two statements are contradictory, which basically means all your raving about this product has been bullshit.

an earlier poster has already stated the ewc does not prevent slime.

You started this thread, claiming it to be a review, and basically said that ewc tea+ez clone = ungodly fast roots. Temps be damned.

Considering your results havent been replicated, id say that was pretty irresponsible, considering your 3000+ posts & all that rep.

just trying to add to the 'review':artist:


Its either '0 slime', or 'Take off what you can on the stems'+'That's what I would do and did'.

Again, if it was someone with few posts, i wouldnt have posted, but the thread starts like an advert for the EZClone+ewc.

In my first post in this thread, i said i would buy one, if those roots, in 7-8 days, were easily duplicated. Other posters in this thread lead me to believe the results are not.


0 slime comes from using the EWC tea from the start

"take off what you can on the stems" was trying to salvage a run of clones that hadnt been treated from the start..

he was saying on a run without ewc, if and when the slime hits you can try taking off the slimy parts, & add EWC to see if you can salvage anything..

personally i wouldnt try that i would just start over, sanitize & use the EWC tea from the start ..but maybe if you needed to try and salvage some rare clones, its better than nothing..

EWC tea has been proven to work by many on this site(atleast for them).. the op wasnt the first to come up with the idea, i think he was trying to pass along good info



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Its either '0 slime', or 'Take off what you can on the stems'+'That's what I would do and did'.

Again, if it was someone with few posts, i wouldnt have posted, but the thread starts like an advert for the EZClone+ewc.

In my first post in this thread, i said i would buy one, if those roots, in 7-8 days, were easily duplicated. Other posters in this thread lead me to believe the results are not.

Ogatec pretty much said it.

That's what I would do and did refers to when I had slime...the first go around and had to fight it (the second go around was fine as ewc tea was used from the start). No slime the second go around using it at the start. And no slime this third time yet either + everything is knotting up again and roots coming early on 3 days.

The thread is a review on the ez-cloner which should not need EWC unless you have bad water. So, ignore the slime and EWC talk if it doesn't apply to you. EWC is just a tip from the thread I mentioned in this thread earlier and which is posted above by OGA and you only need it if you have slime problem which comes from certain areas tap water and not easily killed by other methods except physan or whatever that chem is (from what I remember reading out of that gigantic thread)...


New member
What a great thread. Some one linked it to me in a thread that I made about the slime issues I was having in my aerolcloner, the PowerCloner from Botanicare. I had used it in the past with a particular solution of hygrozyme, hydroguard (aquashield), clonex cloning solution, and R/O water. 98% success rate easy in 10 days. Now I can't get a batch to root to save my life. Worse yet, they don't even get a chance to root, in 3 days the stems are soft, slimy and mushy. I'm doing the exact same thing I used to. Only difference is that I'm in a different room. In my thread it was pretty conclusive that the high temps of 81-82 were to blame for the speed of the slime onslaught and deterioration of the stem. I've been through 3 different batches for a total of at least 50 cuttings and ALL have fallen victim to the slime! I was prepared to start dropping bottles of ice in the res to keep the temps down on a daily basis. But with this method......!! higher res temps are actually encouraged. I see why and I dig, have the beneficials in large number already breeding not even giving pythium a chance to culture.

I've never made my own tea before. I have leftover EWC from a few years ago sitting in the garage. Is it still good to use or should I buy fresh? And please, walk me through the tea process once more. I was under the impression that you add a tea solution to the 5 gal aerocloner res. But in another post it seems like you just mix in a cup of EWC to the 5 gal aerocloner res and bubble it for 3 days before putting clones in. So I guess my question is which is it? Do I make a tea which then I add to the res or do I just add the EWC straight to the res and bubble and brew the tea in there? If I have to make a tea, how do I do it exactly? I'll be using R/O water, do i need to warm it up? Do I just steep the EWC in the water for a couple of days? I assume bubbling means putting an airstone in the solution and just letting it bubble ya? Please excuse the lengthy post...I just want to make sure I understand this and get it down. I need to root my cuttings!! Thanks for all the info :)
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deleted my account the other day in a fit of paranoia, i smoked too much oil & it sends me off the deep end.. i gotta either not smoke oil at all or hit it everyday to keep on an even keel, noone of the in between stuff..

anyway to answer your questions

What a great thread. Some one linked it to me in a thread that I made about the slime issues I was having in my aerolcloner, the PowerCloner from Botanicare. I had used it in the past with a particular solution of hygrozyme, hydroguard (aquashield), clonex cloning solution, and R/O water. 98% success rate easy in 10 days.

when things are going your way life is good, eh?

Now I can't get a batch to root to save my life. Worse yet, they don't even get a chance to root, in 3 days the stems are soft, slimy and mushy. I'm doing the exact same thing I used to. Only difference is that I'm in a different room.

been there myself, i know how it feels, just look @ the facts & they will lead you in the right direction

In my thread it was pretty conclusive that the high temps of 81-82 were to blame for the speed of the slime onslaught and deterioration of the stem.

temps do have a role to play but ive seen cloners work in all temp ranges. i think airflow in the room plays a more important role than people think.

I've been through 3 different batches for a total of at least 50 cuttings and ALL have fallen victim to the slime!

I know how you feel!

I was prepared to start dropping bottles of ice in the res to keep the temps down on a daily basis. But with this method......!! higher res temps are actually encouraged. I see why and I dig, have the beneficials in large number already breeding not even giving pythium a chance to culture.

in my opinion, i think you/we are dealing with "damping off" fungus, its different than pythium...the fungus thrives in a cool humid stagnant/low airflow enviroments..i dont know if the whole keeping things cool will even have a positive effect...

I've never made my own tea before. I have leftover EWC from a few years ago sitting in the garage. Is it still good to use or should I buy fresh?

its propibly ok to use but fresh would be better of course, the first time i tried EWC tea for the stem rot, i used some sample bags from the hydro store that were old crusty,def not fresh, & i got good results

And please, walk me through the tea process once more. I was under the impression that you add a tea solution to the 5 gal aerocloner res. But in another post it seems like you just mix in a cup of EWC to the 5 gal aerocloner res and bubble it for 3 days before putting clones in.

this is how i do it-
2 tablespoons of molasses, 3 gallons of water in a 5 gallon bucket, 2 handfuls of EWC in a nylon stocking from the $1 store.. bubble with air stone (more air the better)24-48 hrs in warm room. shake the stocking a couple of times a day

add 1-2 cups of completed tea to fresh cloner setup, then add 1-2 more cups in the next couple of days.

So I guess my question is which is it? Do I make a tea which then I add to the res or do I just add the EWC straight to the res and bubble and brew the tea in there? If I have to make a tea, how do I do it exactly? I'll be using R/O water, do i need to warm it up? Do I just steep the EWC in the water for a couple of days? I assume bubbling means putting an airstone in the solution and just letting it bubble ya? Please excuse the lengthy post...I just want to make sure I understand this and get it down. I need to root my cuttings!! Thanks for all the info :)

a couple of things you need to do-
1. clean room of all dead leaves, failed clones & such, sweep/vacuum floor.

2.increase airflow in room,keep the door open, use a fan or whatever..you should see the leaves of the fresh cut clones dancing a *little* bit from the air movement.*i think this is the most important step*

3.before starting a fresh batch disinfect cloner well with bleach as directed in the cloner instructions, or even better use consan/physan triple action 20..

4. ive heard that fertilizers containing nitrogen actually feed the bad stuff- be it pythium, fungus or whatever. ive had the best results with plain tap water & EWC tea.

anyway i want to take a minute to thank richyrich for posting about EWC tea in ez cloners. he has helped out numerous people including myself with the EWC method.

im not sure if he came up with the idea, but hes the one that i learned it from..feel free to read through 55+ pages of this thread for more info..

edit 2/3/10- "damping off" IS pythium, which is actually a "water mould" not a fungus or bacteria.

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Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Alright, once again, I'm giving up on the aero cloning. I'm tired of the high maintenance associated with it for me, changing out frozen water bottles every day, changing out the rez water once a week and cleaning the whole thing down. It's been nothing but a pain in the ass up to this point with not a single rooted clone.

It's been a month, a few have died due to some type of fungus which didn't show til I put a semi-lid on the top restricting airflow. I put that lid on there 2 weeks after I put cuts in there because I had to block the light. (security) It's been a month now and not a single root, this is using a 1/2 strength rooting fert with indol-6-butyric acid and the anti-slime aquarium stuff.

I cut some clones last night (30) and put them in coco/ewc's and will be watering them with ewc/compost tea. As of now I have them bathing in the wind from the ceiling fan and all the leaves are pointing straight up in the air.

:edit; none, 0, not a one cutting rooted in coco/ewc's, its been over 2 weeks now, what gives? If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.


ICMag Donor
thats odd. i usually take cuts, dip in clonex gel, use room temp water to start, a lil clonex solution for aero cloners and turn it on. i come back in a week and always have roots. 100% now with over 60 done.