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Can you imagine the year 3000 or 5000 or even further?



Someone will dig up my body, and there will be a story on the news about 2000 year old weed...


If we can get those flying hoverboards from back to the future 2.... id be realllllly happy.... i thought for sure in 1995 we'd have those by 2005.


Active member
4 years from now.

America at war with itself. Rebels now winning. Russia takes Alaska. East states join EU. Texas becomes its own country. California, Arizona, and New Mexico become lawless including Mexico. Most of Washington politicians have been hung. Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Washington become part of Canada. Rest of states join together and claim to be what is left of the united states. Keeping original form of government with a new capitol.

only 4 years?

As much as I look at the current situation, and how America has been a wild train off it's tracks bouncing into things throughout every 10 year periods...I don't see it getting that crazy, people will settle for little before they really settle for 'nothing'....if riots started to happen, they would be pushed down, and people who want to keep living their 9to5 will hold up the social structures to be able to go the grocery store, to keep running water, electricity, heat, 'safety' with police if that even still exists in some peoples heads...we have millions of people living in counties that make up cities, where are they going to drink from the stream? 2 cents


Eugene Oregon
I heard 2012 was a Mayan prediction of the end of "TIME" not life?

Please correct me if I am wrong...

Also its pretty funny to me that as technology keeps accelerating and getting more tech as they say, people have been
"guessing" times of doom.


Active member
I heard 2012 was a Mayan prediction of the end of "TIME" not life?

Please correct me if I am wrong...

google "time wave zero"..this is the only person that actually has some sort of viable information about the subject..it's the end of an 'age', a change in novelty will occur because it drops off to zero, a spot of time that we float in a section of space...mayans being real into their astronomy noted this on there calendars

I'm a bit amazed nobody suggested lots of flooding / natural phenomona in the next 10 years..


Not to worried about natural phenomona killing off the people. Even if mother nature should have done it long ago.......I think it all goes back to the "Human race". If we dont kill ourselfs and our earth we should see way past 2012. Just my .02 . I would like to see way less then 6 billion people on this rock. Just cant think of a good way to lower the number lol......I would love to hear some ideas on lowering the global population? Lets hear it.


There will be a Rebel Alliance, battling a evil Republic. Set in outer space. Wookies...


Domesticator of Cannabis
I heard 2012 was a Mayan prediction of the end of "TIME" not life?

Please correct me if I am wrong...

Also its pretty funny to me that as technology keeps accelerating and getting more tech as they say, people have been
"guessing" times of doom.

It's time to reset the calendar. The theory of numerology is interesting though as mentioned.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Alot of people will still be assholes, but they'll have evolved to the point where they recognize it even less.


-massive overpopulation and decreased standards of living will give rise to global pandemics which will kill millions and millions
-continued dependence on carbon based fuels will bring about the worst consequences of greenhouse global warming. millions will be climate refugees. The landscape as you know it now will be changed.
- continued deforestation and depletion of natural resources in the 3rd world will only make matters worse. When were dealing with environmental issues, things that transpire in the congo of africa affects us here in the united states

like others have mentioned, we are naturally deselecting our own species. As we further trash the planet, pollute, and overpopulate, we can not expect to survive in the way we do now.
Also there might be asteroid impacts or nuclear war which would decimate our population.

While noone can be certain about the future, i would be absolutely shocked if our society and species survived another 500 years.


only 4 years?

As much as I look at the current situation, and how America has been a wild train off it's tracks bouncing into things throughout every 10 year periods...I don't see it getting that crazy, people will settle for little before they really settle for 'nothing'....if riots started to happen, they would be pushed down, and people who want to keep living their 9to5 will hold up the social structures to be able to go the grocery store, to keep running water, electricity, heat, 'safety' with police if that even still exists in some peoples heads...we have millions of people living in counties that make up cities, where are they going to drink from the stream? 2 cents

Most city people will be put in fema camps or just die from stupidity.


-continued dependence on carbon based fuels will bring about the worst consequences of greenhouse global warming. millions will be climate refugees. The landscape as you know it now will be changed.
- continued deforestation and depletion of natural resources in the 3rd world will only make matters worse. When were dealing with environmental issues, things that transpire in the congo of africa affects us here in the united states
like others have mentioned, we are naturally deselecting our own species. As we further trash the planet, pollute, and overpopulate, we can not expect to survive in the way we do now.
Also there might be asteroid impacts or nuclear war which would decimate our population.
While noone can be certain about the future, i would be absolutely shocked if our society and species survived another 500 years.

Global warming is a farce.
In some ways maybe it's counterproductive to imagine the future because it shifts the focus and power of the moment to a place that no one can affect. I wish more people realized the power of the moment and invested it with as much imagination and hope as they do the future. From a practical standpoint the future, whatever that future may be, is contingent upon our present actions. If current trends continue as they are we're on course for a disaster of global proportions that may manifest itself in any manner of horrific ways. We're nurturing what's worst in us and appealing to instincts that are self-destructive.

It's hard for me to think about the year 3000 or 5000 when 2009 is filled with such doubt.



Pull my finger
I honestly dont see anything good in the future. The huge,vast majority are really good for nothing. Ya they work day jobs, but that doesnt contribute to the well being of the race.

We need more farmers and teachers. We dont really NEED most of the trades today. Advertising, social workers, entertainment. None of this is needed to sustain life.

Too many people are useless and wouldnt be able to cope with life minus TV and A/C.


One word----> Supervolcanoes, especially the one under yellowstone national park. If that thing blew the atmosphere would fill with ash and photosynthesis would stop, etc etc. It wouldn't be fun.
Too many people are useless and wouldnt be able to cope with life minus TV and A/C.

True, true but what usually limits people are their imaginations and what does society really do to encourage those? There's alot of untapped potential out there that's gotten awfully used to the status quo, maybe it wouldn't hurt if we tried thinking outside of the box and started seriously challenging each other. No matter how bad things get as long as we're alive we have an opportunity to think about solutions.


I honestly dont see anything good in the future. The huge,vast majority are really good for nothing. Ya they work day jobs, but that doesnt contribute to the well being of the race.

We need more farmers and teachers. We dont really NEED most of the trades today. Advertising, social workers, entertainment. None of this is needed to sustain life.

Too many people are useless and wouldnt be able to cope with life minus TV and A/C.

We need less teachers! We need better teacher.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
One word----> Supervolcanoes, especially the one under yellowstone national park. If that thing blew the atmosphere would fill with ash and photosynthesis would stop, etc etc. It wouldn't be fun.

Good thing I live near a hydrothermal vent and live off chemosynthesis! Sorry to hear you surfacedwellers will not be doing so well. Viva Atlantis!


Do we have enough time is the question. For so long humans have viewed themselves as more important than the world they came from thats why we abuse mother nature so badly. The truth is that the land owns us, all life forms come and go but the land is still here. So right now humans have to decide if we want our species to continue on or not. I think we got carried away by our technology and all the advancements that improved life in the short run but know we see that there isnt going to be a future based solely on technology. There wont be some space age future because in order for that to happen you have to change the whole frame work of life. We have all the ecological ideas but thats not enough we NEED an ecological IDENTITY. It all very complicated and everything is crashing together at once try and remain un-struggled in the struggling world.

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