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Active member
The ones here are the fallen. Its satan and his minions. They made themselfes into the dieties. The dieties and satan and his minions are one and the same. They been here gettin us to do what THEY wanna do. We been buildin ships and stuff forem for a while now. Only theyl never tell ya who they really are. When we askem who they are I wonder if theyl lie to us. Its either that or theyl tell us the truth. Do ya figure theyl tell us theyre the devil and his minions? --Or corse theyl enslave us. They allready have. As a race and as a planet, WE built their ships forem. So that they can get back to the Heavins and assult God. Its allready too late for this planet. Its wasted. Whats done here ecologicly cant be turnt back. They like it fukkin WARM.


Active member
I still say those that look forward to such an event are disregarding both history and nature.It may turn out not too bad and we may become like domesticated pets being able to keep our lives but not our dignity.Or it could be much worse we could become anything from slaves to dinner.One thing I believe,it wont be an even playing field and its not likely we will be treated well

SOYLENT GREEN IS HAPPENING......whud of thunk it could actually come true?????

Some are ALREADY losing their dignity currently....but not me.....my happiness is not built on money and possessions .....I am better off than a lot of ppl.....but I could lead a very simple spartan life NOW as all the material gain I made NEVER made me happy. But I am very happy now. And have less than I once had.

But freedom of self and thought is something NOTHING will take away and I bend down to no man OR ALIEN!!!!!! te he

I am not nor will EVER be a sheeple. But most ppl are!!1 INDEED!:wallbash:

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Someone not in this thread, (so I won't mention their name) sent this link to me last night, and it ended up being one of the most important lectures I've ever seen on these topics. This is (more or less) what myself, my wife, and many, many people in my life already believe. It sounds crazy, but truth is stranger than fiction.


BTW, I jumped off the building this morning, I died. But I'm back now. :) Wasn't so bad, sort of like a good LSD trip.
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Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Sparkjumper! hahaha That's funny about us becoming domesticated pets. I was thinking about that the other day and that song that goes, "We'll make great pets, we'll make great pets" started going through my head. I was sitting here with a cat and thought that maybe one day there will be a being keeping me in it's world the same way I keep the cat. hehehe Crazy thoughts, but who the hell knows? :)


Desi sent this link to me last night, and it ended up being one of the most important lectures I've ever seen on these topics. This is (more or less) what myself, my wife, and many, many people in my life already believe. It sounds crazy, but truth is stranger than fiction.


BTW, I jumped off the building this morning, I died. But I'm back now. :) Wasn't so bad, sort of like a good LSD trip.

i didnt have time to watch all of this. so, was the point of it that in 2013 we will all change in to some other being?


St. Elsewhere
Someone not in this thread, (so I won't mention their name) sent this link to me last night, and it ended up being one of the most important lectures I've ever seen on these topics. This is (more or less) what myself, my wife, and many, many people in my life already believe. It sounds crazy, but truth is stranger than fiction.


BTW, I jumped off the building this morning, I died. But I'm back now. :) Wasn't so bad, sort of like a good LSD trip.

Woo, David Wilcock. Weird guy, but his research is pretty sound. I encourage anyone interested to check out his lectures.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Desi, my personal belief, not knowledge, but , I feel that those who wish to keep us all down, use experimental aircraft that dont conform to what we would expect to see, as a method of making those who look for conspiracy theories appear insane when they talk about ufos and (due to social conditioning by hollywood) make the link to aliens.

GMT, I totally concur bro. I think that is one thing we can rest assured of.

Personally, I don't want to see any aliens, but at the same time I find the possibility fasinating & scary. I just would like to know rather than be in the blind.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Woo, David Wilcock. Weird guy, but his research is pretty sound. I encourage anyone interested to check out his lectures.

I started on this last week....I thought it was some divine religion stuff and quit watching, but now I see this is on the realm of science & paranormal if I'm correct. What blows my mind is, I remember drawing pine cones for an art project one time out of free will.....of course there was the sublime impression of pine trees in the area. Who would ever thought the pine cone to represent something so special.


Active member
The Flintstones had kazoo makin Fred look like an idiot. But hellywoods cazzo still seemed to "love" Fred, Or something anyhow. he didnt seem too thretning did he? he was just kinda helpin Fred out rite? That li'l cazoo I meen? TV is SUCH a wonderfull TOOL! I am the SLIME I AM THE SLIME! Oilly SHITT MAN! Cant Ya see whats goin on!


Active member
He was such a cute li'l squishey devil wasnt he! Couldnt you just ring his neak? But NO you couldnt could you? Ya beter not! He made it clear on the Flintstones what would happen to you if you crossed him didnt he. But as long as you fallowed his ajenda youd be allrite. See, dont worry youl be his li'l dumb dumbs wont yas. Just get down on your knees and worship him and hel take you to the stars!


Active member
Someday soon, I dont know who'l be pres then but someday Your tv's gtonna start doin that crazy chewbakka noise and tell yas this aint a test. We'l be instructed to remain calm but go indoors to where theres a tv and look at it. The prez'l be sittin next to a blur. Hel introduce it by some goofey name we cant pronounce. Hel tell yas all bout whats ben goin on and how waddafukksis names such a great guy and TEACHER. Hel tel yas not to get excited while the blurry part of the screen gets clearer and clearer. Then there hel be sittin sholder to sholder next to the prez, cazoo! Cuter li'l squishey cazoo! Just the way they planed it!
If there is intelligent life out there, I sincerely hope they stay the fuck away from us until we learn to treat each other right. The thought of Dick Cheney's private corporate paramilitary troops armed with death rays is frightening


Active member
It is what is my Bruddas. I often wondered how come we been round for so long but we just started gettin "smart" a couple thousand years ago. Im just tellin yas WHO they are when they come out.


Active member
Well i never saw aliens , but I was saw a packet of tobacco flying around for a few seconds while i was on hawaiian shrooms:laughing: (not shitting you guys:D)

No but seriously , i saw something yesterday that causes lots of ufo sightings.

I saw a red orb going very fast in a straight line in the sky , real fast.

I took the binoculars ands started looking closer. I saw the red light flickering , so it was a thai fireballoon.

The first seconds that i saw it where cool though , i was like , finally i get to see a ufo. But was dissappointed when i took the binoculars:wallbash:


Yea they're more commonly called Chinese lanterns and they have been filling the skies everywhere lately