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ICMag Donor
The second we give this topic enough credence to chastise others for making a joke concerning the issue, is the second we have lost a good foothold on reality.

I find the tin foil hats to be most funny, and if you are so hung up on there being extraterrestrials among us to a point that a joke cannot be made about it, then you have for sure slipped over the edge.

How dare you chastise me for a bit of levity concerning such a ridiculous issue. I thought you were wiser than that?
But, again...I ask...what are the implications of all this? Will some of us learn to moon walk and others not?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell part of Apollo 14 moon mission said yesterday to the press that extraterrestial life does exist and the truth is being concealed by the government.

Now I am not sure about it but my hubs does believe it. Anybody wanna comment their opinion.

Pope's astronomer insists alien life 'would be part of God's creation'
By Peter Popham in Rome
Thursday, 15 May 2008

The Vatican's official newspaper has endorsed the possibility that the universe could contain intelligent life beyond Earth, while insisting that aliens would be "our brothers" and "children of God" as much as human beings are.

The Pope's astronomer, José Gabriel Funes, a Jesuit priest, told L'Osservatore Romano that there would be nothing surprising about the existence of intelligent extra-terrestrials.

"Just as there is a multiplicity of creatures on Earth, so there could be other beings created by God [beyond it]," he said. The interview suggests that the Church's hierarchy may be paving the way to showing that Pope Benedict XVI is more open to the ideas of modern science than he has previously seemed to be.

Pope Benedict has spoken in favour of "intelligent design" in the past and has damned evolutionary ideas that leave no room for God.

Fr Funes, in the interview, admits that, for him, evolution is a given. He also said that he believed in the Big Bang theory as the most likely explanation for the origin of the universe, and that the Bible should not be held to account for its lack of scientific accuracy. "Fundamentally," he said, "the Bible is not a book of science... It's a love letter written by God to his people in the language of two or three thousand years ago... So one cannot ask the Bible for scientific responses."

The existence of alien beings would not create a problem for believers, he insisted, "because one cannot put limits on the creative freedom of God... They would be part of creation."


Well-known member
The aliens are afraid of silly humans with big weapons, so they routinely follow nuke ships, disarm missles in missle silos, etc. We've even tried to nuke the surface of the moon for science, but they would not allow us to do it. Basically they're like, "you guys are too immature for these kinds of toys". They are afraid that we'll take our dark ways into the galaxy and not play nice. All you need to do is look at how people treat eachother right here on this site sometimes, and you'll know why they don't want us bringing our weapons off the planet.

Certainly there are many UFO's (Unidentified Flying Objects) that have been seen by people. However, they are just that, Unidentified Flying Objects, but to jump from Unidentified to Identified as an Alien craft which contains Aliens inside is a big leap.

And for anyone to assume that they know what the Aliens fears & motives are, such as, "The aliens are afriad of silly humans", "They routinely follow nuke ships", and "They disarm missle silos.", is even a bigger leap and stretch of the imagination. And would be perceived by many to be nothing more than a phantasm and mental masterbation.


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
miss blunted for the record, so do I, in fact I havent seen anyone in this whole thread say they dont.

I was talking about the arguing that turns to insults....I see it. All I'm saying is that regardless of what people believe...things shouldn't end up being negative....I like reading what other people think. I didn't mean you...or anyone that just wants to be a part of the conversation...
Yeah, some people won't believe it until an alien species knocks on their door and offers a ride on their ship. And some people here still wouldn't believe.

OH so you've seen the aliens and have been offered a ride?

If I saw aliens I wouldn't need to believe I would know thats the main problem with your religious UFOism.

It's not my problem. We offer you insight into something fantastic, but real. Any new idea is fantastic before it's mainstream.
All you have to do is:
#1 look into these things with an open mind.
#2 have even the slightest trust in others.

Trust others? Others are lying morons who don't know their ass from their elbow. And I am supposed to trust they saw the mothership? LOLOLOL

Over and over again debunkers with ZERO knowledge of the topic (which is the only way a person ends up being a debunker by the way),

You are the one with ZERO knowledge. You keep claiming aliens when it is clear that they are misidentifications, government craft, and so on. Nothing alien about UFOs at all.

tell eye witnesses they didn't see what they saw. What RIGHT do you have to tell these thousands of cops, airline pilots, fighter pilots, astronauts, farmers, mill workers, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters that they didn't see what they KNOW they saw?

Because like you those people are irrational idiots and are completely mistaken in what they saw.

I'm sorry, but you have no right to make these people out to be fools who can't make out what their eyes see. I understand being in a position of not knowing, but some people go beyong not knowing, to being SURE all these eye witnesses are mistaken, or lying. They're seeing flares, hoaxes, anomalies in the sky. Some are for sure anomalies, hoaxes, and such, but many are real, and only one needs to be real to prove the entire thing.

What do you mean real? That something was really out there? Yeah, and it was a projected hologram, a drone, a UAV, a spy blimp, or other black op.
Not real aliens though.

My point here is not to convince anyone that we are being visited, but that if you don't believe it, maybe you should look into it before resorting to amateurish name calling. All you're doing is discouraging people from coming forward with their experiences, perpetuating the silence that keeps the public ignorant of the truth.

Belief is for the realm of religious nutjobs and other morons who are too ignorant to do their own study and find things out for themselves. I am without belief.

Machine Elf, Paranormal researcher huh? That's quite a claim.

I am a scientist and work as such professionally, but I have studied and researched the paranormal as well as a personal hobby, having myself had many paranormal experiences over the years.

Especially since anyone in that field for real is usually saying the exact opposite of what you believe.

Thats because "people in the field for real" are not actually scientists and don't have any degrees in science at all. They are UFO religionists like you chasing the invisible mothership and non-existent aliens. They have no degrees, no evidence, just invalid and debunked claims. The REAL people (ie. real scientific researchers who study paranormal claims), come to the same conclusions that I do.

Why would they dedicate 20 years of life to something they don't believe in?

Well, because they aren't scientists as I said, instead like you they are religious UFO believers and nothing will change their unfounded opinions.

And BTW, many abductions are not during sleep, they're right from roadsides, in the woods, and other places that totally discount your hopeful theory that it's all due to night terrors.


They are ALL always at night while someone is asleep in their bed. Every other case where is is claimed otherwise is a proven hoax, like the travis walton story, the communion guy, and many others not worth mentioning.

You are blatantly wrong, stop lying and go look up the facts.

And also, these people who have these experiences think theories like yours are rediculous. But who are they to have an opinion right? They only experienced it first-hand.

You mean they are either lying or mistaken due to having a night terror or DMT episode.

They can think whatever they want about my facts the FACTS are still the FACTS like the earth goes round the sun.

You asssume much in saying you have seen more UFOs than I will ever see, and that I will continue to not see them. DO you know what I've seen?

Yes, you have seen nothing. You only have third hand accounts from crazy people who are acquainted with.

You must be quite a powerful human to be able to know what I've seen and so quickly be able to compare yours and my experiences.

I am not human.

Have you seen more than my dog? You must know that too, right? How about my chickens? What have they seen? This skit has gotten silly.

I have seen through your BS and it is ridiculously hilarious.


The Tri Guy
erm, you were actually doing quite well countering until that one statement "I am not human". I've seen primates who can sign, but never one who could type.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Anybody ever heard of Ant People?....lol

Well my buddy Sarge who was in Desert storm said he never saw anything strange while he was in the service, BUT, this is supposed to be a real occurance. After he got out of the Army an uncle who served in Viet Nam invited him to a bar where some vets were gathering for oldtimes sake. One of the hard core vets had a story of a time when they had to go on a secret op to some mining tunnels in the US because of reports of mysterious activities underground. He told Sarge that when they went in they found these tall Ant people who spoke english who told them to get out and never come back or they would kill them. They were down there mining minerals. Why they didn't kill them I don't know, but he (the vet) was just part of a group that was there for unknown reasons as it turned out.......but the vet swore that these underground ant people existed.

It sounds like Phil Schienders story kinda of the 69 military folks who were killed while tunneling for underground bases and found the 7 foot Greys (aliens) living underground in the desert of New Mexico. Phil was a secret contractor/engineer that was responsible for the laser tunneling of alot of our secret underground bases out west where all this advanced technology is developed. He was murdered when he outed the operations to spread the truth.

Do I believe it?... Well, I think it is possible instead of saying, "I know that never could of happened because bla, bla, bla....


The Tri Guy
I find 2 things scary, that there are so many underground bases being set up, as this implies that those who are to survive the future will do so in widespread underground bases, which I do not have a pass for, and that so many of us who will be left behind are willing to believe in tall ant people, alien vissitors, the absense of global warming, gods, tooth faires and the honesty of their govt.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I'm back to relay another bit of insanity (to some)... Concerning the "ant people"... they have been described by black ops scientists as mantis-like beings and are often in charge of the nurseries where Greys are born and raised. I know, I'm nuts.

And as for these ETs being gods... the whole point of these scientists coming out as they have been is to tell us important things about what's happening and who's doing it. They want us to know that these beings DO die, they are NOT gods. They want to warn us because the powers that be want us to remain ignorant of the facts.

These are NOT my ideas, they are the opinions and experiences of professionals... either that or they are a collection of the best liars on the planet and they have great fun trying to hoax us all. Again, I refer to the Disclosure Project... listen to the testemonies of those lairs and judge for yourself.

Good searches on youtube are: "disclosure project", "alien agenda", "illuminati reptilians", "ufo sightings", "NASA tether incident", actually, NAA has some of the best footage of alien craft out there, including a crash. search these terms, and then check out related videos. Be careful of fakes, use your gut instict.

"Eyewitness alien accounts" is a good search, as well as "alien abductions". With the abductions documentaries and videos you will notice that many of them have nothing to do with being asleep in bed, having dreams. Many people think the abduction stories are just DMT-induced sleep terrors... but these people KNOW what they experienced.

I don't care about people getting offensive toward believers... I only share what I'm learning because I think it's potentially important to know. Take it or leave it, at least it's out there. I hope I'm wrong about all of it, and that we are just alone here by ourselves in the galaxy. Or at least that if these stories do mean that we're being visited, that the visitors are mostly benevolent. Whatever the case, I feel compelled to share this with open-minded people, no matter what negativity is shot across my bow in the process. cc


The Tri Guy
Personally, from my closed mind, I feel that there are enough serious conspiracies being perpetrated against the public to be afraid of and to research and look at, perhaps try to counter, without buying into the smoke and mirrors that are being put up to make anyone who doubts the honesty of the govt etc seem like new age loonies.


sunshine in a bag
the dumbasses in this thread trying to explain how they "know" E.T. is real remind me of tom cruise trying to talk about scientology.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
the dumbasses in this thread trying to explain how they "know" E.T. is real remind me of tom cruise trying to talk about scientology.

I think Tom Cruise is an alien:abduct:....how is that dude human? Haha...the man's a douchebag from outerspace, he is everything that is just ridiculous.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I used to think Scientology was crazy. How things change! hehehe Not so crazy to me now, still a little crazy, but if I've learned anything in life, it's... anything's possible, nothing's impossible.

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