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The Tri Guy
You don't need to prove the flying spaghetti monster Kizzattack, no one can doubt the existence of it. We all KNOW that to be out there, only the closed minded would argue against that.


Active member
Sayin they aint out there just dont make sence. Sayin they aint out there says ya think we'r gonna end up all dead dont it? :abduct: If we get off this rock before it gets hit by a nother rock, wel be TE's, wont we. Terestrial Extras. If we make it. If we survive past a colition with a bigass meteior. I dont think we can unless we lern to fly round in space and take up residence somewhere that aint due for a metior strike for a whi9le. If we cant we'r gonners aint we? So we'r all gonna die then? I meen our desendants. Them. Theyre all gonna die cause we never get outta here and we dont avoid the innevitable metior strike? So I guess thats it then huh. :abduct: Sayin THEY aint there is like sayin WE'L never get there. -Shame on Yas.


The Tri Guy
Hairless, if we got there and someone else had already set up camp, do you think we'd hang around for a couple of thousand years just popping up in the equivalent of cave paintings and youtube videos?


Active member
Hairless, if we got there and someone else had already set up camp, do you think we'd hang around for a couple of thousand years just popping up in the equivalent of cave paintings and youtube videos?

Well when we do evolve enoughf to get outta here what do you think wel do. I now take it you do think wel get out there dont you? What do you think wel do uot there? Will we be on seak and concour missions? It seems thats what you think theyd do. Would that be because thats what youd do? If so, dont that6 explane why they take the caution they do?


St. Elsewhere
This is interesting, though I'm sure most of you have heard it.. It was featured on the last track of Tool's Lateralus CD, a track called "Faaip De Oiad" which translates to voice of God. This track was originally heard on the Art Bell Show when someone called in with the following:

"I, I don't have a whole lot of time.
Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51.
I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and,
[chokes] I've kind of been running across the country.
Damn, I don't know where to start, they're,
they're gonna, um, they'll triangulate on this position really

OK, um, um, OK,
what we're thinking of as, as aliens,
they're extradimensional beings,
that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made
contact with.
They are not what they claim to be.
Uh, they've infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the
military establishment,
particularly the Area 51.

The disasters that are coming, they, the military,
I'm sorry, the government knows about them.
And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could
begin moving
the population to now. They are not!
They want those major population centers wiped out so that the
that are left will be more easily controllable."

The caller called back later in a flat voice saying that it was a hoax, but it's one of those things that never got fully dismissed by the people who heard it.

I remember my first time hearing it, I was laying in bed in the pitch black half asleep half listening to the "New" Tool CD (At the time), when the last track came on. That's some scary shit.


This is where the dude calls back claiming it's a hoax, but even he's not sure why the show's satellite was taken down, pretty creepy.



Active member
If we wannet to destroy the gorillas we could. Why dont we? Is it because we have a small amount of wizdom? Would the ET's be wizer than us or would they be cunning. Cunning takes monkey hands and heads and sellsem on the black market. Wize dose not. Could anyone say its "WIZE" to sell monkey hands and heads on the black market? If you throw your lot in with thieves and murderers, theyl ly in wait for your blood. They lye in wait for theyr own. Wheres the wizdom in that? I think these ET are well aware of this. Thats why theyre cautious bout revealin themselves to us. If they do it wide spread theyl have to let everyone know bout them. They know theres still too many cunning hu8mans on this Earth still. They dont want no SHITT flyin round in space.


The Tri Guy
I think in order to survive we will have to one day. In order to survive long term anything that evolves around a star will have to leave their solar system as all stars die. The journey would be that long that we/they will have to construct a glactic arc to carry enough genetic material to reproduce along the way as it would be too long a journey for any one generation. Think battlestar gallactica (is anyone old enough to remember that?). If they had just arrived here, and came face to face with a planet that not only can support life, but is over run with it, and not only that, had developed weapons that could destroy them, then a softly soflty catchy monkey approach to learn how to disable deffences, learn how to combat natural deseases that have evolved here, and maybe enhance their own genetic make up that has declined due to genetic inbreeding caused by a relatively small population base, would be feasable. But in all the accounts, people talk about them having been here for thousands of years, and I think to assume it takes that long to overcome any difficulties such a race would have is ridiculous. Not to mention that we had no weapons capable of dealing with invaders, (assuming that we do now) until around 60 years ago. And even deploying them would kill us too. For them to leave it this long to settle here, if they have been around for a while, is really bad planning on their part. On the other hand, as our technology develops to a point where these flying disks become buildable, stories of their sightings become widespread. I've never said that I don't think anyone has seen a ufo, Ive said that it is more likely that they originate here. I don't think it is impossable that life exists else where, in fact just the opposite, to assume that it can evolve here and no where else is too arrogant even for me :). I think that it is likely that at various points in time, in each section of the galaxy never mind the universe, life will spring up and die out. In at least one section of the universe, at one point in time, perhaps 2 will develop close enough in space and time, to travel to, and meet each other. To assume that ours is that point though is just as arrogant as saying that that ours is the only place life can ever exist. And to assume that one will wait for thousands of years before making widespread contact with the other doesn't make any sense at all. Whats more, to assume that the govts of our planet, would enslave us for their alien masters, rather than their own pockets and domestic masters seems to far fetched for even a conspiracy theorist of my persuasion.


The Tri Guy
What is wise to one human is silly to another. You are assuming that they have developed a moral code that is similar to your own Hairless. We havent delevloped a moral code for our planet, never mind a universe.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Edit: I didn't see GMT's ^^ post above.....let me recant my sanity plee...
:rant:Well, so far this Extraterrestials thread has covered the whole gammet.....from UFO's which is different from aliens (GMT),......... to God, Religion & Spirituality, Politics......the Aliens approve of Obama (why not?)...... Cannabis (of course),......... the open minded verse the closed minded,.......... being ignorant doesn't mean your being called stupid,............. Rojos' pink floating elephants (us believers will be seeing next)......., believing is not have "actual proof",............ "we'll believe it when we see it" (but what about the blind?),............ GMT believes in the flying spaghetti monster & loc ness monster (we never said we did).............the non-believers have imagined more than we ever said........., You Tube means uncredible, not incredible,........... SirGrassalot...we've heard it all before....still no proof,.................. Me (desi) wondering why no one will give any credit to the Disclosure Project (eye witness accounts recorded on radar & such from the most respected people in public service & the Military Industrial Complex.........( who could not make this kinda stuff up),.........Rojo again," but everything is photographed on a Brownie 35 cam from the seventies,"........ to likes of Feyd disrespecting CC & HairlessCaveApe for saying they don't know anything.......... and MarquisBlack with all his sane help & support...........another words,......... everything from acting like a 5 year old and silly professor....... to sharing very deep emotional & rational discussions on a matter that determines everyones freedom from a government that continues to hide the truth from us all..........sound familiar?.........is there any sanity left?



Bodhisattva of the Earth
When you have an encounter with an Extraterrestial via a UFO I 'believe' many times there is a telepathic exchange or instant communication that happens which could be likened to God talking to you. It is a life enhancing change in the positive sense. It's like when your high and you get goosebumb thought waves that are positive and enlightening. You think, "wow, that's a great thought," and then you meditatae or expand that thought into someything. I 'know' that is what happened to HairlessCaveApe and others like my sister. She told me about a life changing experience with some UFO's......I know call me crazy!......love ya all!.desi!


tonight i was sitting on a bench with my buddy, i was literally in outer space if you know what i mean.. totally isolated, just disconnected from each other while we both shared our unique experiences and man.... i was really focusing on my third eye jsut meditating and focusing hard on it and all of the sudden i had a strange experience visually... i saw 3 small individual pulsating colorfull and tiny... 1 came before the next about 15 minutes apart?.. I had a very odd sense of consciousness where words had no purpose... anyway, the first light i saw.... i focused really hard on it, it changed from blue to red quite often also maybe green. the next fifteen a 2nd appeared.. seemingly from the distance to be 4 inches apart from the first, which remained lit. closer inspection for a brief moment i saw they were only house lights, but to be literal, why would they change color and appear in a way that when i focused on one, then the next, i felt like i was expanding a rubber band in my mind/perception/sight, all my thoughts were so spread out time stood still. This happened a third time and at this time i was for some reason seeing it and imagining it as living chakras in horizontal form, i kept thinking i had to light the 4th at that spot but to my dismay i did not know how. The first three felt as if once one was "lit", ill now say, i was intrigued by it so much i became one with it.....

Either that or theres 3 lights on a house with 3 timers 15 minutes apart haha... but the color.. and wisdom I had at these moments? pretty righteous.

we realized it had been 40 minutes and got up. we both kinda nodded at each other seeming to be happy with whatever we did and walked back up the hill.

oh aliens? I really hope so, there is a lot of knowledge out there and in terms of dimensions? I believe they are infinite and anything, literally anything is possible. We are all HERE, at THIS moment in time, this one, this one,.... for a reason, who the fuck knows why but i wish "they" or whatever we think collectively......we all feel it.... about speculations, really convincing stories etc ..... would really open up to us and share truths to us with actual proof for ourselves. for now im using what i KNOW to be true in that sense and to try and help myself grow spiritually, to me its like levels in an RPG haha, i always loved the analogy. Every once in a seemingly great time, could be long, could be short, we all experience odd revelations about life, the universe, everything, and use that new perspective as their new "self". Except you must try to imagine there are infinite levels possible and grow (i mean personally, but of course also the plant we all love) to do what you come to realize is the only right thing you gotta do. ready? go

ok peace all. grow on


are you by any chance ET? :laughing:

h^2 O

okay a lot of people are talking about "UFOs" here but we need to realize UFO does not=alien. We do not know if it is something else, aliens, or humans from the future. We don't know.
I personally think 99% of the UFO shit is the Air Force. I mean they had the fucking SR-71 in like the late 50's dude!
If there ever WAS an "alien crash" it was that big "explosion" in Siberia in the early 1900's...what the fuck is it called...you know what I mean though. I don't buy that it was a meteor or asteroid that exploded in the air - I think it was an alien ship that self-destructed coming in on a crash landing. Why would they self-destruct? To hide evidence. But why hide evidence?

When you think about the SR-71 prototype being around in the late 50's it makes me think about some of the stuff I've read about Philadelphia Experiment/Project Rainbow/Montauk Project. Supposedly the Montauk Project or Project Rainbow was where the wormhole or whatever from the Philadelphia Project brought people...it took people from the Philadelphia Experiment 1947? to Montauk New Jersey 1985. Essentiually we were able to go from 1947 to 1985, and that's the reason there was a huge technology boom in the late 40's and 50's - television, computers, microwaves, radio, all kinds of shit. And then it eventually stalls, the rate at which this new technology comes about declines. Some people claim this is because one report of a guy on the Montauk Project said they could NOT go into the future past 2012. And this is why technology has kind of stalled where it is now - there's jack shit.
Check out Montauk Project/Project Rainbow. One of the accounts is fucking SCARY - talking about a portal to another dimension made there and some kind of fucked monster that came out which caused a huge lockdown and the eventual closing of the program/facility.EDIT: which is EERILY similar to Stephen King's "The Mist." Wonder where he go that idea.


Active member
What is wise to one human is silly to another. You are assuming that they have developed a moral code that is similar to your own Hairless. We havent delevloped a moral code for our planet, never mind a universe.

I dont assume they have a "moral code that is simular to mine." From all that nature has taut me and by all that I see around me I extrapelate they are wize. Theyre wize and because of theyr wizdom they aint interested in spreadin "theyr" moral code round. Theyr intrested in nurturing WIZDOM.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Here's an experience my sister had one night. This is for the benefit of those who already know what's up, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything.

My sister was driving home late one night when a small saucer appeared at the tree top level on her right side... it was obviously travelling with her, at the same speed. Another car was several hundred yards behind her, but close enough to see what was happening.

The saucer swooped down almost on top of her hood and started following her again but on the other side of the road. While this was happening the car behind her psed up to get a better view. It left after a couple minutes.

My sister turned down her road, which was a very lonely road, and the car behind her followed her to her house. There was no reason this car would follow her down this random, lonely road. The car parked right behind her car and she darted into the house, scared shitless. The car stayed there for several minutes before leaving.

The person in the car was probably scared shitless, too, and wanted to confirm with my sister what had happened.

This is one of MILLIONS of stories like this. But these people all must be collectively nuts. :)

Truth is stranger than fiction.


Active member
I think in order to survive we will have to one day. In order to survive long term anything that evolves around a star will have to leave their solar system as all stars die. The journey would be that long that we/they will have to construct a glactic arc to carry enough genetic material to reproduce along the way as it would be too long a journey for any one generation. Think battlestar gallactica (is anyone old enough to remember that?). If they had just arrived here, and came face to face with a planet that not only can support life, but is over run with it, and not only that, had developed weapons that could destroy them, then a softly soflty catchy monkey approach to learn how to disable deffences, learn how to combat natural deseases that have evolved here, and maybe enhance their own genetic make up that has declined due to genetic inbreeding caused by a relatively small population base, would be feasable. But in all the accounts, people talk about them having been here for thousands of years, and I think to assume it takes that long to overcome any difficulties such a race would have is ridiculous. Not to mention that we had no weapons capable of dealing with invaders, (assuming that we do now) until around 60 years ago. And even deploying them would kill us too. For them to leave it this long to settle here, if they have been around for a while, is really bad planning on their part. On the other hand, as our technology develops to a point where these flying disks become buildable, stories of their sightings become widespread. I've never said that I don't think anyone has seen a ufo, Ive said that it is more likely that they originate here. I don't think it is impossable that life exists else where, in fact just the opposite, to assume that it can evolve here and no where else is too arrogant even for me :). I think that it is likely that at various points in time, in each section of the galaxy never mind the universe, life will spring up and die out. In at least one section of the universe, at one point in time, perhaps 2 will develop close enough in space and time, to travel to, and meet each other. To assume that ours is that point though is just as arrogant as saying that that ours is the only place life can ever exist. And to assume that one will wait for thousands of years before making widespread contact with the other doesn't make any sense at all. Whats more, to assume that the govts of our planet, would enslave us for their alien masters, rather than their own pockets and domestic masters seems to far fetched for even a conspiracy theorist of my persuasion.

Cmon Man, BatelstarGalactica? Is that what You think will save us? Its our selfishness and greed that keeps us stukk on this rock. Its got nothin to do with not havin a "BatelstarGalactica". Theyre not atraid of our nukes. Our nukes cant hurt them. Its our greed and selfishness that theyr afraid of. Those are the "dificulties" your referin to. These are the dificulties that "such a race" must overcome. Do You think we'v overcome these dificulties? After "thousands of years" have we overcome these "dificulties"?


Domesticator of Cannabis
This is uncanny....I was checking out the NASA video
& thought wow maybe they're on to something.

These guys know how to surf.

I haven't seen artwork like this since Santa delivered my spirograph set.

Hey! get the fuck out of my crops.

What*^? you damn ripper.



The Tri Guy
hi hairless, so your arguenet is that to overcome the selfishness of the people, they're working with our politicians?