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Registered Med User
considering all the planets in different solar systems and galaxies and amongst those we have already confirmed planets with similar weather/elements as our own close by, it would be ignorant to assume there isnt just cuz they havent contacted us. How far have we traveled off of our planet? What makes you think they maybe cant get very far either?


The Tri Guy
I've been considering the logistics, and decided that it would be feasable, though still very unlikely, but accept not impossible. Its just odd that all sightings are made by laypeople rather than astronomers who spend their lives watching the skies.

Oh and the furthest we have got off our planet is the moon. Radiation beyond that point becomes too much for our technology to protect our bodies from. Without 6 feet of lead in all directions.


St. Elsewhere
Wow, Crazy Composer, thanks for that link. I've been looking at the Martial Law aspect for awhile now and I can't believe I had missed that one.


Well-known member
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell part of Apollo 14 moon mission said yesterday to the press that extraterrestial life does exist and the truth is being concealed by the government.

This is nothing new. Edgar Mitchell has been making money by spreading this nonsense for years now, but he has yet to produce any evidence that he was really subject to any inside information that his fellow astronauts weren't.

His claims aren't unlike most UFO nutjobs. Aliens are amoung us, and every government in the world is in on the conspiracy to keep it a secret. LOL! So why did anyone tell him about it? And why doesn't every other astronaut back up his claim?

Sadly, it seems Edgar Mitchell has a long history of making up & believing ridiculous things. In 2004 he also claimed to have been cured of kidney cancer by a teenage "remote healer" from several thousand miles away. Kidney cancer that he was never diagnoised with in the first place I might add.

What kind of person claims to have cancer that really doesn't? And then claims to have been cured of that cancer by mysterious powers from several thousand miles away? LOL!


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
He's NOT the only astronaut admitting these things. Ever hear of Buzz Aldrin? There are literally thousands of accounts, hundreds of thousands of videos and pictures (Many are fake). Only ONE needs to be true to prove the whole thing. Think about that, only one needs to be true, only one.

If you want to know the truth, you'll stop looking for why it's not true. The ONLY two ways to not know what's going on is either you don't have access to the facts, or you are too scared to accept the new reality. I admit, it is exceedingly scary to accept what's happening, at first. Once you delve deeply enough, there are no more questions about whether or not we are part of a galactic community, the questions become more along the lines of: what is life like for this or that species? What are their motivations? What is their family life like?

To my brothers and sisters who know... don't be discouraged by social conservatives that will show up, or have very recently shown up in this thread. They are here to act like you are idiots, like the old, ignorant ways are the only state-sanctioned ways, so you better tow the party line. Remember this: the widest mouths are located inches away from the narrowest minds. ;) Commence with the proving of this theory.


Domesticator of Cannabis
To my brothers and sisters who know... don't be discouraged by social conservatives that will show up, or have very recently shown up in this thread. They are here to act like you are idiots, like the old, ignorant ways are the only state-sanctioned ways, so you better tow the party line. Remember this: the widest mouths are located inches away from the narrowest minds. ;) Commence with the proving of this theory.

Hey & don't think for one minute Elvis isn't alive, with all the sightings only ONE need be true. Blue Suede shoes will be a hit once again with a bullet. Damn conspiracies we know, we're in the know. There's a good chance he's also an alien. This guy had his own moon orbiting him.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Truth be told, we need all the skeptics and fakes because the truth has a funny way of manipulating it's way to the surface. The truth floats on water, it will never drown because of lack of oxygen! ;)
I have spent a long time thinking about ufos, especially the ones I've seen (which I think now after having some very stoned insights were on at least 2 occasions were these homeland security blimps), and I've come to think its all the USA government. They have black op projects, high altitude homeland security blimps, satellites, UAV's, drones, holograms and holographic imaging, energy weapons, "mind confusion" electromagnetic weapons, weather control, etc etc and who knows what else.

Alien abductions? DMT and night terrors. Maybe I'll change my mind when I see one.
Ancient "UFO" depictions, well we weren't there, and theres no way to say what that is and what is being represented. Ancient people were dumb and didn't know SHIT about how the universe actually works. Looking at most people today they don't know shit and don't know how many planets we have. And I'm not talking about whether Pluto is a planet or not and those other proto planets either I'm talking about they don't know we have at least 8 and that it goes mercury Venus earth mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto (let alone Neptune and Pluto switched who was closest for a time)... Sooo yeah aliens? If someone has some good evidence, I'd like to see it. I've looked at lots of shit. Weird stuff too. But nothing is really conclusive, and that's the bottom line.

I tend to think of most UFO's now as a magic trick, and often one the governments are pulling on the people as their own psi op and disinfo campaign. Everyones seen the statue of liberty disappear why don't you think any UFO vid in some way, even if what is being filmed is legit there, is not in some way a magic trick or other illusion you are seeing.

This is much more likely than any kind of extraterrestrial being visiting us, for while they surely exist, the chances of any actually having conquered space travel, AND then find earth and be so interested in us to come here is not only completely egoistic but really doesn't have much evidence going for it.

Its more likely an advanced and yet undiscovered terrestrial species if that were the case and that is also as HIGHly unlikely as aliens. (Its possible humans could have discovered primitive means of flight, like gliders and such, and other primitive peoples mistaking them for UFOs and the people flying them for gods when the short flight lands some miles away in another land. But not very probable. Still more likely than real aliens.)

Be happy. We are the aliens, and we smoke pot. Pot smoking aliens. Take me to your dealer!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Yeah Right, the Mayans were dumb as shit and didn't know how the universe works.:abduct:
The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica.

Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize.

Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Olmec, the Mayans developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Mayans were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Mayans were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples.

Many people believe that the ancestors of the Mayans crossed the Bering Strait at least 20,000 years ago. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Evidence of settled habitation in Mexico is found in the Archaic period 5000-1500 BC - corn cultivation, basic pottery and stone tools.

The first true civilization was established with the rise of the Olmecs in the Pre-Classic period 1500 BC -300 AD. The Olmecs settled on the Gulf Coast, and little is known about them.

The Mayans are regarded as the inventors of many aspects of Meso-American cultures including the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing in the Western hemisphere. Archeologists have not settled the relationship between the Olmecs and the Mayans, and it is a mystery whether the Mayans were their descendants, trading partners, or had another relationship. It is agreed that the Mayans developed a complex calendar and the most elaborate form of hieroglyphics in America, both based on the Olmec's versions.


I saw on the History Channel recently where we can not still figure out how they have calculated every solar & lunar eclipse still to this day at the exact time by their astronomical calendars.
Nothing about the Maya is really more advanced than any other ancient civilization such as the Sumerians or Egyptians. Such peoples had nothing to do all day but look up at the sky for thousands of years and figure that shit out. Of course their math would be correct, cause math is correct! It's not a miracle it's mathematics.

If any of these ancient civilizations were so advanced why aren't they still around :p

The largest pyramid is in China a hollowed out mountain structure, and the Chinese gov doesn't allow access to it. Allegedly it is filled with intricate gold and gems in carved works and along the walls. Ancient peoples hollowed out a mountain basically to make it.

Human beings, even and especially ancient human beings, are capable of a lot of stuff. And we don't need gods or aliens to do it either. Maybe some telekinetic and other magic powers but certainly no gods or aliens :)

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I am so addicted to the Riley Martin show. trust me it is fantastic. look it him up. weekly radio show hosted by guy who was abducted. my favourite hour of the week.

O-Qua Tangin Wann Qua Omsa Lagee Wann

The best piece of indisputable evidence for ufo I heard of is the japan air black box recording from early 90s flying over arctic.


Active member
Yeah Right, the Mayans were dumb as shit and didn't know how the universe works.:abduct:
The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica.

Originating in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, western Honduras, El Salvador, and northern Belize.

Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Olmec, the Mayans developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Mayans were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. They were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Mayans were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples.

Many people believe that the ancestors of the Mayans crossed the Bering Strait at least 20,000 years ago. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers. Evidence of settled habitation in Mexico is found in the Archaic period 5000-1500 BC - corn cultivation, basic pottery and stone tools.

The first true civilization was established with the rise of the Olmecs in the Pre-Classic period 1500 BC -300 AD. The Olmecs settled on the Gulf Coast, and little is known about them.

The Mayans are regarded as the inventors of many aspects of Meso-American cultures including the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing in the Western hemisphere. Archeologists have not settled the relationship between the Olmecs and the Mayans, and it is a mystery whether the Mayans were their descendants, trading partners, or had another relationship. It is agreed that the Mayans developed a complex calendar and the most elaborate form of hieroglyphics in America, both based on the Olmec's versions.


I saw on the History Channel recently where we can not still figure out how they have calculated every solar & lunar eclipse still to this day at the exact time by their astronomical calendars.

Hey Howdy Desi! Blessins on Ya my Brudda! Do you know what year Adam got here? I think folks started gettin smarter rite round then. Teknowlegy I meen. It says in the Bible that the angles that wouldnt serv us we'r thrown outta Heavin. Hell musta been anywhere outside the garden of Eden. The cronolegy escapes me now but they musta got here round then,:abduct: sometimes after God toldem to serve us. I guess they took what they could steal. Ships and shitt I meen. I dont think they got too many of the good ones. I think they had to get earth people to make them some metals and shitt. To do stuff for them so they could make more ships. The ones I seen wasnt one of theres. The ones I seen was lookt like it was made of light but it was solid. You could see its solid form threw the light. Thats the ride of an Angel of Light! :abduct: The ones that got thrown down here didnt get none of the good ones. Not many if any. They got thrown out and when they were runnin outta Heavin they could only grab what they could grab quick. Their not Angles of Light. They made that distintion when they rebeled. Their the angles of darkness. God created them just like he created us. The Angles there, humans here, countless others elcewhere. God made them. Long ago. The Angles are much older then humans. Much more developed. :abduct:For reasons God only knows he thought we were the most beautyfull things He ever made. He told His Angles to serv us. Thats when the Devil rebeled along with his minions. They were kikkt out prolly with little more then they could cary. They were only able to take minimal tek. The shittyest ships and shitt.:abduct:It musta tookem a while to build their shitt up to the point where they are today. Theyre tek is improved greatly and Im shure they infiltrated the govt. To get the amount of ships they want they need us. They want to get back to Heavin. Their shittheads. Theyr vanity made them want to rule alongside God. They want to rule beside theyr Creator. They were jellous of us because God said WE were more beautyfull then THEM. Envious. They use lots of these negative emotions against us SPIRITUALLY. These SINS are their spiritual wepons against us. Theyr here amongst us and they HATE us. :abduct:The Angles of Light are here still too. They wont let this happen. Straight up. Theyr gonna kikk some ass. The Angles of Light got LOTS better tek. They got the kindsa ships I saw. Theyr loyal to God. They got the kinda ships I saw and they RULE Heavin in the name of our Father. :abduct: See what happened here? We didnt see the alians for what they were. :abduct:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I dont know anyone who has three terrestials. I only have 2. I imaging a third one would only cause the middle one to get squished, and become cylindrical. he he he


I belive there has to be some form of life out there. But the problem is how far away? most likely thousands of light years away and way out of our reach.