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EXPERIMENT: Humboldt County's Own Gravity in Veg

That is very interesting. At the local store guy told me bushmaster is used to kinda make a lagging plant catch up with the others. I asked if it reduces strech from say a genitic chracteristic, maybe he didn't understand me but said no. I will be trying this next run. The strain i am working with is 75+days, If I could reduce that by 2 weeks using this, wow! What are any noticable negitive of using this bushmaster? Less bud sites? Quaility? Can a 60 day flower be reduced to 46 days? Anyone try this outdoors?

20kw dreams

Smoke another - that guy is a jack ass. BM is a hormone additive which cause plants to halt vertical growth, intensify side shoots, and go straight into flower. It definately reduces your finish time 2 weeks on an 8 week strain. This run I harvested at 41 days. Looks like I'm going to get above average yields for the strain I'm running. I think I could get my time down to 35 days if I used a finish product like Overdrive and I KNOW my yields would have been better if I didn't heat burn my ladies. Only negative effect is the burn if you get it, and the budrot that tends to come right at harvest due to the density of your buds.

Smoke another - the media wasn't reused, It was 2 different fresh soil mixes. I just watered with gravity, at 1/2 strength, not full strength, once. Plants were not stressed in the slightest. It really was the best I could do to determine if I could reuse the media, without waiting until my crop was done. Otherwise the current media would have been wasted, because I wasn't going to keep it around the next 2 months while I ran a little experiment. The results of this little experiment did in fact decide whether I would or would not reuse the media. I think the bottle says 5ml 2 x? Is that right? I threw my bottle away. So I figured 2.5ml/gal once was a good dose to decide whether Gravity would have a negative impact on plants in veg, therefore be safe to reuse the media.

Really, everyone should take what they see as just what a couple have said: this only proves a 1/4 stength dose of gravity in veg slows growth. This however is an exceptional reason to not go out and try reusing your media, because if you throw your clones in a batch of media with gravity residue, it may slow growth. If the experiment had shown plant doing just fine or shoot to the stars with 2.5ml/gal, then it would show that an even smaller dose from residue definately isn't going to hurt, right? Maybe it's not the most scientific experiment, but I was working with what I had, and it did something, eh?:)

I will however, for science sake, run an experiment with my used media. I'm throwing it away, because I don't think it is safe at this point, but maybe the next experiment will prove otherwise. For this run though, it's a no go.

What do you guys think about just starting up an "Official Gravity/Bushmaster/Purple Maxx Thread" Thread? It seems this thread has kind of become the unofficial thread, but the title is all off.


great thread... havent reused my coco after using gravity yet will try it soon... But it deffinitly bulks up the buds quickly they are so dense i can see why mold could be a prob... i dosed it a little light and never saw any curl or problems... the pmaxx deffinitly added frost and incresed the smell abit... trying out the bushmaster now but after tryig the other 2 im sure it will kick ass...
20kw-I agree, and official test thread is needed. 2 weeks is a lot of time, 41 days super, like WOW. Have you used the same criteria to judge ripeness? Are the trics cloudy to amber this soon? Do buds have same effect as a non added strain. As impressed as I was with gravity, I will be using this on this run, just got clones, their in thier starter pots, and when transplanted I will be starting my test. I wonder what exactly is in this stuff , and if any buildup or anything is present? :woohoo: Great Thread BTW, best news in the world IMO.


Active member
Yah we need a thread that specifically deals with how to grow with these products for sure since they are so revolutionary IMO.

I was excited by your quick harvest.

I'm gonna try the BM and PM with the Purple Kush strain I have I'm not sure about the gravity I'll probably skip that. The thing is this strain is such a short stretcher as it is [4-6inches] that I'm used to vegging em up to the size I want before flowering. As it is this PK I got finishes quick. I've taken it as early as 7 weeks and it was nice and ripe. I would say it's a 7-8 week strain in a good room.
I think if I were to use the BM I could cut it down to 6-7 week strain and that would be a wonderful thing!

I'm gonna need to study up on how to use the BM in a Soil-less medium like Pro-mix cuz that's how I grow. I'm figuring I'll have to use a lil less maybe and then flush the medium out after a couple days of it being in there? I dl'ed the BM instructions so I'm gonna go read em.

Here's a link to detailed BushMaster Instructions....
http://www.bghydro.com/mmbgh/Others/Bush Master Instructions.pdf
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20kw dreams

Yes, I've always used the same method to test ripeness: Hairs, not trichomes, but hair recession over entire plant, about 50% at start, usually harvesting over a few days.


Pro-mix would be like hydro I think, unless it is really heavy. Hiow heavy is it compared to ready-gro, or light-mix? I've been running perlite, coco, and aero mixes, and it was all the same if it's not soil. Just run it 3ml/gal for 5 days, then chenage your rez out. The slight residue isn't going to keep effecting your plants. I used it in straight coco just now, and it was fine with the (my) standard dosage.


Active member
hey 20k....... i see you have things dialed in nicely ...... i remember you back from og from your ice and sage days..... mite have been some hog kicking tooo cant remember

heres what i been up to ... bro .....

SourBubble Bx3 Light Pheno

Dark Pheno

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Active member
Thanks for the informative thread with both experimental and control results....

:ying: kind regards from the guineapig :ying:

20kw dreams

LMFAO!! Lucid! You remember that shit! That's hella funny bro! Those were the days! My Patients still talk about that ICE! That's right, and some HOG, and some Hashplant. That was my first hydro grow...got maybe 1/2lb I think off that light! Damn good weed though. Canopy was all over the place! lol...lots has changed since then, huh! check out the 6kw ling in my sig bro

So, did I mention yet DO NOT USE PURPLE MAXX IN YOUR REZ? If so, I'm telling you again. That shit is a fuckin mess. I got these big oll floaty masses of some kind of growthy somethin, I don't know what. Looked like bacteria globs or something. Not algea or moss, but these translucent floaty globs. The only place I've seen shit like that s in a bucket of old piss or something that's been sitting around for a couple months. I don't even know if I ever actually saw that ever, but that's what it reminds me of anyways!

Plants are harvested completely finally, and I have some coco to reuse which was hit with all 3 HCO products. I need to hit it with some gnatrol pretty hard first, cause there are a few fungus gnats I want to get rid of before I replant. So, I'll have a new experiment coming up, but I'll preobably put it on the upcoming HCO thread


i got some free samples of humbolts line. i've only used the bm and it stopped vert. growth with one application. i used it at i ml. per lit. i was already in flower and started getting a sat. pheno. stretch. wondering if it's gonna stay in my coco. that's what i read. i'll prob. end up tossing the medium after this grow. maybe keep it and see if i have any probs. on next go round...
Great thread!!!


Active member
this wee here thread could use a bumpity bump......lookin forward to the HOC thread 20, when you think your gonna kick it off.......my shop finally got this shniz stocked so lookin forward to playin with it! thanks for gettin the convo started bro.



Active member
hey good work havnt seen PGRs used in veg before and always keen on a good trial or test..

In the past ive used Uturn or paclobutrazol and cycocel ok results heavy bud but maby not so tasty and prone to mould. But for a grower that hasnt fully got the hang of 12/12 timing it will improve yield to a point but nothing huge or that couldnt be achieved without PGRs. with PGRs you can veg room to the brim then flower not worring about the stretch..

20kw dreams your dose rates seem pretty strong or maby the gravity is just alitle weaker than what i used. Uturn still work well at 1/4 dose to give you an idea just how well these hormones work.

paclobutrazol 1x drop per 15litres (atleast 50 drops in a mill)

cycocel 1ml per litre upto 2ml beond this dose many nute companys say final bud could be toxic. U turn recomend you use in the first part of flower weeks 1 and 2 . Growth technoligies did alittle research on these products years ago saying dose rates where high in most products but if use correctly or at lower doses should be safe to smoke.

Nulife nutes Uturn to the bottom of page

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20kw dreams

Well, my camera broke, so that's been keepin me chillin lately. IC's not as much fun without pic:( I have 13 trashbags full of used medium sittin around though.

BTW - Coco makes a shitty mulch. Especially after the rain.

Yeah, thc, all this shit is sketchy really though. I don't know WTF is in Bushmaster, but it is at least made in humboldt for the specific purpose of MJ, so I trust they would not give us dosage rates that might be a potential health risk, especially given the whole MMJ movement.

You've never seen PGR's used in veg? That is usually when they are used, in standard horticulture anyways. Branching and height control, really. How do you think 6 packs at home depot are so lush? PGR's bud! Keeps em tight!

The gravity dose rate is pretty strong, considering I was just really testing to check the effects of a residue. Better safe then sorry. Now that I have some actual used medium, I will do another test with that. I've got a grip of clones vegging right now, so they'll come out of that, once I set them up for flower.

I'm keeping my plants so much smaller then I used to now, and keep them short enough so I don't have to trim out any undergrowth, yet they yield just as good as if I had let them grow out. More time taken off the whole.

Ya'll should check out Dalton's "Sri-Lankan Sea of Green" or somethin in the coco forums. He got some pretty good results from mixing BM coco with fresh coco. Made his plants bush out like they were topped, without getting topped.

I'm gonna be sprayin my clones with BM at 1ml/gal soon as they root out in the 3" blocks I put them in a couple days ago. They are already rooting through the bottom, but I want them established before I hit them with the BM.


20kw dreams

So, I thought I should chime in again, since I basically forgot about this thread, even though it is in my sig.

I threw a bunch of clones in my used coco, and a bunch in new coco, and didn't have any ill effects at all. I did flush pretty heavy, which must have leached it all away, and the rez was changed 2x at the end of the lav crop, and then flushed again when replanted.

So basically, the results are don't use it in veg, and just give it a good flush before you reuse it.

Peace...and somebody else should make a HCO thread. I don't have the time to take on the responsibility that comes with starting a thread.

Peace out, and best of luck to all of you


Active member
20kw dreams said:
Also, maybe I should throw some tips out there for people using BM, since it seems to be the real breadwinner, and anyone using Gravity will prob also use the BM:
1) Raise your lights like the bottle says. Your ladies tend to like to get light/heat burn easy after using it.
2) Don't use it full strength. I use it 3ml for 5 days, instead of 5ml for 3 days.
3) Make sure you veg your plants as tall as they need to be, they won't grow but maybe 1-2" taller.
4) Topped plants seem to perform better.
5) Switch STRAIGHT to low N Bloom nutes! Plants seem to use little N, and like higher PK amounts. Go with it, as I think this is key to getting the full effects of BM
6) Some strains don't work well with BM. I have a Romulan which is super heady w/ no BM, but the BM KILLS resin production. The Lavender I'm running right now gets all phat and gnarly, with no reduction in trichome production. Of the 10-12 strains I've used it on, I would say 50% had no bad effect on trich's, 25% some effect but a good trade still, and 25% I wouldn't use it on again, because of negative trichome production.

Hi 20kw, I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. How long do you veg your plants for and how much space do you give each plant during flowering? At what stage do you top them and how much do you take off?
Also, you say that you have used BM on 10-12 strains. Which of the 50% that didn't show decreased trichs did it work best on in terms of yield increase and flowering time decrease? Thanks buddy.


20kw dreams

I usually run 1plant/ft2. Best time in my experience at that size to flip is as soon as they root out a bit and start putting on new growth. This is usually about a week for small rooted cuttings, or just a few days for something in like a 3" or 4" pot or rockwool cube. This should be longer by a week or so if using BM. Top them when you have 3 to 6 side shoots, depending on strain. Then squeeze the branch on any dominating tops to even out the canopy a bit.

I couldn't tell you now what strains did good or not, since it's been a while since I used it, and I'm not really one to take good records. I can tell you that it's the heavy Indica dominant strains that tend to have the negative reactions, where the Sativa's don't have as strong negative reaction. With hybrids it's really hit and miss what will react how, but like I said, I can't remember really.

There are a couple though, the latest ones I used it on. On lavender it worked a little too good, more stunted it then anything, but it produced nice tops and effected potency only mildly, and didn't make terribly hairy bud. Pot-o-gold it made the buds a little hairy, didn't effect potency that much, and had a strong positive reaction. Now that I'm thinking about it though, I think Sensi Star reacted pretty good, Spaceship bad, bubblegum bad, blueberry wanted a larger dose I think so I don't really know...and that's all I can think of for sure.

I'm actually usiing it on AK-47 and White Widow now. I'm expecting it to have a strong positive reaction on the AK, as in stop a bad stretch and branching and tighten up some of the large, looser type colas. The WW I don't know, I think it may fuck with it, since it's so indica dom. I kind of have to use it though, since these plants got so large on 2 tables, while the other 4 lights still needed time to veg.


Active member
Thanks 20k. Do you veg them under HID or fluros? I'm suprised that it works well on sensi star because it is a naturally short indica dominant strain. I guess that it's more of a grey area than black and white. Some indicas do well on BM and some sativas do poorly but on average sats respond better than indicas. What about the smell 20k? Is smell noticably decreased by BM? That could be a benefit to some growers.


What do you think if I top my bitches then apply foliar BM same day and flip to 12/12? All dirt.

Will the BM work as a good thing even if height is not an issue? In other words.... Will BM help me with anything else besides hieght regulations?

How long does it take for PurpMax to show results? I water fed in a soil mix once and foliar twice already. The lavy is about two weeks or so from finish sitting in a bathroom with good filtered sun light. Thanks for letting me bum some info off you!!

And what about using Gravity last 3 weeks of outdoor flowering?

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here's a question. im getting ready to use purple maxx and later, will be using gravity. i usually use MH during veg, and HPS during flower... but was thinking of trying Blazeoneup's method of using HPS during first 1/2 of flower and switching back to MH during the finish of flower.

has anyone used purple max and gravity during flower, under MH lamps? if so, have you also used it under HPS lamps, and what differences did you notice?

if i dont hear anything back by the end of novemeber, ill probably keep one of my lamps HPS and switch one back to MH to do the experiment myself.

great thread, good read. thnx everyone for the input!