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EXPERIMENT: Humboldt County's Own Gravity in Veg


i have a question concerning foliar feeding with BM in bloom, i'm a few days into bloom, they're still in stretch mode of course, instead of adding BM to my res i want to begin a foliar feeding instead to force flowering, anyone use BM this way? thanks for the knowledge!!!


20kw dreams

I have used it foliar, and it worked. 1/2 strength, 2 x a week a part, but it burned them, so I would say full strength once. I've also used it in veg 1ml/gal per bghydro.com directions, but while it made them more compact, I still ended up using it in the rez. I don't doubt freddy's experience though, so it may take some testing.


When I tried the folier I only used 1 ml per gal, prob why it didnt take


Active member
So let me get this straight, you are spraying the buds/leaves with something to increase trichome production? Can you be more specific for those of us (me) who dont know what it is you are doing exactly...looks amazing to say the least...

20kw dreams

Well, the Purple Maxx you can use as a foliar and increases trich production. It makes a fuckin mess in your rez is what I'm realizing, so I will make more of an effort to foliar next time around.

The BM makes them branchier, and halts vertical growth so they concentrate on bud production, and so yield more, and may or may not actually decrease trich production, depending on the strain.

I foliared with .5ml/quart, or 2ml/gal, and say immediate(2 days) results, but wanted to put it into the rez because I couldn't really get the undersides of the leaves easily. If you have a small crop that is easy to take the plants out to do a proper foliar, then I would say definately just foliar both the BM and the PM. You could make one of the 8oz bottles last years.

EDIT: I looked at my notes, and when I foliared the BM at the higher strength, it was 1ml/qt, which is 4ml/gal. That is more then I use in the rez(3ml for 5 days), and I did it 2 x. No wonder it burned:rolleyes: Try 2ml/gal, then give it a week between feedings to watch for a burn. You should be safe this way.

fred farts - I think the people who use the 1ml/gal do that in veg, then still hit them with the rez application at the onset of flower. I think you are just creating more nodes with the foliar rather then forcing it into flower production like the flowering application. That's just speculation from experience with how it reacts though.


Hey 20k, I think I may have made a good discovery! But I'm not sure.
I thought I had tossed all of the coco that had the BM in it from my last grow, but I realized that one five gallon container of the coco with the bm made it's way in to my coco mix. All of the old coco was mixed into a bin together and then I added 50 percent new coco and mixed again. My new plants are growing like they have been LST'd but they weren't, all of the side braches are sitting even with my canopy. It's gonna be pretty dense for sure. I don't know if this is going to beneficial, but I'm thinking it's gonna be.

If this works out it could mean that it could be possible to pre-treat coco with bm and run it right from the start.

I dunno well see.


Active member
haha so you guys really saying these things work and work well?

wow i thought these products would be total bs.. but that's cool i may have to check them out.

20kw dreams

Yes Seedynono, they work, well at least the BM and PM in my experience for sure.

Dalton - That's kind of what they do when you 1ml/gal spray them a few times, but I've never hit them that young. How is the growth rate with those from the start? With LST you get a few days growth halt before they start bushing out, and even then you usually have some branches that want to shoot up, and others that fall behind. What size pot is that in? looks like an 8" white square? And..is that a dehydrater in the background?lol


Busted.......damn it.... yeah good eye 20k thats a dehydrator but I swear it's my girlfriend's and Iv'e only used it once. lol...They were a little slow out of the gates but I think that's because I should have let em root longer in the rockwool cubes.
Now they seem to be growing pretty fast. The pots are either 6inches or 5and a 1/2
I can't remember. I'm thinking this could simulate tripeling my plant count. But I just started them on 12/12 yesterday and I guess if they don't stetch I'm screwed but it looks like they will considering it's such a week dose. I got a thread goin here
http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=51669&page=1&pp=15 with all the other details. I dunno well see... I'm gonna be siked if this works out. At what points in the grow did you foliar feed with the pm? I still have some and I didn't want to run it in the rez..but I'm definately gonna try out the foliar.



very nice thread
i just got the pm and wanted to know how far into flower
you started to use it.
i sprayed them at week 4 and saw results in two days.
Less than 1m.l. in a 25 ounce bottle.
i want my gdp to purple and have high temps.


I am hesitant spraying anything on the buds after a month in...I'm in soil, I might try the pm through the roots. I'll tell ya'll if i see anything out of the ordinary.

20kw dreams

Funny, my purple strain (lavender, which isn't very purple) isn't going purple, but my Afgooey's and Rom's are going purple, at least where they are yellowing in late flower. I'm actually getting more of a fuschia/redish purple though then the dark grape purple you usually get from purple strains, except. The lav is actually going purple a little, but it's just on the very tips of the calyx's, not the leaves(which is probably better), and it's barely noticable right now. I'm hoping by cooling the temps and letting it go a littel longer, it's pick up enough purps to be noticable after trimming.

I f'ed up though witht he PM I gave it to them 3 weeks before an 8 week finish date, but now it's 6 weeks and I already started harvesting, so they only are going to have 1 week to react to the PM. It seems like they don't react as much though after the first initial frost up. They still frost up more, but that first bang after 2 days of using on them is intense in comparison.

easyrasta- GDP should purp up no prob with the PM

Dalton - I'll be following that thread closely. I know what Dehydraters look like cause I have one of my own. In case of emergency:smokin:

So, it looks like the Gravity is all bad in veg. Nothin for sure yet, but they look to be falling behind all the others. I'll post some pics up in a minute. They're uploading right now.

20kw dreams

Gravity pics

Gravity pics

here's those pics. You can see the Gravity gals, which have the labels, are a little slower then the rest. Other then that, they look normal. Growth isn't any more compact or anything. I haven't taken them out to get a good close inspection or anything though. Maybe I'll do that.



The veg pics are speaking for themselves, i would say in a another week or so we will have a pretty clear answer:

do not use gravity in veg... :p
Am I missing something or? The label of gravity I have says something like 3 weeks b4 harvest, why use it during veg? Anyway I saw this thread, and had to comment that I used the gravity for the first time on a strain I never tried b4(SilverWreck)and unless this strain is the shizknick, this stuff does wonders. In an organic soil grow, I have never grown bud this nice. The colas dont even squish, its like rock, and huge...not a single branch on any of my plants is upright...the staked plants bend where not staked...in other words it does what I believe it is supposed to. I added the molasses like it suggested and wozza, I used it last watering b4 I begin flush. I now know why is called gravity! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

20kw dreams

lol..the point is to see if it is possible to reuse media after running gravity.

I don't know if it worked in flower or not really, because I ended up taking the crop down way before I expected, so ran it 10 days before I harvested. I also used it 1.2 strength. Are you guys using Gravity full strength?
I just watered full strength. No doubt it is good stuff, and it was a freebe from the shop so I can't complain! I'll get more for next run fo sho.

I went back and reread the entire thread, I just dont understand. If you wanted to find out if residual effects of using these products has an effect of plants in reused medium, why did you water with it? Wouldn't it be better to just admend your soil like you would, then continue like normal. Watering with it just adds more to the medium and is not a true experiment, and conclusions are not what would actually happen if you reused medium where these additives were used. On the bottle it also states not to use on stressed plants...those look young, probably not even able to take a full nute dose.

I aint tryin to start anything, just thought it important to know that these conclusions could have been figured out reading the bottle. I am sure the ones creating it here in humboldt have tried everything and anything to test this products effects.

I say IMO another experiment is necessary to actually see true results, your experiment may have concluded watering young plants with gravity in resued medium slows growth, but effects on plants in reused medium previously supplemented with gravity has yet to be tested.

I was super interested in one poster who said (was it?) PM took 2 weeks off harvest time? :yoinks: :yoinks: Now thats frickin amazing if thats true, do you know what the potential is if thats true? Wow an extremely interesting thread fo sho!! I gotta go get me some of that stuff. Thanks for all the info :wave:


smokinganother: its not the purplemaxx that removes time off flowering time its bush master. purple maxx helps produce crazy amounts of trichomes. bushmaster gets rid of that transition period between veg and bloom where the plant tends to stretch therein cutting back the time of flowering. gravity causes dramatic weight gains

great thread finally a thread on these products