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EXPERIMENT: Humboldt County's Own Gravity in Veg


20kw dreams

Hey everybody:wave:

So, I needed to see what kind of reaction Gravity had in Veg. Others and I have heard it can cause problems for plants in veg when reusing a medium after using Gravity and Bushmaster on the previous run. I don't know where I heard it, or if I heard it, or if it was true or what, so I'm just going to find out for myself.

I know that Bushmaster can be used in Veg to encourage extremely compact and bushy growth at a lesser dose of 1-2ml/gallon. For this reason I will not be using bushmaster in an experiment. I will however be giving a bushmaster foliar to a bunch of clones this weekend. If anyone wants to check that out, I will post a link in my sig when I do that, and mention it on this thread, as well as my grow thread I'm sure.

I've got 12 Lavenders. 6 in this tray and 6 in another, in 2 soil mixes. I'm only watering 2 of them with gravity. They are the 2 most vigorous of these 6, and about the same size as a couple others in the other tray, so any slow growth won't be from being a runt.

I watered them just an hour or so ago with 1ml/1.5 liter, or roughly 2.5ml/gal. This is way more then I think would be left in a medium after being flushed out for a week with 2 clean water changes. I'll continue watering with it at a lesser rate, maybe 1ml/gal
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20kw dreams

Sup playaction!:wave: Thanx for posting. This should be of interest to anyone who plans on using this stuff, and reusing their medium. Who knows,k maybe there will be a benefit of using it in veg. I know Bushmaster bushes your plants out in veg, maybe Gravity will Condense the nodes.

I will also be cloning off of these plants too, so we will see the effects from cloning off of Gravity-fed plants in veg eventually.

Well, 2 days now and they look fine. I think if it was going to straight off kill them, it would have done so by now. They look like they're growing faster then the others actually. I'll post pics tomorrow 4 sure. Drinkin beer tonight:)

If you are reading this and are interested, please post. Otherwise, I will probably not waste my time taking and posting pics. Something about watching a thread fall a page back in a day that is kind of discouraging.

Later, and stay tuned:wave:


Canna Coco grower
I used gravity and bush master... in a coco medium... did not work well re-use I even used lots of beni's and cannazyme. On the second run I had intermittent problems with some plants "stunting" I didn't use these products in veg... rather in early and late bud..

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lol.... i'm probably just baked right now... but... i'm gonna ask anyway... what's the toaster for? i'm finding it really amusing in your picture right now for some strange reason...

*2 minutes later......* nm.. now i see the sink.
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I have two brand new bottles of bushmaster and gravity, so I will be watching most definitely!


Active member
20kw dreams said:
If you are reading this and are interested, please post. Otherwise, I will probably not waste my time taking and posting pics. Something about watching a thread fall a page back in a day that is kind of discouraging.

Hey now don't drop out on us. I'm very interested in hearing your results. I've pretty much got my nutes dialed in so I'm thinking about trying these 3 products in the future.

I'm really interested in how BM is supposed to shorten flower time. I run Purple Kush which barely stretches at all anyhow so I'm not sure Bushmaster is needed, but if it shortens flower time then I'm all for it. My PK's only stretch about 4 inches as it is though.

20kw dreams

Why didn't it work well when you re-used the coco bergerbuddy? What effects did it have? Maybe you could have worked with these effects if you had foreseen them! How did that crop come out?

I've been using bushmaster for about a year now. While it is really easy to burn, and "stunt" growth with them, it absolutely worked great for me, for both yield and height control.

It is wise to veg them a bit longer then normal when BM is used, as he don't grow and develop as many budsites as when they stretch. Increase your veg by a week, or increase your plant numbers as I did, and you will definately see a nice increase in yield and density.

That's crazy you haven't seen an increase in yield! I would say my yield goes up...about 15%-25% depending on strain due to bushmaster effects. That combined with the time it cuts off brings the yields up prob 50%. I think the ticket is using ALOT of PK. I mean, I used full PK 13/14 at weeks 2 and 5 of flower, and 1/2 strength weeks 3 &4, with no nutrient burn! My nugs would be top quality potency if I pulled them now, at 5 weeks, snd thy still have 2 weeks to go.

I also think it helps if your plants were topped. Topped plants seem to react better to BM then poles.

I'm using Gravity for the first time right now, put it in 2 days ago. I've heard nothing but good things about it though, especially with strains which are hard to get solid nugs out of.

I've heard about the sludge coming from Gravity though. That's wierd shit. Hopefully it don't happen to me, or anyone else for that matter.

We'll see I guess!

Also, maybe I should throw some tips out there for people using BM, since it seems to be the real breadwinner, and anyone using Gravity will prob also use the BM:
1) Raise your lights like the bottle says. Your ladies tend to like to get light/heat burn easy after using it.
2) Don't use it full strength. I use it 3ml for 5 days, instead of 5ml for 3 days.
3) Make sure you veg your plants as tall as they need to be, they won't grow but maybe 1-2" taller.
4) Topped plants seem to perform better.
5) Switch STRAIGHT to low N Bloom nutes! Plants seem to use little N, and like higher PK amounts. Go with it, as I think this is key to getting the full effects of BM
6) Some strains don't work well with BM. I have a Romulan which is super heady w/ no BM, but the BM KILLS resin production. The Lavender I'm running right now gets all phat and gnarly, with no reduction in trichome production. Of the 10-12 strains I've used it on, I would say 50% had no bad effect on trich's, 25% some effect but a good trade still, and 25% I wouldn't use it on again, because of negative trichome production.

All right, peace out,


as a micro grower, i'm limited to 3 ft total height. I'm very interested in your grow. Please i will be extatic to see some detail in some logs, not necessarily pictures for say. but how much of it your using, what your ppm are and so on.. i plan to try bushmaster, gravity, and currently own, pbp grow/bloom, beastie bloomz, open sesame as well as advanced nutrients vho.. depending on how your studies go will determine if i'm really going to be interested in making the plunge, at 35 bucks for an 8oz container, i could get more pbp bloom for another couple bucks... so if its not worth the investment, i may not try it.. also

have you used superbud, or i'm sorry if i named it wrong, but i've heard it compared to this product in the past? take care, and be safe man..

oh ya, i wanna use it in a dwc under a 400 watter, hence my interest in stunting verticle growth... i do scrog tho.


bump...im messing with different doses of bm on different strains. I'm very interested in hearing more. :)

I've just started playing with it, with just one harvest using bm I liked what I saw. I dosed as per bghydro...fyi if you haven't checked out their bushmaster instructions you really should! :yes:


Active member
Tried Gravity in dwc and soil

Tried Gravity in dwc and soil

It definitely does what it says. It stressed the hell outta my plants but I got huge bud formations the 1st time I used it. I was reluctant to use it again because I had heard about residual effects. I re-used both mediums (after reconditioning and adding to the soil). My take is that it definately has a lasting effect on both mediums. It is a colder environment than my last harvest, so that may have made my plants shorter as well, but they were so dense they were like a hedge. EXTREMELY vigorous, but too many popcorn buds for my liking. I may have to tweek my pruning to compensate.
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20kw dreams

Pics up

Pics up

Here's those pics of the the Gravity Lavenders. The G fed Lavs are the 2 that are tagged and the one alone in the pics

And a teaser of some dense ass, sugar coated, Purple Maxx foliar fed Lavs. Grav and PM was put in the rez 2 days ago, but I gave a foliar of 1ml/gal PM about a week ago, just misted over the tops of the leaves. Within 3 days I could see a difference.

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do you have any nugs without the pm to show the diff? Is the snow storm accurate in your garden? Any purple tinge? Looks good either way...

20kw dreams

No purps coming out, and the lavender even have purple tendancies. Snow storm is accurate, purple maxx is not, so far, but I'm not worried about the color as much as potency. I didn't take any pics of the few I left PM off of, but I will get some shots in a couple days. Lights are off and I'm leaving town for a couple right here in a minute
Im about 3 weeks away from harvest now and I just tried started adding PM 7 gravity to my res... I was already too late into bloom to try the BM this time..

I can say that the PM deff is great. I have used it now on 7 different strains and it is great!

as far as gravity, I ran it at a lower dose because I was a little worried. Its been in the res now about 5 days and so far I havent seen a difference. No real added wieght yet... I will be changing the water 1 more time before flushing so I will give it another good dose..

any ideas on if gravity should be used with just plain water or is it best to use it with your regular nute regiment? I know the BM is suggested using with just plain water and all the labels of all 3 products say to use at 1/3 nute strength.. whats everybodies take on this?



20k, whats the pH of your solution when you foliar feed with the BM, G, and PM?

20kw dreams

5minuteslat- The bottles say REDUCE nutrient by 1/3. I'm running a little more then 1/2 strength right now with the PM and Gravity. You have to run them with nutrients I think, cause you run it for almost 2 weeks. You would get mad deficiencies if you ran it in clean water.

I can't remember what the ph is to tell you the truth. I just make sure it is acidic, which it always is out of the bottle. 5's or 6's. I don't think ph is as important in foliars. I don't know if gravity would even work good as a foliar, cause they say to run it for so long.

I'm running Gravity, PM, and BM all at 3ml/gal instead of the 5ml suggested dosage I think that's a good safe starting point, just watch closely for burning between the veins, which you probably won't get before 5+ days.

I don't know if I mentioned before, but you can spot the BM burn pretty early if you look up THROUGH the leaf at a light source.