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evidence of conspiracy


The Mad Monk
That woman is a moron and that's putting it kindly. He's a corporatist neo-liberal. In plain English, a piece of shit. I knew the guy was a scum bag when he flip flopped on FISA way back when before he was President.

There were red flags early but most didn't see them, or weren't even looking, or ignored them because well, it's time for change! And oh, I voted for the first black President! Clowns. Communist... anyone who thinks that is revealing their own ignorance. He talks a good game but if you haven't picked up by now, and c'mon now we're 4 years into his shtick, it's simple pandering to his supposed progressive bloc of supporters. The same people that continue to support him, by and large, despite him kicking dirt in their face every chance he gets.

I wish she and others who are as mindless as she is were actually as informed as she THINKS she is. Then we could really work towards flipping this script collectively instead of allowing a false divide to ass fuck us at every turn. It's the same old song... some people are wide awake, others are still asleep.
Regardless of what you believe the fact that Obama has not investigated anyone for any fraud involving the economic collapse and bailout that were both initiated by George w bush.

Obama was stuck with it all especially when bush did his emergency address saying the sky is falling and we need to bailout all these banks just before he left office that made the markets go down the tubes much faster than it would have otherwise he wanted to force Obama to pay out for his own retirement and all the fraud the banks were guilty of.

Why is their no investigation of any fraud even now that many mortgage company's are committing it on a large scale?

The saving and loan scandal in the late 80"s was investigated and people did go to prison this current fraud is some much bigger yet no investigation.

Obama has received millions from the company's that he bailed out company's rule the country the sooner you realize it the better because change can't happen until the population wakes up and stops buying the official propaganda despite actual facts to the contrary.


The Mad Monk
Spot on, Bud.

I got into a very heated argument back in '08 with a professor that was infatuated with Obama, she thought the guy walked on water and anyone that suggested otherwise was racist. Fascist much?

She bought the fear mongering hook-line-and sinker and was trying to tell us everything being said by Paulson and the rest of Government Sachs that it needed to be done "or else". Or else what? Wall Street bankers fly first class instead of private jets? They have 1 yacht instead of 2? 5 houses instead of 7?

Blank check, no review under law, nothing paid back, and shadow loans that make the TARP loan look like couch cushion money. Nothing to see here, though. Keep it moving, people. And be sure to take off your shoes and get rid of any liquid over 3 ounces.


Active member
I have been doing a ton of reading on this....there is a lot of stuff that just doesn't make any sense about this killing. Turns out one of the neighbors, the very last to see the kids and the nanny alive in the elevator ride up immediately before the killings, is a long term member of the Web Sleuths forum, and they have a huge thread going about it where she shares a lot of info that has been misreported in the press. (Must be a member to see it but it's worth the sign up):


I will write more later but the summary I get right now is the nanny was a quiet lady who mostly seemed to keep to herself, introverted, and was highly trusted by the family, who by all accounts are great and wonderful people who doted on their kids. She was their nanny for 2 1/2 years and they even took a vacation down to the Dominican Republican to visit her family, whom they seemed to get along famously with. She was described by friends and family as typically steady as a rock, very stable and a quiet but friendly person, but details are coming out that she seemed to be steadily going downhill over the past six months or so, looking tired, withdrawn, haggard, lost weight, not feeling at all like herself, even being taken to the psychologist by her family. She also seemed to be having financial problems of late despite being well paid by the family.

All the typical explanations don't seem to make sense (drug abuse, gambling, etc) as she fits the usual profile for none of these as far as I can tell. The murder clearly seems to have been premeditated, yet the failed suicide attempt seems spontaneous. Huh? I am sure more details will come out and I am glued to the PC researching this. I will let you know anything else I find.
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Well-known member
I have been doing a ton of reading on this.....

All the typical explanations don't seem to make sense (drug abuse, gambling, etc)

The simplest and most logical explanation is that she fits the profile of someone sliping over the edge and into mental disturbance (looked anxious, lost 10 lbs,"not herself in the preceding month", etc.).:tiphat:


Cautiously Optimistic
The Dragon Family connection is cray-cray! This thread has popped up on , pretty much, all the forums that I'm a member of. Many seem to think she was MK-Ultra'd. But what doesn't fit is that it happened to the family of a guy that works for a news agency but not to anyone involved in the suit. I will admit, something is fishy as fuck but I'm not sure what.


Active member
The simplest and most logical explanation is that she fits the profile of someone sliping over the edge and into mental disturbance (looked anxious, lost 10 lbs,"not herself in the preceding month", etc.).:tiphat:

In her 40s? What kind of mental disturbance typically develops at that stage in life, with such a fast onset, which could cause someone to suddenly go crazy and murder two innocent kids whom she loved by all accounts? Schitzophrenia etc almost always manifests itself in the subject's teens or late 20s at latest. What else could it be?

"She went crazy" sure is a convenient excuse, just like the people who likewise jumped to conclusions and said she must be on bath salts or something. Tell me, what's the difference in appearance to the average man on the streets, between "just went crazy and snapped" and "did what she was psychologically trained and coerced into doing"?

Tell me, if it was your nanny of 2 1/2 years who did this, would you shrug your shoulders and accept that she must have "just gone crazy"?


Cautiously Optimistic
There are several other things that are odd, too. Firstly, the way that she tried to kill herself is EXTREMELY rare. People, generally, don't stab themselves in the neck.
Then, in keeping with the the MK-Ultra theme, that Batman Shooter did his thing right before his dad was supposed to testify in the LIBOR Scandal. Now this thing. Why are these absolutely INSANE things happening during these lawsuits against Banksters? It certainly seems, at least to this man, like some sort of "remote control."
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Well-known member
"She went crazy" sure is a convenient excuse, just like the people who likewise jumped to conclusions and said she must be on bath salts or something. Tell me, what's the difference in appearance to the average man on the streets, between "just went crazy and snapped" and "did what she was psychologically trained and coerced into doing"?

Well right now (since the State mental hospitals were closed up in the late '80's), there are hundreds of thousands of peeps out walking the streets in various stages of mental breakdown.

...... but I'm not aware of ANY peeps out there being psychologically trained and coerced into doing ANYTHING, especially brutally murdering todlers they loved and then killing themselves.;)


Well, we have perfected training and coercing the masses voting. People consistently vote against their own personal interest.

World wide phenomena, strange but true...

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Oh good grief,
if the dude has already published the story,
Exactly what purpose does using a nanny to kill his kids serve?
I'm sorry but christ on bike, the corporatists don't fuck around with nannies. If big business wants you dead, you have a car crash, or die from "Natural causes" or get "Mugged" they don't use a mentally ill nanny and make a huge splash in the news.
Tin foil hats at the ready...oh no I forgot, you can only get aluminium foil now CONSPIRACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


The Mad Monk
Why does everyone just assume the nanny did in fact commit the crime? I'd say it's much too soon to tell but that's just me.


Active member
Oh good grief,
if the dude has already published the story,
Exactly what purpose does using a nanny to kill his kids serve?

Try using your imagination.

This will be buried, just like everything else. The message has been sent. Next time this type of situation comes up, do you think other executives are going to be so hasty to publish news stories the fascists don't want to see published?

They didn't target the guy himself, they targeted his kids. Did you note that not all of them died? One survived. Do you think he has more or less incentive to keep his mouth shut now?

Are you aware that huge news stories like this lawsuit often are buried on the news, never to be seen anywhere except on conspiracy theorist websites? Do you think that's by accident? Do you think it's a huge coincidence that this news release was published by CNBC hours before the murders, then sloppily deleted hours later along with all the comments after many commentators started pointing out the not-so-obvious connection to the nanny thing?


Active member
Why does everyone just assume the nanny did in fact commit the crime? I'd say it's much too soon to tell but that's just me.

Sad to say but all the facts seem to point in that direction. I don't contest that she did do it. I just question what drove her to do it.


Kiss My Ring
the world is full of sick individuals.
conspiracies are sometimes coincidence by design.

some really twisted crap that.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Try using your imagination.

They didn't target the guy himself, they targeted his kids. Did you note that not all of them died? One survived. Do you think he has more or less incentive to keep his mouth shut now?
One child who was out with the Mum survived, the nanny didn't leave one alive... I would bet my left knacker that if that kid had been home, she would have been found in the bathtub with the other 2.
Try using my imagination? I think some people need to use their imagination a bit less and their critical thinking a bit more.


Active member
One child who was out with the Mum survived, the nanny didn't leave one alive...
I would bet my left knacker that if that kid had been home, she would have been found in the bathtub with the other 2.

Which refutes what? Are you under the impression that a group powerful and knowledgeable enough to brainwash/drug a woman into committing an atrocious act wouldn't be aware of the victims' schedule and whereabouts and would already have a plan to decide when or where such an attack occurs, if called for? Do you not believe they could have considered exactly how to carry it out, and thus be prepared to seize on the right opportunity at the right time?

Try using my imagination? I think some people need to use their imagination a bit less and their critical thinking a bit more.

You know what's even better? Critical thinking plus imagination. I would call you naive and foolish if you don't at least concede it as a possibility this was staged by a third party, for political reasons.

A large part of what I do in most of my day is read news stories from hundreds of news sites, and slowly try to piece together and make sense out of the little tidbits of truth that leak out here and there. When you do this long enough and persistently enough you start to see through the veil and develop an understanding of what's really going on behind the scenes. I am more update to date and informed on most things than 98% of folks on the street. I am not an idle conspiracy theorist who just makes up shit for his own amusement.

Do you think the average Nazi in 1936 knew about (or cared) what their government was up to behind their backs? What do you think happened to people who spoke up and tried to warn people? They were jeered, ridiculed, publicly shamed, arrested, then later simply murdered, in events such as Kristallnacht aka "The Night of the Long Knives", then finally institutionally through mass shootings, death camps etc. It's a slow progression, but it gets faster and faster towards the end.

Fascism didn't die out in Germany; it took root here and has blossomed since. Back in those days the fascists didn't have fancy mind control drugs and such, and they had nowhere near as sophisticated of a propaganda system for brainwashing the masses. The Nazis would have shit their pants with delight to have these mind control tools at their disposal, or to have a country full of people who are so ignorant, naive, ready and willing to toe the party line, and disbelieve anything which contradicts their narrow worldview.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Which refutes what? Are you under the impression that a group powerful and knowledgeable enough to brainwash/drug a woman into committing an atrocious act wouldn't be aware of the victims' schedule and whereabouts and would already have a plan to decide when or where such an attack occurs? Do you not believe they could have considered exactly how to carry it out, and thus be prepared to seize on the right opportunity when it presents itself?
And the evidence that the Nanny was drugged/brainwashed is what exactly. So far all I've seen is a bunch of speculation worthy of the front page at infowars or the turquoise tracksuit mans site.
Why does this need to be some big complicated conspiracy.
The nanny lost the fucking plot, it happens all the time, it's a tragedy, but the only explanation it requires is SHIT HAPPENS.
The nannies family have stated she was losing her marbles in the weeks leading up to this, of course schizophrenics aren't really ill are they--they are having voices beamed into their heads:rolleyes: