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MS, SEX and Weed


New member
This is a question for other MS sufferers and their relatives. My wife suffers from MS and Fibromyalgia. She takes handfuls of prescription meds daily to help with her symptoms. She has no sex drive so our daughter talked her into trying weed to help her sex drive and it worked. The problem is not only did it help her have orgasms it also caused uncontrollable painful muscle spasms for hours. I thought weed was supposed to stop spasms? The first strain was very strong (((UBC Chemo x Romulan) x Blueberry)) x Columbian Red) She tried smoking less but she still had spasms. Then we tried something called Best Moods that I got from a Swiss friend of mine. It also caused the spasms but they were not as severe. Has anyone else encountered anything like this? Do you think a more indica dominant strain would be better?
My chick has fibro, and Rocklock from ** helps 80% indica and 20% sativa, also Taskenti from Canna is 100% indica and its good till you have too much and then you're asleep.
Mental Floss from Chimera is awesome medicine....look at my album link in my signature and you can see, this is probably the most medical though, as far as relaxed but aware and able to move but not think about pain.
Another good one is *** remove the periods. Sometimes they block the name of other breeders....and same here... both are fibro specific strains hope this helps you and your wife, good luck, I know and understand your battle, my girl is always in pain. Last week, one of our friends who has Chrone's Disease, went to see a doctor about preventing breast cancer, which runs in her family, finds out that she has MS too, then they did some test and she has lesions on her spine and brain...of course we live in a non medically exempt state, but people I love need medicine and I have a gift, I can't have the ability to help out and sit by and watch my gov't condemn people for taking a medicine that doesn't make them even more sick and it's not nearly as damaging as big list of scripts they would have to take.
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have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i realize this is jumping right up in your business, but is sex a commonality as much as weed is w/ relation to the spasms?

just wondering if a physical activity - either nookie itself, or if there's coughing involved w/ the smoking - if that might be a factor in what she's dealing with rather than strain or type reaction.

disclaimer: i know absolutely nothing about the topic, just had the question cross my mind. it would seem as tho somebody unused to either might see coughing or wild monkey love as a possible vector for spasms, but i could always be full of shit


Active member
That's a good point Gdtrfb. MS is different for everyone who has it so weed wont work for everyone sadly, same with all MS treatments they only work for some people. It's also why it's worth it to keep trying different things, good luck.


Anita Bonghitt
The chocolate trip and the chocolate thi seemed to work well for me. gdtrfb raises a good point, that the muscle spasms could very well be aggravated from sex.But like said eariler the MS will affect everyone differently so will the treatments I supose.


New member
Thanks everyone for the recommendations. gdtrfb: you are correct in that sex is a commonality because an orgasm is a spasm. she only smokes in conjunction with sex but afterward she has uncontrollable spasms in her arms and legs. The first time they lasted 4 hours. They lasted less as she consumed less and changed to a weaker strain. At this point, I don't know if she is willing to try an indica dominant strain or not. I know cannabis is many times prescribed for MS and Fibro to stop spasms and pain so I thought it was odd that it in her case it created spasms.

el Dream Reader

I don't have MS but I do have muscle spasms in my back, I've found that when I've taken a break from medicating and my muscle tension gets worst and then I start to smoke again I get painful spasms until I get enough medicine in my system to relax the muscles that were already tense. For me the key is to keep enough medicine in my system so that my muscles don't get the tension to begin with. Indica strains are a big help for my muscles, but a hybrid will be better for a woman's libido that way she doesn't fall asleep before getting horny..


New member
el dream reader: you make an interesting point. She hasn't tried just medicating with an indica strain (I don't have access to these at the moment) to help with her normal spasms. If she were to have the medication in her system more often, maybe that would help.


To be honest this is something you should be discussing with a physician, even if you are in a non medical state they are legally bound to keep doctor/patient confidentiality, so IF you haven't... bring it up with the doc, that's my main suggestion. Other than that I would guess the sex brings on the spasms, has she smoked and not had sex and experienced the same pains? Has she smoked and gone for a walk or brisk jog/walk depending on her physical condition then experienced the same spasms? I hope you can find a way to help her through her pain without all of the bad prescription drug side effects. Take care.


Rubbing my glands together
I don't have MS, and truly sorry to hear your lady does. But if I smoke Jack Herrer or anything crossed with it that is more to the JH side of it my back spasms uncontrollably. Feels like I am plugged into a 240w circuit. I have not had that problem with indicas and many more sativas. I have also found SSSDH relieves the spasms I do have on a daily basis due to another condition.
Try something else until you find a strain that helps. It will take some trial and error but you will find a strain that works. Trust me on that.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I'm wondering where the spasms are happening in her body.... A female orgasm does trigger contracting of the uterus, which can make other connective tissue feel strained along with this contraction. Generally after an orgasm, the "blood pool" in the pelvis(happens when we have sex) is obsorbed back into the body and after some mild contractions...all usually goes back to normal. Sometimes if a woman doesn't have an orgasm, this blood pool can cause, well....sometimes really painful cramping. I have encountered this...and that's normal to a point.

Another issue could be her cervix....which, if she has a shallow "canal" and you beat it up, lol...sorry, have more intense intercourse, you can really cause that unbelievably hard muscle(the cervix) to cramp and spasm something awful. I've also experienced this...it's terrible.

I can't comment on how MS or Fibro patients differ in the sex department because I don't have either condition, I wish I knew more to help you out there. Could be the medications interfering or the condition themselves altering the reproductive system in some way. Either way, I hope you find something to help you out....sex is way more fun when it doesn't hurt.

Edit: I see that you posted where she has the spasms, poor thing...I have no clue as to why she's in pain like that after sex. Give her a big hug for being a good sport:cathug:


New member
kstampy: She has discussed using cannabis for her MS with her doctor and he wasn't opposed to it. He just said that everyone is affected differently and that he wasn't in favor of her smoking it. She has tried smoking it without having sex and it really didn't do much for her, but she also hasn't had access to a pure indica which may/may not make a difference.

resinryder: what is SSSDH?

Miss Blunted: thanks for your kind words. The spasms she has are pretty terrifying especially the first time it happened.


New member
Thanks resinryder. I will check out all the mentioned strains

My wife did have a long talk with one of her doctors this week and she had no problem with her using cannabis to increase her sex drive. She even gave her a prescription for different stronger type of muscle relaxer to use if needed. Also gave her some other suggestions to reduce the spasms after sex like a warm bath. Too bad I don't live in a state where we can get a prescription for cannabis, but we are looking to retire in San Diego in a couple of years and I need to start checking the medical marijuana community in SD but that is another thread.


You definitely need to try a pure indica or indica dominant hybrid. More CBD's and CBN's. They'll work on the body a lot more. Anything higher on the sativa side with more THC could be causing the spasms. THC being the more psychoactive molecule in cannabis could be relaying through the same nerves as the ones that are damaged, well the axons to be more exact. As you know with MS, the axons are what is damaged from the disease. THC could excite these nerves and axons as THC is a stimulant, not a depressant, possibly causing spasms.

There was some research that I read not long ago about THC actually repairing nerves and their axons. I'll find the article. It was something along those lines. Could be re-opening closed pathways or repairing damaged ones and the signals start passing through causing spams? That happens to people that have major nerve damage and have surgery on it. When the connections and pathways start to work again they have really bad spasms at first. Just trying to throw all the options out there.

I'm just thinking back to when I did a paper on MS in high school and my mom broke out all her med school books for me. I'm no expert at all on this subject, just some things that popped up in my head from my research.

Cannabis could be reacting with her other med's too. I don't know enough about chemical reactions to really tell you. Just another thought I had.

I do know though that with my irritable bowel (not the same as MS but the only personal experience I have) I can get really bad cramps and spasms that last for hours and strains high in CBD and CBN hit the spot. Literally while the smoke is coming into my lungs I can feel my stomach loosen up and I don't feel like I wanna curl into the fetal position. Strains higher in THC don't usually have the same effect. I just get really high and still have cramps. It helps a little but no where near the way a good indica will.

Cannabis will def help the libido! I can attest to that. Most girls I've dated get hornier after smoking. It's like chocolate, but better, cause I don't really like chocolate but I love to smoke a lot weed. :) Definite aphrodisiac.

Hope I could help a little bit.


New member
Gdood9: Thanks for the post. If you can find that article I would be interested in reading it.

She talked with her neurologist a few months ago and he was basically neutral on her use of cannabis except he didn't want her smoking it. Everyone recommends an indica dominant strain but next problem getting it. I don't live in a med friendly state and I rely on a friend to grow for me since I cannot grow where I live. He only grows outdoors in the summer so I have some waiting. I 'll be in San Diego in a couple of weeks so maybe I can find some indica while I am there.

Libido: definitely works for her. The best cannabis for this she has ever had was Kali Mist.


Hey terry, glad the doctor seems reasonable about the cannabis. Once you have residency in California it is very easy for patients to get a medical card, there's literally no research you have to do except for making sure the place you go to is legit and the recommendations are being made by an M.D.. I have been to 3 different doctors in the last 3 years and all I get mine for is stress and morning stomach pains so your situation should be no problem. It's unfortunate that some states still outlaw the stuff and effect peoples lives like yours but hey, more states are added every year and if you go to SD you will be on easy street as far as finding meds. :D Good luck !


New member
bigdaddy: I hear you as I am in the same situation but nothing much I can do about it. If you can grow you can always buy the seeds and grow some for yourself. I am unable to grow myself right now. I am going to be in San Diego in a couple of weeks so maybe I'll get lucky and find some.

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