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Ever think of leaving your life behind?



Not to sound like a pu$$y, but sometimes I think what would it be like to completely up and leave my life, not tell anyone where I went or why, just start over somewhere else. I've felt like this for about 8 years now, dont really know why, my life really isnt that bad, just can never stop wondering what it would be like.


Smokes, lets go
i did, i use to live on the east coast growing bagseeds under a 400w and fluros now im in cali growing dank purp with 2kw + 2kw for my next grow i already bought so ill be heading up a 4kw grow next.... i told my friends i was leaving there stupid asses to go to cali and that they better get there shit together if they wanted to come with, no one beileived me and i left them all there sitting in shitsville with no dank herb but i can't say i didnt' warn them


Active member
I would love to do it, move to cali, grow like a champ. A couple problems, no experience growing, no money, I don't like selling my stuff wholesale for dirt cheap, cali has a so so support it seems for their own laws. No limit on plant numbers would make me happier. Maybe one day, I guess I can dream. Lol. Good luck on your legal fight Nor Cal. Show em who is boss, the people!


ICMag Donor
can't afford to stay.can't afford to go....i think about it all the time ...economy has created a trap of sorts
i have thought about cali but only cause of the weed prices there

i have thought about cali but only cause of the weed prices there

at close to 5000$an l in cali, ive thought about it, but run away from canada to the usa? lol no way, im better off here, you usa people should run away to canada alot less bullshit,

everyone wonders what life would be like somewhere new, a fresh start is very appealing but most people will never be able to do it.

id leave for europe. but funds is the problem and weed wouldnt be profitable over there. cali is the place....

peace brothers and sister...


I think about this a lot. You could joint the FFL looked into it but seems like a lot of them are stationed in Africa and no offense to you who live there but what a shit hole of idiots. I would not want police that anarchy.


Active member
well more than anything on this earth i want none of it...i dont know my destiny, but i fucking seriously hate everything that ppl make of this shithole.

have u ever been to a place that is beautiful...not just like 'oh dang cool pic' beautiful, but fucking beautiful from the roots too the tree tops to the fucking sky beautiful?

ever been to seward alaska?

for me that place is fucking heaven

get out and go someplace that makes u wanna live!

i will almost never post a pic of seward, or promote it to anyone, but fuck...its a place that is worth living for.

I think about this a lot. You could joint the FFL looked into it but seems like a lot of them are stationed in Africa and no offense to you who live there but what a shit hole of idiots. I would not want police that anarchy.

generalizing africa (an entire continent of people) as a "shit hole of idiots"...wow what ignorance.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
Move if you want, make new friends and start a new life... Nothing wrong with that, and it actually takes a strong person to break away from a comfortable routine in my opinion.

My only real advice to you about it would be don't lose touch with the good people you've met so far. Trust me, awesome people are not waiting around every corner, not that I think you feel that way, but in this situation I feel the point bears repeating.

Good luck!


Active member
Move if you want, make new friends and start a new life... Nothing wrong with that, and it actually takes a strong person to break away from a comfortable routine in my opinion.

My only real advice to you about it would be don't lose touch with the good people you've met so far. Trust me, awesome people are not waiting around every corner, not that I think you feel that way, but in this situation I feel the point bears repeating.

Good luck!

im gonna quote that and send it to my sister who is having a hard time right now...thanks for posting that!

Hash Man

I was once trapped in the 80+ hour per week gig, overworkerd and underpaid... I got out of it. Most people have no idea what happened to me. the important ones do... If you see yourself in the future locked inside a box with no way out... but yu have a way out now... you may want to examine it.. Just be practical and make sure you have enough cash to get through hard times WITHOUT the people you knew before... While most of my days are spent happy that i left my old reality, i still remember the old days and wish i had gone about it in a slightly different way... but life is life, and you have to do what you feel is right, because it is your life. And if it turns out to be the wrong decision at least you know you tried it, and you refused it... lol smoking soom NYCD, hope i made sense...

Yukon i just made a vactation rental reservation in Seward... thanks bro... lol

og kush

a friend came to my house and said, "im moving to colorado, want to come?"

i had 57 bucks, a quarter of weed and said YES.

I ran inside, packed all the clothes i couldnt leave behind, grabbed the beers left in the fridge, a bottle of captain. My buddy bought a case of coke, had some coke and got another case of cheap beer and we hit the road.

took almost a full day to get there from cali because we stopped everywhere.

one of the best experiances on the drive was walking into the forest in Aspin and smoking a joint. We were tired and needed that humble feeling. It kinda told us we were on the right path and made us feel better. It was winter so there was snow. It was so beautiful that it looked fake, but at the same time you have that feeling and respect for it all.

We landed in greeley because we got wind of a friend there. We crashed at his place for about a week till we got the feeling for the town. We learned that herb was not so good there and people paid top dollar for it. So we decided to drive back to cali, pick up my car and get as much herb as we could.

without saying to much, this is how we got our first place by the college.
after that we got small 2-3 day jobs everywhere. did everything from garbage man, to working at the college, custodian. it was beautiful believe it or not and we made storys that just cant be fucked with till this day. too many to tell. met alot of cool people, woman. almost got drugged and murdered!

in the end i ended up back in my home town doing what i do best and wouldnt take back a single second of that experience.


Active member
a friend came to my house and said, "im moving to colorado, want to come?"

i had 57 bucks, a quarter of weed and said YES.

I ran inside, packed all the clothes i couldnt leave behind, grabbed the beers left in the fridge, a bottle of captain. My buddy bought a case of coke, had some coke and got another case of cheap beer and we hit the road.

took almost a full day to get there from cali because we stopped everywhere.

one of the best experiances on the drive was walking into the forest in Aspin and smoking a joint. We were tired and needed that humble feeling. It kinda told us we were on the right path and made us feel better. It was winter so there was snow. It was so beautiful that it looked fake, but at the same time you have that feeling and respect for it all.

We landed in greeley because we got wind of a friend there. We crashed at his place for about a week till we got the feeling for the town. We learned that herb was not so good there and people paid top dollar for it. So we decided to drive back to cali, pick up my car and get as much herb as we could.

without saying to much, this is how we got our first place by the college.
after that we got small 2-3 day jobs everywhere. did everything from garbage man, to working at the college, custodian. it was beautiful believe it or not and we made storys that just cant be fucked with till this day. too many to tell. met alot of cool people, woman. almost got drugged and murdered!

in the end i ended up back in my home town doing what i do best and wouldnt take back a single second of that experience.

greely haha...i lived there in the dorjms at unc......fuckin ROTFLMAO


stone fool
It is not so bad to do when you are young and flexible, but it is a different experience when you get older. Having lived through this, I do not recommend it.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
every day i think about getting the fuck out of here and moving to the country


My deal isnt Im depressed or want to grow more, its that I've always just had the desire to be a wanderer, I never really make close relationships, and I am a real routine person, I do everthing by the book but day dream to carelessly break away. Kind of like the kid in Into the Wild, only I dont want to die in the end.


Active member
My deal isnt Im depressed or want to grow more, its that I've always just had the desire to be a wanderer, I never really make close relationships, and I am a real routine person, I do everthing by the book but day dream to carelessly break away. Kind of like the kid in Into the Wild, only I dont want to die in the end.

the best thing about that dream is that is sooo there to grasp....learn from mccandless mistakes...he's a made fictional fool"...

he didnt do it right....so now u get to tread about it.

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