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Ever think of leaving your life behind?


Active member
My deal isnt Im depressed or want to grow more, its that I've always just had the desire to be a wanderer, I never really make close relationships, and I am a real routine person, I do everthing by the book but day dream to carelessly break away. Kind of like the kid in Into the Wild, only I dont want to die in the end.

dont grasp that kids head so hard....i did for a looooooooooooooooong time

fucker will kill you.

og kush

greely haha...i lived there in the dorjms at unc......fuckin ROTFLMAO

its a pretty sad, far behind town. but made the best of it. i like the older, down-towny kinda vibe there. i liked it. FUCK not beign able to buy beer on sundays though!!!


this a great thread....i would wanna buy a huge boat, and just go....and not tell anyone....just have a lotta weed, my pets...throw the phones in the water, and have plenty of fighing shit....i think i would be absolutely content with everything....