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ETHER hash....?


Bong Smoking News Hound
Woody Creek

This is your warning dude! Don't flame other people in this forum or anywhere on icmag or I will have to show you the door. Its OK to get technical and explain things if you feel someone you disagree with is 100 percent wrong. But the truth is without a good solid explanation, you wont get your point across. And calling names, with degrading other people, calling out that they have been on other websites as if you have the power or knowledge to recover this information from those so called servers.. Has just crossed the lines completely. So i would rethink how you approach this situation or just leave it alone.



Get two birds stoned at once
Water is a chemical solvent dude, just happens not to dissolve our favorite solute :rasta:

I bet ethyl alky would be safe and effective, at least more so than iso etc.
Deft said:
Water is a chemical solvent dude, just happens not to dissolve our favorite solute :rasta:

I bet ethyl alky would be safe and effective, at least more so than iso etc.

Wow...you are soooooo RIGHT. :bashhead:

My mistake. And yes, I agree completely about the ethyl alcohol. (You can check out my alcohol extraction method here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=85129&page=2&pp=15)

In my opinion, water (or dry-sieve, optimally) leaves the trichomes in their purest form.

Also, commercial production of hash oil requires commercial-sized facilities. This gives law-enforcement and local politicians another reason to bash on us. They call them "labs" and they're highly explosive, and pose an extremely high risk to a neighborhood.

Water hash is an excellent method, which allows one person to produce large amounts in one day. Dry-sieve is a more labor-intensive process, and less viable for commercial production in the US.


Deft said:
Water is a chemical solvent dude, just happens not to dissolve our favorite solute :rasta:

I bet ethyl alky would be safe and effective, at least more so than iso etc.
safer yeah, effective, no eal difference. the recent info i recieved on rubbing alch is that it is NOT pure iso. its got a substantial percentage of METHYL alcohol added, as well as lots of water
everclear/ethyl is a wonderful luxury but i usually cant afford it :( cant wait to make some bubble! :canabis:
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Active member
CO2 in it´s tripel fase point, knows as supercritial fluid extraction - would do the extraction without any nasty chemical solvent, I thught that california was a health meka and oil extraction with ether was a thing from the past.



I use 99%ISO and only shake my jar for UNDER 15 seconds, sometimes 10 seconds. I read on IC that the heads of the trichomes burst within 5 seconds of coming into contact with the alcohol. Any longer and your just extracting plant material and your goo will be BLACK GOO and that aint what you want.

My shit never tastes like anything except bud or hash and I am sure I usually purge every last bit of that ISO out so my shits pure as fuck and it turns into rock hard candy after it dries. Check the hash forum and look how to do it yourself it's easy safe and BOMB

Part of iso process

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are you typing in caps lock to try to trump my previous post warning folks that rubbing alcohol is poison? if not, well, it turned out that way. what you folks are doing by egging people on to make oil with poison, RIGHT after being educated that the solvent is not useable, is a travesty and i hope you go blind and get lung cancer.

'ISOPROPYL' rubbing alcohol from ANY drug store CONTAINS POISON.

if you are using isopropynol from a lab supply distributor then, it's clean, but pharmaceutical/diabetic/first-aid-grade alcohol contains methyl alcohol. poison. good luck purging all the minute traces of THAT out. iso's traces wont do much harm, maybe if you smoke it solely, a gram or more a day of homemade iso youd get throat and vision problems, but Methyl is a whole different animal. caveat emptor.

i LOVE isopropyl alc for making oil. its my favorite treat and easiest to yield a quality product as shown by the knucklehead above, but i have STOPPED making it with poison and just use food-grade ethyl alchohol. its much cheaper to use rubbing alchohol but potentially very dangerous to smoke the resulting product. ESPECIALLY if you are not professional and dont use a hot water bath, etc. it sucks but its better then throat/respiratory problems and going blind.



A+++ post ethereal

this is the type of information I am looking for

is ether a good way to make hash and/or does it create a specific kind of afterproduct (ie hard candy like amber color hash)

my friend has NO IDEA if what this vendor is telling him is true, and thus why I am asking here. according to the vendor ether is the cleanest and easiest and cheapest way to make hash, and according to him the ether is 100% gone from it and it is NOT unhealthy... and produces a specific kind of hash (the hard amber candy hash like Jolle from ACRC and SCPC)

I am not convinced...
not only do I think the SCPC and ACRC hash is NOT made with ether
I also think ether hash sounds unhealthy and I am affradi to smoke it

more science please! and I really would like to hear from ANYONE WHO HAS EVER USED ETHER and/or some kind of EXPERT if there is anyone you know who can help answer this question


are you typing in caps lock to try to trump my previous post warning folks that rubbing alcohol is poison? if not, well, it turned out that way. what you folks are doing by egging people on to make oil with poison, RIGHT after being educated that the solvent is not useable, is a travesty and i hope you go blind and get lung cancer.

'ISOPROPYL' rubbing alcohol from ANY drug store CONTAINS POISON.

if you are using isopropynol from a lab supply distributor then, it's clean, but pharmaceutical/diabetic/first-aid-grade alcohol contains methyl alcohol. poison. good luck purging all the minute traces of THAT out. iso's traces wont do much harm, maybe if you smoke it solely, a gram or more a day of homemade iso youd get throat and vision problems, but Methyl is a whole different animal. caveat emptor.

i LOVE isopropyl alc for making oil. its my favorite treat and easiest to yield a quality product as shown by the knucklehead above, but i have STOPPED making it with poison and just use food-grade ethyl alchohol. its much cheaper to use rubbing alchohol but potentially very dangerous to smoke the resulting product. ESPECIALLY if you are not professional and dont use a hot water bath, etc. it sucks but its better then throat/respiratory problems and going blind.


I was typing in caps to show that my hash came out bomb in imo, I am stoked on it!!!

I wasnt trying to argue with you at all in fact you sound like you know a lot more about this iso than I do. Thanks for letting me know not to smoke to much of it, I honestly got tired with it and stopped using it but maybe later on some more in moderation will be fun. Peace bro


Just get a vaporizer and stop arguing. When I think ether i think ka-boom. It is really explosive and in the proper air fuel mix static electricity will set it off.
So put a metal tag with your name and address up your a$$. When the mortician finds this tag he will know whose funeral he's billing for.


JBIG420 said:
A+++ post ethereal

this is the type of information I am looking for

is ether a good way to make hash and/or does it create a specific kind of afterproduct (ie hard candy like amber color hash)

my friend has NO IDEA if what this vendor is telling him is true, and thus why I am asking here. according to the vendor ether is the cleanest and easiest and cheapest way to make hash, and according to him the ether is 100% gone from it and it is NOT unhealthy... and produces a specific kind of hash (the hard amber candy hash like Jolle from ACRC and SCPC)

I am not convinced...
not only do I think the SCPC and ACRC hash is NOT made with ether
I also think ether hash sounds unhealthy and I am affradi to smoke it

more science please! and I really would like to hear from ANYONE WHO HAS EVER USED ETHER and/or some kind of EXPERT if there is anyone you know who can help answer this question

any more info on this please


tenfeetofganja said:
Only if you want contaminated concentrate. Rubbing alcohol is full of dyes, perfumes and denaturants. The only usuable solutions Isopropyl or Isopropanol.

Please don't give false informations when speaking upon solution concentrates, as they are extremly dangerous if not handled or used correctly.

No. Green colored rubbing alcohol might have dye in it, but rubbing alcohol that has solely isopropyl alcohol and water as the two ingredients does not contain any dye or denaturants. Google "Rubbing alcohol" and look at the image search. You'll find plenty of products labeled "Rubbing alcohol" that contain solely 70-99% Isopropyl Alcohol and water.

I have a bottle sitting right next to me, if you still don't want to believe me. Don't berate people and pretend you're more more knowledgeable than all when that's simply not the case.

EasyBakeIndica said:
I'm so glad you're admitting to ADULTERATING the "medicine" which you are so proud of and claim is the purest $#!% in town.

Why are you even on these forums? (Aside from trying to promote and sell your product.)

What? You're calling a solvent an adulterant? So the Butane in BHO is an adulterant? Iso in ISO oil is an adulterant? Think for a second, dude. It's a solvent. If you don't understand the process by which one uses a solvent for extraction of desired chemicals (in this case, THC), then I'm sorry. The solvent evaporates (in the case of BHO/ISO) and you're left with the desired product.

EasyBakeIndica said:
Instead of spending your time online, where you only degrade your own self-image, you might think about learning how to make real hash, which could actually help some people.

Adulterant -
(adul·ter·ant) (ə-dul´tər-ənt)
a substance used as an addition to another substance for sophistication or adulteration. (Taken from Merck, a pharma-corp.)

An unintended ingredient in a medicinal product (herb, supplement, or prescription drug). (Taken from Harvard.)
(I love it when people feel the need to define something for us, without ever actually taking the time to check their own definition.)

And in what manner is ISO/Butane/Any other solvent an adulterant? The solvent evaporates after one (carefully) does the extraction. So, despite your lovely definitions, solvents are not adulterants. QED.

If you feel that BHO/ISO/Other solvent-made hashes aren't real hashes, then don't smoke them. But stop being an alarmist by posting baseless accusations.

ethereal said:
are you typing in caps lock to try to trump my previous post warning folks that rubbing alcohol is poison? if not, well, it turned out that way. what you folks are doing by egging people on to make oil with poison, RIGHT after being educated that the solvent is not useable, is a travesty and i hope you go blind and get lung cancer.

'ISOPROPYL' rubbing alcohol from ANY drug store CONTAINS POISON.

if you are using isopropynol from a lab supply distributor then, it's clean, but pharmaceutical/diabetic/first-aid-grade alcohol contains methyl alcohol. poison. good luck purging all the minute traces of THAT out. iso's traces wont do much harm, maybe if you smoke it solely, a gram or more a day of homemade iso youd get throat and vision problems, but Methyl is a whole different animal. caveat emptor.

i LOVE isopropyl alc for making oil. its my favorite treat and easiest to yield a quality product as shown by the knucklehead above, but i have STOPPED making it with poison and just use food-grade ethyl alchohol. its much cheaper to use rubbing alchohol but potentially very dangerous to smoke the resulting product. ESPECIALLY if you are not professional and dont use a hot water bath, etc. it sucks but its better then throat/respiratory problems and going blind.


No, once again, Isopropyl Alcohol does NOT contain a denaturant. DENATURED alcohol does contain methanol (Methyl Alcohol, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanol ).

Isopropyl Alcohol does NOT need a denaturant because Isopropyl alcohol is NOT drinkable. Denatured alcohol contains methyl alcohol because it is ethanol, which would otherwise be drinkable, therefore they have to add a denaturant in order to avoid selling it as a drinkable spirit ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denatured_alcohol ).

Just for good measure, lets check out the MSDS (Metrial Safety Data Sheet) for some 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.


Hmm. Interesting. I don't see any methyl alcohol on there? Do you? Lets follow Isopropyl alcohol's CAS number (67-63-0) and check out its' MSDS.


Hmm, still no methyl alcohol!

The simple fact is you are confused about denatured alcohol versus isopropyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol requires no denaturant.

So, please, before you berate people over the internet for being morons and "poisioning themselves" with isopropyl, do a little research.

Denatured Alcohol (Ethanol + denaturant, often methyl alcohol) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denatured_alcohol

Isopropyl Alcohol - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isopropyl_alcohol

Note: this is not an invitation to go and buy any old thing that says "alcohol" in it and start making hash from it. Do research beforehand, make sure you have a solvent that is safe to use.
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SoEx said:
What? You're calling a solvent an adulterant? So the Butane in BHO is an adulterant? Iso in ISO oil is an adulterant? Think for a second, dude. It's a solvent. If you don't understand the process by which one uses a solvent for extraction of desired chemicals (in this case, THC), then I'm sorry. The solvent evaporates (in the case of BHO/ISO) and you're left with the desired product.

No. Apparently you need to reread this entire thread. If you read the post, which I was responding to, you would understand. He talks about adding an 'organic chemical' after making the oil, which helps change it's physical compisition ("Jolly Rancher" shit-hash)

In fact, Mose of the points you made were incorrect. You might want to do some research about how they make Rubbing Alcohol, before you start talking. Just because it only says rubbing alcohol and water are the ingredients, doesn't mean there aren't more chemicals which were used to make the rubbing alcohol. Why don't you think alcoholic drink that shit??? (Answer: Because they add a poisonous chemical which would make you sick.)


EasyBakeIndica said:
In fact, Mose of the points you made were incorrect. You might want to do some research about how they make Rubbing Alcohol, before you start talking. Just because it only says rubbing alcohol and water are the ingredients, doesn't mean there aren't more chemicals which were used to make the rubbing alcohol.
Yeah, -repping me because you disagree and are unwilling to be open minded is very mature. You must get some satisfaction from that, eh?

So, wisest of the wise, how do they make rubbing alcohol? Educate me, if you're so learned in the ways of antiseptic manufacture. Where are your sources? I've provided you with a plethora of evidence against your so called claims of "poisoned" rubbing alcohol, and you've provided me with nothing.

Why do you think it's safe to put rubbing alcohol over an open wound for minutes at a time if it contained these horrible poisons of which you speak?

Rubbing alcohol, these days, is synthetically produced isopropyl alcohol
diluted with water to 70% strength. This is not fit for consumption.
Denatured alcohol is ethanol (a.k.a. ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, etc.)
that would otherwise be fit for mixing libations EXCEPT that it has been
altered by the addition of a chemical that makes it particularly unfit for
consumption. One common denaturant causes blindness when consumed, while
another imparts a strongly bitter taste. The point of denaturing alcohol is
that ethanol has usefulness outside of consumption for intoxicating effects.
These other uses need not bear excise taxes for beer, wine and liquors, so
it is altered to preclude its being diverted to this sort of use. Denatured
ethanol is also regulated by ATF and requires extensive record-keeping and
licensing for someone to use or to store the material. While the consumable
ethanol is produced by fermentation of sugars, the material that is
denatured for other uses is usually produced synthetically.


Yes, some rubbing alcohols contain dye/other ingredients (such as the "mint/green" ones.)

But one can easily find isopropyl off the shelves at high concentrations containing nothing but Isopropyl Alcohol and Water. They can't put a bunch of random "poisionus" materials in antiseptic rubbing alcohol and not disclose their existence in the product. The "Drug Facts" label is there for a reason.

EasyBakeIndica said:
Why don't you think alcoholic drink that shit??? (Answer: Because they add a poisonous chemical which would make you sick.)

Because Isopropyl alcohol is not consumable

If you had read ANY of the links I posted (especially the MSDS), you'd have seen that.

Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by the liver into acetone. Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

Once again, they DO NOT need to, as you say, add ANY poisonous chemicals to isopropyl alcohol to deter consumption. It's already unsafe to consume.
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I had no idea people would take this so seriously. Granted, there are other ways of making hash than using solvents, but I'm trying to stay on topic here...ETHER hash?

The poster asked whether ether is a health risk. It certainly is if you don't do it right. I've briefly spoke of other dangerous situations, wiring a remote ballast etc. and I wasn't scolded for trying to get somebody to do something they didn't have any idea how to do.

The poster is curious about ether, I simply said what I know. I even mentioned the part I don't specifically know. A poster wanting "scientific" information just happens to endorse wrong info concerning ISO ingredients, lol. ISO is a good solvent in the right recipe (ISO, water) and the correct % but it just happens to take longer to evaporate than ether.

Butane is mentioned briefly here but ether is more refined than that. As far as the poster that compared it to carb starter, not even close. Carb starter starts with ether and has stuff added to to make it less volatile and prevent corrosion (lubrication.) This added "oil" doesn't evaporate completely. Granted it is diluted from the ether in the starter fluid but it doesn't completely evaporate. It's actually hard to get your hands on unaltered ether but used correctly it works as good or better than other solvent based processes. The whole idea with using ether in the first place is because of it's highly refined state and it's ability to evaporate quickly, removing the liquid petroleum from the product as a gas.

The poster that offers a picture of the ISO product/process mentions a clean taste is achieved. Ether does this as well. I'm aware that accidents happen, as with other aspects of illegal activities. I guess I should label this one "don't try this at home". Unless you understand "ether" is a specific product (very expensive and hard to obtain) and a not so specific process (let the residue dry thoroughly!), I wouldn't attempt doing it yourself. This isn't a scientific opinion but if I were offered a toke of ether hash that wasn't made by a rookie, I'd take it.
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SoEx said:
Yeah, -repping me because you disagree and are unwilling to be open minded is very mature. You must get some satisfaction from that, eh?

I -repped you for starting an argument for no reason. I was talking about something completely different. Apparently, you haven't read through this thread completely.

In my opinion it's extremely rude to barge into a conversation when you can't even follow along.

Since you like to argue: Thank you for proving my point about ISO being poisonous. Apparently, you also don't understand Chemistry. ISO is not a chemical.

Once you understand how chemicals come together to form ISOPROPYL, you'll start to have a clue.
SoEx said:
And in what manner is ISO/Butane/Any other solvent an adulterant? The solvent evaporates after one (carefully) does the extraction. So, despite your lovely definitions, solvents are not adulterants. QED.

If you feel that BHO/ISO/Other solvent-made hashes aren't real hashes, then don't smoke them. But stop being an alarmist by posting baseless accusations.

You misquoted me, entirely. Woody Creek was using 'an unnamed organic chemical' in addition to his BUTANE oil.

If you can explain to me how Propene, the monomer used in the production of ISO, is not an adulterant; I will gladly give you back the K+.

Please explain to me how a chemical which "is found in coal gas and can be synthesized by cracking petroleum" is something everybody wants in their medicine.

And please don't claim that every bit of that petroleum by-product leaves the concentrate during the purge. That's insulting to anyone who knows the difference.

I smoke my own ISO, I'm obviously not attacking it. But acting as if it should be sold commercially, as medicine, is irresponsible and ignorant.

(Also, anyone who uses QED in a conversation, generally deserves -rep.)


I agree totally with Easy,just cause you cant see it dont mean it aint there.
These types of extraction are far from healthy and I doupt any med despensary would sell or be allowed to sell it. :joint:


I have no interest in further derailing this thread after I respond to your "points."

EasyBakeIndica said:
Since you like to argue: Thank you for proving my point about ISO being poisonous. Apparently, you also don't understand Chemistry. ISO is not a chemical.

Once you understand how chemicals come together to form ISOPROPYL, you'll start to have a clue.

Your first sentence is simply inane and warrants no response.

Then, once again, how does isopropyl alcohol get synthesized and what "nasty" chemicals are used in the process which could possibly be left behind after evaporation? Was the answer you were looking for "none?" I believe it was. I linked you to the MSDS of 70-100% rubbing alcohol, and DESPITE your claims, they show no other products other than isopropyl alcohol and water.

You said numerous times in this thread they "add poisons" to make isopropyl alcohol undrinkable, which I disproved. Yet you still stubbornly cling to any hope of appearing to have any idea of what you're talking about.

EasyBakeIndica said:
If you can explain to me how Propene, the monomer used in the production of ISO, is not an adulterant; I will gladly give you back the K+.

Please explain to me how a chemical which "is found in coal gas and can be synthesized by cracking petroleum" is something everybody wants in their medicine.

Well, if you're referring to "isopropyl alcohol is produced by combining water and propylene.[1]" then maybe you should take into consideration that propylene is a gas at room temperature. How exactly does the propylene remain in the finished isopropyl alcohol, then?

Furthermore, you have yet to prove propylene is especially harmful? http://www.intergas.co.uk/pdf/PROPYLENE.PDF

Interesting, because that MSDS describes propylene as a simple asphyxiant with no toxicological lethal dose.

Funnily enough, you said:

EasyBakeIndica said:
i LOVE isopropyl alc for making oil. its my favorite treat and easiest to yield a quality product as shown by the knucklehead above, but i have STOPPED making it with poison and just use food-grade ethyl alchohol.

But wait, "Isopropyl alcohol is about twice as toxic as ethanol, though isopropyl alcohol does not cause an anion gap acidosis as do ethanol and methanol. It produces an elevated osmolal gap, but generally no abnormal anion gap (though this may be seen as a result of hypotension and lactic acidosis). Overdoses may cause a fruity odor on the breath as a result of its metabolism to give acetone which is not further metabolized.[5] While small quantities (~ 15 g) of isopropanol can be fatal if left untreated, it is not nearly as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol.[6]" So your precious ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is only half as dangerous as the "wreckless and poisonous" isopropyl alcohol? Oh, you must get great comfort from that.

THIS is the post containing lies and misinformation which prompted my response to this thread:

ethereal said:
what you folks are doing by egging people on to make oil with poison, RIGHT after being educated that the solvent is not useable, is a travesty and i hope you go blind and get lung cancer.

'ISOPROPYL' rubbing alcohol from ANY drug store CONTAINS POISON.

if you are using isopropynol from a lab supply distributor then, it's clean, but pharmaceutical/diabetic/first-aid-grade alcohol contains methyl alcohol. poison. good luck purging all the minute traces of THAT out. iso's traces wont do much harm, maybe if you smoke it solely, a gram or more a day of homemade iso youd get throat and vision problems, but Methyl is a whole different animal. caveat emptor.

but its better then throat/respiratory problems and going blind.


And, as I showed and explained many times, isopropyl alcohol does not contain methyl alcohol (a denaturant), and he was mistaken.

You even said,
EasyBakeIndica said:
Why don't you think alcoholic drink that shit??? (Answer: Because they add a poisonous chemical which would make you sick.)

Which is incorrect, but you're completely unwilling to acknowledge that, and you're grasping at any straw you can get your hands on in order to shift your argument and to attempt to appear to know what's going on.

EasyBakeIndica said:
I smoke my own ISO, I'm obviously not attacking it. But acting as if it should be sold commercially, as medicine, is irresponsible and ignorant.

Okay, wait, so you smoke the supposed "methylated poison?" The hypocrisy is staggering, and the absurdity of your arguments is even more humorous.

igrohydro said:
I agree totally with Easy,just cause you cant see it dont mean it aint there.
These types of extraction are far from healthy and I doupt any med despensary would sell or be allowed to sell it. :joint:

Because that kind of superstitious attitude toward the consumption of cannabis is a good idea? Just look around, bud, BHO is common and generally accepted as safe. Yes, you'll probably find that dispensaries would have no issue selling safe solvent-extracted hashes

Back on topic and in regards to Ether Hash:

DiscoDuck said:
I had no idea people would take this so seriously. Granted, there are other ways of making hash than using solvents, but I'm trying to stay on topic here...ETHER hash?

The poster asked whether ether is a health risk. It certainly is if you don't do it right. I've briefly spoke of other dangerous situations, wiring a remote ballast etc. and I wasn't scolded for trying to get somebody to do something they didn't have any idea how to do.

The poster is curious about ether, I simply said what I know. I even mentioned the part I don't specifically know. A poster wanting "scientific" information just happens to endorse wrong info concerning ISO ingredients, lol. ISO is a good solvent in the right recipe (ISO, water) and the correct % but it just happens to take longer to evaporate than ether.

Butane is mentioned briefly here but ether is more refined than that. As far as the poster that compared it to carb starter, not even close. Carb starter starts with ether and has stuff added to to make it less volatile and prevent corrosion (lubrication.) This added "oil" doesn't evaporate completely. Granted it is diluted from the ether in the starter fluid but it doesn't completely evaporate. It's actually hard to get your hands on unaltered ether but used correctly it works as good or better than other solvent based processes. The whole idea with using ether in the first place is because of it's highly refined state and it's ability to evaporate quickly, removing the liquid petroleum from the product as a gas.

The poster that offers a picture of the ISO product/process mentions a clean taste is achieved. Ether does this as well. I'm aware that accidents happen, as with other aspects of illegal activities. I guess I should label this one "don't try this at home". Unless you understand "ether" is a specific product (very expensive and hard to obtain) and a not so specific process (let the residue dry thoroughly!), I wouldn't attempt doing it yourself. This isn't a scientific opinion but if I were offered a toke of ether hash that wasn't made by a rookie, I'd take it.

I agree and I'm sorry for derailing the thread at this point.

The only major obstacles I could see to making ether hash would be in its handling (due to the volatility of ether) and in the obtaining of pure ether, no? I'm unaware if there is a publicly available pure source for ether, so using ether as a hash may be nothing more than a pipe dream (excuse the pun) for those of us without access to it.

Also, isn't ether a bit costly? I'm intrigued as to the purity of the end product, and I still haven't seen anything too concrete on the process (as in someone stepping forward and explaining their ether extraction). Interesting, though.
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Who's being superstitious? I read and comprehend the links which you are providing. I can't argue where you won't admit you're wrong.

Why don't you go discuss this with a chemist who has no opinion (non-smoker) and try to explain your side of the story to them. Explain to them that you're using ISO/Butane in an attempt to attain a 'pure' extraction. They'd have trouble not laughing in your face.

Why do you think ethanol is so much more expensive than ISO? (Answer: ISO is made with very cheap chemicals, in much less time.)

If you can't taste the difference between ISO and ethanol. I can't argue with numb senses.
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