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ETHER hash....?


SoEx said:
Back on topic and in regards to Ether Hash:

I agree and I'm sorry for derailing the thread at this point.

The only major obstacles I could see to making ether hash would be in its handling (due to the volatility of ether) and in the obtaining of pure ether, no? I'm unaware if there is a publicly available pure source for ether, so using ether as a hash may be nothing more than a pipe dream (excuse the pun) for those of us without access to it.

Also, isn't ether a bit costly? I'm intrigued as to the purity of the end product, and I still haven't seen anything too concrete on the process (as in someone stepping forward and explaining their ether extraction). Interesting, though.

Safety is indeed a MAJOR obstacle with ether. One would have to extinguish any open flame while ether is being handled. Once the ether completely dries, (we're probably talking less than a minute per tablespoon!) the residue is safe for consumption.

Ether is available, just not sure where. I'm on a need to know basis with source and apparently he thinks I don't need to know!. We have however used it for extraction in his company. Although I have a need for it to make my own hash, my friend won't give up the goods or the source. I'll bet my last 20 it's very expensive, only available to licensed professionals and therefore, a virtual "pipedream." I probably know who gets the shit and where they get it from but he won't say. Probably a welder's supply where he knows someone that will sell it to him illegally. I know the welder's supply tries to crack down on illegitimate nitrous oxide sales/thefts. Sure would like to get in on that situation!

Ether will extract the oil or resin from any organic substance. Since I'm not an expert, I'll just explain what I've participated in and seen with my own eyes.

My friend stores the ether in a glass container with a vapor tight poly lid. Kind of looks like a king size bottle of prescription cough syrup. We put our herb (wet, dry, minced, ground, it doesn't matter because any dummy can do it) in a glass dropper bottle half full. Then we put water in the dropper bottle until it just covers the herb. Here's where the dangerous part is:

Extinguish any and all open flame!

Take the cap off the big ether bottle.

Use the glass dropper and drip ether into the dropper bottle with the herb and water.

Immediately replace the caps on both containers cause ether evaporates faster than anything you can think of.

Shake the dropper bottle to mix the ether, water and herb. - it doesn't matter how long you shake it. 15 seconds is long enough in the amounts my friend makes because ether fumes alone will melt trichs instantly, let alone liquid ether. - it doesn't matter if you shake it for 15 minutes because the plant matter (although pulverized and pulpified) will separate from the extract. This alone makes ether the easiest and best extraction method hands down!

After shaking the dropper bottle, just set it on a table and wait a few seconds for the ether to separate from the water. Looks like oil and vinegar, extract laden ether on top, water and plant matter on bottom. Warning, danger again!

Extinguish any and all open flame!

Carefully remove the lid from the dropper bottle. If the mixture is disturbed, wait for it to separate (will only take seconds.)

This part takes a steady hand: suck the "lung" of ether/extract into the glass dropper and expel it onto a piece of curved glass. If you get even a half drop of water in the ether, the process is botched as the water will take a long time to dry.

The curved glass is like a shallow bowl, keeping the runoff contained. You'll observe the ether begin to evaporate immediately, blowing on it makes the process exponentially faster. And a fan... you probably wouldn't want to go gonzo with a fan anyway.

Once the ether is evaporated, scrape the residue with a knife or card. If you suck the lung correctly, there is no water in the residue at this point because water and ether don't mix. Enjoy.

Ether, like ISO is a single ingredient. They are not compounds of various chemicals or additives, (with the exception of harmless water in ISO.) This is why people use this stuff in the first place, clean finished product.

Now I will admit that evaporating ether fumes during the process is harmful if inhaled. I wouldn't do this unless your in a well ventilated area. Making lots of ether extract is probably unhealthy for the chef, breathing errant fumes for prolonged or frequent times. It is not dangerous to consume the finished product. Ether is to petroleum like a diamond is to a lump of coal. It's the single most refined element left over from the process of petroleum refinement.

I don't want to get in an argument with anyone here as I consider us all friends with potentially like interests. SoEx is right, ISO is a type of alcohol that doesn't have any poisonous additives. There are indeed other types of alcohol that have something added to make you wish you hadn't drank it, (make you sick as hell!) Additives that make you sick and discourage drinking are not in themselves poison. Rubbing alcohol manufacturers don't want you to drink the stuff but they don't want to injure you either. ISO is not this type. ISO is not drinkable in the first place, it's unnecessary to add a deterrent to something even a Skid Row alcoholic will avoid like the plague.

ISO and rubbing alcohol are like comparing apples to oranges.

DiscoDuck said:
ISO and rubbing alcohol are like comparing apples to oranges.



Apple-flavored oranges???

I'll restate: If you can't tell a difference between concentrate made with ISO and a concentrate made with food-grade ethyl alcohol. I can't argue with you.

ISO and PGA are like comparing apples to oranges.

so iso alcohol, the stuff we put on cuts has poison in it? they make a poduct that we put on open wounds that has poison in it? mmm cant wait to scrape my knee. :confused: :crazy: :moon: :moon:
Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by the liver into acetone. Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

Long term application to the skin can cause defatting.

Isopropyl alcohol is about twice as toxic as ethanol, though isopropyl alcohol does not cause an anion gap acidosis as do ethanol and methanol. It produces an elevated osmolal gap, but generally no abnormal anion gap (though this may be seen as a result of hypotension and lactic acidosis). Overdoses may cause a fruity odor on the breath as a result of its metabolism to give acetone which is not further metabolized. While small quantities (~ 15 g) of isopropanol can be fatal if left untreated, it is not nearly as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol.

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EasyBakeIndica said:



Apple-flavored oranges???

I'll restate: If you can't tell a difference between concentrate made with ISO and a concentrate made with food-grade ethyl alcohol. I can't argue with you.

ISO and PGA are like comparing apples to oranges.


didn't mean to say it quite like I did, thanks for the correction EBI


EasyBakeIndica said:
Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by the liver into acetone. Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.

Long term application to the skin can cause defatting.

Isopropyl alcohol is about twice as toxic as ethanol, though isopropyl alcohol does not cause an anion gap acidosis as do ethanol and methanol. It produces an elevated osmolal gap, but generally no abnormal anion gap (though this may be seen as a result of hypotension and lactic acidosis). Overdoses may cause a fruity odor on the breath as a result of its metabolism to give acetone which is not further metabolized. While small quantities (~ 15 g) of isopropanol can be fatal if left untreated, it is not nearly as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol.


I agree with you that ISO is nasty stuff!!! don't drink it. What I have a hard time agreeing with is the additives you say are included.

The label on the bottle in the photo says active ingredient: isopropyl alcohol
inactive ingredient: water. Wouldn't the manufacturer have to list any other ingredients?

Obviously, some forms of ether and iso alcohol contain undesirable agents, ie starter fluid and "rubbing alcohol".


Soex,its nothing to do with supperstition,lol.
Ive been making my own hash for years dude,bubble hash an dry sift.
Dont like chemical extraction for a good reason an it sure aint supperstition.
More a preferance to natural methods,is all.
Just cuz it cleans cuts dont mean its safe to smoke,would ya put savlon in ur joint?
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