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esbe's lines


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Esbe, Dubi, Maffe:

From what I see in the pics, the Leb responds very well to toping. Have you got any comments on this?

Since I only have a single small Leb (well into flower by now) it's too late for me to do such a thing, but I was planning to try toppoing it next year, if you would recomend it.

Greetz! :wave:


no wuckin furries!
lucky to live where i can finsh a sativa....thou these are some beautiful plants....esbe nice work.HH. =]-~


Dubi, That Erdpurt looks the bussiness, nice fat bud there. It is nice to see someone doing this justice.
Esbe,What can I say, I'm stunned by whats going on in Demark. I wish to god I had found this site 5 years ago, it would have saved us so much grief. We looked to Holland for early varieties, but now I think a lot of Dutch earlies are skunk crossed with the dreaded Russula/Ruderalis. This stuff is fine for the first year, & then will screw everything up . Last year I grew a few Rox, & noticed that here was something a bit beautifull & special about this plant but did not know what it was, I later learnt from Esbe that it has Erdbeer in it. What is so interesting about Esbes lines is that he has stayed away from the Russula/Ruderalis side & looked elsewhere for early finishing strong smoke. What you are seeing is something very special & beautifull, some of these plants are like ornamental flowers., . Thanks for bringing the attention of the erdbeer stories to me, I knew nothing of this untill I found this forum,. I have learned & gained alot from you. I am very gratefull.
This year we have a few of Esbes plants, they were started very late, & are being grown mainly as a small trial & to get a few seeds, next year I doubt if I will grow anything else, I look forward to this already and I am very excited. Good luck Dubi, & give these lines the grow they deserve.
BTW we cloned a few as an experiment, with 100% success, vigour is incredible 4 days later they have good strong roots.


We DO have some very earl strains here .
And as far as I know they havent been near Ruderalis... they have, on the other side, been grown for many, many years here and are developed for our light/temp.. so below 52 theyll be nearly a.flowering and with a heavy stone
fx. Royal Dane, Purpel Peace/Erdbeer(purt) and offcourse L27... all great strains .. imho way better than anything from NL.
peace :rasta:


Active member
Yeah Esbe deserves a medal for his work. It is very hard to find strains that flower here in Finland that are not Lowryder based. Esbes gear is really unique and with a little selective breeding with the earliest plants it should be possible to create a perfect strain for our climate in a few years. My work has just begun.

Danish stuff from Esbe grown in Finland around 63N latitude


ACE Seeds Breeder
High all and thanks for the good vibes!

easyrasta, i think leb is more an outdoor strain. I haven't tried her indoors, maybe esbe can comment more about its indoor adaptability but i think would be better flower her outdoors.

mosca friend, the taller untopped lebanese reach almost 1-70 meter with pot.
They were germinated late in the season but they are real vigorous plants.

trapik, yes i remember ezozo's lebanese at OG, they looked very interesting!

Browser, im glad to hear you have a leb female there ;) Thanks for posting and please keep us updated!

Wow Maffe, your lebanese bush looks very promising, final harvest is going to be huge!

happyherb, seems that esbe's sativa fast lines are finishing even in Finland!

farmaz2, Yes, Erdbeer purpurea is some of the most beautiful indicas i've grown, the reddish flowers have a great ornamental value and they smell like wild forest fruit. Im enjoying a lot growing them.

Goyakla, Im glad to hear you have finished with success esbe's lines in your zone.

Underground, very impressive pics, the male looks like a real good dad!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Worm attack and first plant affected by mold

Worm attack and first plant affected by mold

I've found some time to upload the thread with new info and pics....

We are having a rare august here, lot of cloudy humid rainy days .... temps are lower than other years (that's nice!).

Worms are very typical here between august-september. Fly puts her eggs in humid zones with healthy abundant flowers. A humid and hot coastal ganja greenhouse is perfect for them. After the first august rains, problems start to come. High humid ambient makes egg mature and worms appear.

Only esbe's lines were flowering at that time so flies put their eggs over them (Tom's Deep Chunk is another favourite for worms, even in veg).

Bacilus Turingensis aplication ( very effective bacteria, that affects worm digestive system, non toxic with humans, plants and animals) came 5 days later, worms started to attack mainly the lebaneses. Their huge not dense flowers are perfect for them, they can be hide and move easily inside the biggest and best colas.

Erdbeer Purpurea flowers were denser and more resinous than lebanese, worms were not so happy with them and EPs didnt suffered almost any attack.

After the worm attack lebaneses stopped their good flowering progresses for a week. Worms bites are not the biggest problem, it's their abundant shit and infectious liquid which produce mold. Lebanese showed her mold resistance, i removed the affected zones by worm shit, but mold is not expanding. Lebaneses received a nice feeding and they are recovering very well.

Here's the most affected lebanese by worm attacks. I had to remove the main cola :( She was full of worm shit. Plant stopped to produce aromas and resin but now seems better. I think she wont flower to her full potential but fortunatly is not one of the best ones.

amputated lebanese main cola
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Fortunatly, after 2 Bacilus Turingensis aplications there are no more worm signs.

Best topped lebanese was slighty affected, had to remove 2-3 good colas, but now is recoverring very well, producing lot of new pistils, aroma and resin.



H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Hola Dubi,

That's very good info, see how Esbe's lines behave in Souther climates.

I'm very sorry to hear about the attacks, althoguh you seem to have it under control already :D

2 questions: Could you post a picture of the worm in question and tell us where you can find the Bacilus Turingensis?



bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki/Israeli or something like that can be found in biological garden-product shops :D

If you want more info about this soil dwelling bacteria check this link:


note there is several sub-species and there is a lot of difference in how they work :D

peace all!
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Yes Browser,

Bacilus turingensis is cheap and easy to find in polm form. Maybe not in traditional garden shops but good cannagrow shops should have it. You wont have worm problems if you use it as preventive, worms die before they can eat and become big. Doing 2 aplications in 7-10 days after august rains would be recomendation. It's very effective, non toxic and ecologic.

Great input bone! ;)
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ACE Seeds Breeder
best untopped lebanese- end August

best untopped lebanese- end August

Best untopped lebanese remains untouched by worms.

I'm very impressed. Colas are huge for late August.

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you are doing a fine job dubi! sorry bout the worm and shit, i have them to this crappy season, so wet cold and un nice. flowering is very late to here in denmark. all best wishes for you dubi bro, you are in my thoughts daily.

dubi is rite, leb27 is an only outdoor plant, but the erdbeer\purpurea ticinensis and some of its crosses preform well indoor.


Active member
ICMag Donor
wauw dubi those lebs look so nice :) very sorry to hear about the worm attack

keep it green

peace maffe


ACE Seeds Breeder
Early Erdbeed Purpurea affected by mold

Early Erdbeed Purpurea affected by mold

Early Erdbeer purpurea with massive cola has been affected by nasty fungus.

It has not been a worm problem, main cola was so dense (sometimes less is better!) that flowers inside didnt receive light or air, perfect conditions for mold even when growing very mold resistant plants.

Big part of main cola was removed. Sadly, some of the best flowers are lost by mold. Lower buds are not very affected. Looks like an EP pheno more sensitive againt fungus.

Flowers are hard as a rock. It's even difficult to open the big flowers, here a mold affected zone inside early EP flower.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks Maffe

Esbe bro, it means a lot for me.

Good vibes from deep of my heart. dubi


sorry about the nasty fungus my friend, we have it here each year, but never saw so much in erd\purt. actually its pretty resistant here. have to try this one inside for better control.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Bigger branchy EP pheno

Bigger branchy EP pheno

The other Eerdbeer purpurea plants belong to the other EP pheno.

It's not a columnar massive main cola pheno like the early EP affected by mold. Plants grow taller with longer branches. Very similar to a Blueberry (robust red aromatic stems and strong afghani influence) but slighty more sativa in appearance and flowering one month or more earlier than BB.

Blueberry and BB related plants are only starting to flower here while all EP plants have big resinous flowers at the same time..

Tall and branchy EP plants havent got any problem with mold or worms. Very resistant and easy to grow. This pheno needs higher nutrient levels.

A sweet EP, smells like sweet fresh strawberries packed in resin. Loving the pink pistils too.
