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El Tigre's LED/ZEN tent

El Tigre

Active member


Plants keep flowering...
Yesterday i checked Ph before watering and was around 8 !!?!
Damn, not sure what happened, since i got this habit to regulate ph before putting water into tanks to be used later. So:
1- i forgot to regulate pH (the most likely)
2- my pH- loses his power during the time...
Any one with a better chemical knowledge than me has an opinion?


The surprise of the week is the MAGNUM! Even if yellowing has started budding as a crazy, impressing vigorous strain!

Inspirational grow man, may I ask what is your usual nutrient routine is for a standard run?

I'm hoping to emulate your success and simple methods.


Those 4 are autoflowering strains right? From Buddha Seeds I think.

I'm curious you mentioned before that you use Biobizz Grow & Bloom. Do you use anything else, like a flowering booster?

El Tigre

Active member
Nice looking buds.!

Thank you Starke!:)

Inspirational grow man, may I ask what is your usual nutrient routine is for a standard run?

I'm hoping to emulate your success and simple methods.

Those 4 are autoflowering strains right? From Buddha Seeds I think.

I'm curious you mentioned before that you use Biobizz Grow & Bloom. Do you use anything else, like a flowering booster?

Hi guys! I don't have a real nutrient routine. I usually use a light soil + 30/40% perlite. I start feeding from the late vegetation with BIOBIZZ VEG and BLOOM (before veg,then veg+bloom, then bloom). All the time I start with a very low dose (1/4 Biobizz table) and i go up looking at plants. I prefere feed more often at small doses. I had also a little bottle of TOP MAX (booster), but it finished and i decided to not buy anymore.
In my opinion, all my success ( if you are sure you want to use this definition :laughing:!!!) is related to train the plants to fill the canopy in the best possible way.
Yes, now i have 4 different autos from Buddha seeds.

El Tigre

Active member


Today inside the tent was like that:

I had some free time, so i put together this cheap drying box.
This could give me the freedom of harvesting different strains in different times (without smell issues, i hope).

So i harvested the upper colas of the white dwarf:

The tent later:


Smoke weed and prosper
i love your inventive nature tigre. It looks awesome man. Let me know how it works out.

On another note, I have the same soundproof duct and I have an extractor fan. My plan is to vent outside but the damn thing makes a lot of noise. How silent is yours with that filter on?

El Tigre

Active member

i love your inventive nature tigre. It looks awesome man. Let me know how it works out.

On another note, I have the same soundproof duct and I have an extractor fan. My plan is to vent outside but the damn thing makes a lot of noise. How silent is yours with that filter on?

:biggrin: Thank you guys! i am also quite happy of this simple idea!
It also seems to work well for now, with a small amount of buds inside.
@Gantz: My fan is a "silent" one, but honestly putting a filter at the end of the system decrease A LOT the noise.
I suggest to put the filter on before judging how loud will be your air setup.
Which fan do you have? You are going to put it outside the cab. like i am actually doing?


Smoke weed and prosper
I've got one of these


i put in in the center of a plastic bucket, ducktaped ducting at both ends, then filled the bucket with the rest of the insulation (i had a lot laying around. it still hums a bit. I wanna make it really silent.
Maybe the outside world will provide the background noise i need - there are a couple of exhaust chimneys next to my window so the very few people that would ever get to see my window from afar would assume that whatever flow of air they may or may not hear, would most probably come from the exhaust chimneys... :D And any hiss from that part of the house... well... didn't i mention the exhaust chimneys? Could be some neighbor cooking or maybe the restaurant nextdoor...

El Tigre

Active member
I've got one of these

View Image

i put in in the center of a plastic bucket, ducktaped ducting at both ends, then filled the bucket with the rest of the insulation (i had a lot laying around. it still hums a bit. I wanna make it really silent.
Maybe the outside world will provide the background noise i need - there are a couple of exhaust chimneys next to my window so the very few people that would ever get to see my window from afar would assume that whatever flow of air they may or may not hear, would most probably come from the exhaust chimneys... :D And any hiss from that part of the house... well... didn't i mention the exhaust chimneys? Could be some neighbor cooking or maybe the restaurant nextdoor...

Total silent fan is unreal, so "using" the noise from outside to mask the hum sounds good to me.
Not sure how could work that fan connected to a carbon filter.
It is strong enough?Did you have tried yet?
Smell is definitely a serious issue too, even more than noise, in my opinion.:tiphat:


Smoke weed and prosper
the fan is strong enough to pull enough air and smell that will get vented outside. i,m pretty high up and the wind is pretty constant. smell shouldn't be a problem


What kind of temperatures do you have in the room that you have your grow and how many watts of light are you using gantz?


Smoke weed and prosper
zero. it's not active at the moment.
i'll be using led bulbs like most of the people in the micro section. i'm going with 8 bulbs. 9-9.5w each.
add the extractor and we're looking at around 100W.

i'm not growing right now because it's just too cold to exhaust everything out a window. I would need a constant supply of fresh air into the flat and drafts in winter are unpleasant and costly. not to mention unhealthy.

i don't know why i bother really. I grew this past year outside the window and the neighboring building has a direct line of sight. my plants were visible at all times. i've seen my neighbors maybe 3 times since i moved there. the rest of the time the place is deserted. Nobody said or did anything. Then again...it's pretty common for people in my neighborhood to have a plant or two on the balcony. I like my part of Spain.


Smoke weed and prosper
i don't know. i can see my breath outside the growbox. and i could probably see it inside too if i blew into it.

good thing im not growing anything at the moment.



So, 0°C to 5°C maybe? and around 80 watt of lights.

100 watt of fan is too much, you'll take the heat out of the grow box.

In winter I have those kind of temps and I use a PC fan and the temps inside the grow-box are around 23 to 25 °C, just by the heat generated by he led bulbs. I use the Noctua A6-FLX, it has 17 CFM, 1.44 watts and I have it plugged to a variable voltage wall adapter (4.5 V to 12 V).

The downside? in summer (now) my temps rises to 29°C, but I might get the Noctua A8-FLX it consumes even less power, is quieter (I would use it at 9 V or 7 V and it would be completely silent) and moves up to 30 CFM and would keep my temps at 26°C at most, that way I could change it depending on the season.
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Smoke weed and prosper
I don't think you understand.
I am NOT growing at the moment. Zero plants. NOTHING.

The box is not in use now. The main reason is that I think it is just too cold for them to survive, let alone thrive.

~80w of light - YES.

100w of fan? NO

The fan consumes around 15w and sucks about 160m3/h

So, as I said before, AROUND 100w of electricity.



What I'm trying to say is that you could grow an autoflowering strain either 24/0 or 20/4 and let the heat generated by the led bulbs warm your grow box.

With a small enough fan you can keep your grow space warm.

That is what I did when I started while the temperatures were still freezing.
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Smoke weed and prosper
I have thought of that.

However, as I mentioned before, my plan is to vent the air from the growbox outside a window close to the growbox.

Growing in winter would mean inviting a lot of cold air in the house if i want to vent through a window.