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Eating Hash



i suffer from a neurological disorder and medicate for that, but my sister suffers from night terrors and insomnia. hash for her is the best medicine to wind down to allow a peaceful nights rest. once the dosage is dialed in for the individual medication is very enjoyable with no side effects like the pharms she was suggested. she wakes up with her feet hitting the floor ready to roar refreshed and without remembering any bad dreams!


Cannabrex Formulator
This is just like, my opinion man, but I think "cannabrex kits" are a scam.

Why not just decarboxylize dry sift kif and fill gelatin capsules???

I'll ignore the accusation of being a scam artist, and will explain a bit about why Cannabrex is in a totally different league than filling caps with cooked dry sift.

First of all, eating decarbed dry sift as is will get you high, but it is an incredibly inefficient way of GI ingestion. Due to it's resinous nature, kif is very hard to digest properly when not not solution with either alcohol or a lipid of some kind.

While one could use olive or veggie oil, the Cannabrex Oil Blend is a light fractionated lipid derived from coconuts, and is metabolized as a carb, not a fat, due to it's light molecular structure. This makes for a faster transfer into the blood, with less stress on the liver, which is an issue for some medical patients, esp those on chemo and tri-therapies for HIV. It contains essential oils than curb nausea and increase blood flow in the stomach lining, and it does not go rancid at room temperature (thus giving prepared Cannabrex caps a room temp shelf life of 1 year+). The same cannot be said for veggie oil.

So now you have your active ingredients in solution with a lipid....you need an excipient, or something to mix it with so it will become a powder, because filling capsules with oil is just plain messy and they will leak. Cannabrex uses a pharmaceutical grade pre-glutenized maize starch, which does not clump, has a very consistent texture and fill density and does not go moldy or stale. You could use regular corn starch if you wanted to...but it clumps and turns into a golf-ball like weirdness, and is not very easy to achieve a good uniform dosage with it.

Then we get to the most important thing...the 3X bioavailablity enhancer. Piperines are extracted from black pepper, which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for digestion for thousands of years. They have two main effects.

Firsty, they increase the transfer in actives ingested thru the stomach by increasing blood flow to the stomach lining as well as making the stomach lining itself more 'transparent' to actives.

Secondly, it inhibits the enzymes that flush out your cells, so it keeps the active in your body longer.

You accuse me of inventing a scam.....I disagree.

Cannabrex is a very efficient way of ingesting THC via the GI tract...in fact, I use less stash eating caps than when I did smoking....and am just as baked. I get that comment from many people.

You could go out and source all the items we use and hassle around to buy them from hither and yon to save a few bucks.
But if you do the math, once you have the kit, refills are costing you 36 cents per capsule......not exactly 500% mark-up, and not exactly crazy expensive either...


Fuck guys, I don't know, but I know if you put 3 or 4 grams of bubble hash in a batch of hot chocolate, (1 cup batch..) then you will have a similar experience to what the guy posted that ate 6, at least I did. Unlike him, I will do it again, but, I will not be making any important plans for the next 24 hours just to be safe lol...


in the late 60's early 70's I happened to end up with 3lb's of
good red hash got tried of smoking it justly call choking red
so I stared eating 1/2 to 2 grams a day I did heat it at 200f
for 15-20 min. so I could mold it loved it it's one of the reasons
I don't remenber the 60-70's lol


Active member
Hello all,

When I was but a young pup of 17 I was in the US Navy where I happened to go on a Mediterrainian Cruise in the year of our Lord 1977.

It was there that I happened upon a sample of blonde Lebanise(sp) hash that was perported to have opium in it as well.

Well, after eating a gram I finally came down 24 hours later. Its a complete phuquing mystery how or why I did not get popped because I was told I was gone.

I do remember to this day though how the passageways of the ship did that vanishing point perspective thing.

I also remember giggling like a school girl while watching the choppers load and unload Marines.

anyway, I shared.



Why not just decarboxylize dry sift kif and fill gelatin capsules???

One of the best way to use it besides smoking it. I do it a little different.

I make them with size O capsules.

I get my kief and some trichy trim leaves and put them in a coffee grinder until it is all powder. I add some lecithin granules to act as an emulsifier(you can also use the lecithin gel caps and squeeze that into the paste)and some olive oil to make it gooey, then load the caps with something like this.

It can get messy filling them, I use a cocaine spoon to fill them (no, I am not a coke-head, you can get them at a good headshop).

Takes some trial and error to get the dose right. Take with a glass of milk.
Also what about "The Hasheesh Eater" by Fitz Hugh Ludlow

Thanks man, I read this back in the 60's and have been searching references to it every where for the last eight-nine years. Teh 60's being a somewhat muddled time in memory, I had confused and cocantenated the title "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" and "The Hasheesh Eater" into "The Confessions of a Hashish Eater."

I also remembered reading it as essay by Edgar Allen Poe. Well, anyway at least that's finally cleared up. I can now look it up, find a copy and re-read it; as if it were the very first time, apparently.


I'll ignore the accusation of being a scam artist
I thought I was clear that that was just my opinion. Far from making accusations. Its great that you are around the forums to defend your product and provide us with accurate information, I love ICMAG.

Secondly, it inhibits the enzymes that flush out your cells, so it keeps the active in your body longer.
This sounds a bit sketchy to me, perhaps you can clarify on this point. When cannabinoids are producing a psychoactive effect, they are bound to receptors in your brain, correct? Then they get stored in fatty tissue and are no longer active... so why would I want to keep inactive thc and its metabolites in my system longer?

Feel free to straighten me out if I am way off base, I am here to learn.


Active member
i love eating hash! it's been a long time, but i ate only about 1/4 gram before a flight from the bay, the flight was so lovely and dreamy, i was so super relaxed and just enjoying it, when it was time to get up and get out of the plane i did not want to! lol have fun with your hash pill venture! *nom*


New member


Hello everyone. Sorry to butt in, but hash/resin tastes great in gingerbread or gingersnaps. The taste blends with the spices perfectly.:yummy:


we need the lozenge recipe that they used at the Club des Hachichins :biggrin:

Unless there is a new one, that place closed down in the 1850s lol.

Here is my candy. By the way the FDA is testing a THC lozenge.

½ cup dark Corn Syrup
¾ cup White sugar
¼ cup Cannabudder
¼ tsp. salt
1 packet Kool aid drink mix (flavor of choice, without the sugar)
Use food coloring to make them colors if you wish
Popsicle Sticks (20 of them, I use bamboo kabob skewers cut in half)
Candy Thermometer

Combine sugar, salt, corn syrup and butter in a medium saucepan bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Then lower the heat and keep heating until candy thermometer reads 270 deg F. Now add some kool aid ( i like lime) and the food coloring (if you wish) and mix them in well. Use a spoon to drop the candy out on a greased baking sheet. If it starts too cool off to much heat it up with medium heat. Should make 20-30 lollipops or lozenges.


Then we get to the most important thing...the 3X bioavailablity enhancer. Piperines are extracted from black pepper, which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for digestion for thousands of years. They have two main effects.

Firsty, they increase the transfer in actives ingested thru the stomach by increasing blood flow to the stomach lining as well as making the stomach lining itself more 'transparent' to actives.


Nice!! I mostly drink my hash as chai... pepper is a lovely ingredient in chai.

new best friend: One cup milk, half gram of hash boiled for 20 minutes with 3 freshly crushed black peppercorns. Pull off heat, steep a bag of tea for 2 mins and 2 tsp of sugar.

This sounds a bit sketchy to me, perhaps you can clarify on this point. When cannabinoids are producing a psychoactive effect, they are bound to receptors in your brain, correct? Then they get stored in fatty tissue and are no longer active... so why would I want to keep inactive thc and its metabolites in my system longer?

Piperine inhibits two enzymes, ingestion of with certain drugs can make the total blood levels of the drug hit higher amounts as well as keeping the blood levels higher for longer. We're talking about inhibiting the degrading of cannabinoids that exert psychoactive effect here.

Along the same lines.... glass of grapefruit juice should work as well.

edit: or maybe not, we need to inhibit cytochrome p450 2c.

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