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DSoG's SOG aka "the T5 tent"


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
Hello all and welcome to my first grow thread! please everyone come and :joint: but none of this :dueling:


Due to the electrical situation, i am forced to run a few extension cords. Although i use contractor Gage, i still do not think HID's would well with this arrangement. so short of wiring up a new subpanel in my room and running welding cable to the main, this is what i have done.


the tent is a homebox xl (4'x4') and i have 648 watts of T5 power in it...
a 4' 8 bulb rig and a 4' 4 bulb... the tent is a perpetual sog setup with stages being staggered roughly 1-2 weeks apart.

that's all i got time for now guys, but i will keep adding to this and also answering ?'s that u guys may have. peace


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
it's murda indeed.

current genetics include: JLP's sour d x og k f2's
TW x AS (orange pheno)
the chem work (weird bagseed that was found in super chemmy work)

more genetics around, but nothing sexed. will keep you all posted...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup Dsog,when i clik on ur link it takes me to my grow pics yo...i think you pasted the wrong link holmz.
all you have to do is go to ur album then click the pic you want to add and enlarge it.then scroll down to the bottom and copy paste the bb code into ur post,it starts with ...
that will put the pics right into ur post yo.
hope that helped you brotha...taggin up now.


nice dude. what phenos of sourdog did you come across? have fun and keep it murda...


Horse-toothed Jackass
DsoG, I like your setup! How long ago did you buy your tent? Was that before all the 'offgassing' brouhaha?
Ive looked at T5 setups and they seem economical and more important, not as hot as HID's. I see you've got those badboys inches from your tops....
So is your sog on a table or on the floor? I'd imagine a table would be nice so you're not bending over all the time.
What kind of soil mix are you using? Nute regimen? Are you organic? Have you ever grown organic?
I've been looking into the organic thing. I'm THINKING that if I do go organic down the road I might do it with coco and compost teas. Not that I really want to brew a tub of some vile-looking, possibly vile-smelling liquid in my apartment, but I hear compost teas are the shiznit...


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
there we go,now i can see ur skills shinin bruh ;)
lookin tight bro.that sdog looks frost like crazy yo.
peace stepper.-T-


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i use FF happy frog soil (comes with guanos and mychh.) and amend blood, bone, lime, and dash of epsom, and this is all cut with chunky perlite. I reuse old soil and mix in with new stuff.

in addition to this, i supplement with alaska fish (omri), mineral matrix (omri), root juice (omri), liquid karma, molasses, and FF big bloom ("mostly organic" according to label)

i also use calmag plus and gh ph up.

i give a 2 week flush of plain, ph'd h20.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Thanks, DsoG.
Maybe, for future posterity, you could post your exact recipe in your thread, just to give other growers a good idea of your regimen.
Do you vary it by how the plant looks? Like if you think it's lagging, you'll give it a shot of root juice? Or do you typically go by time: 2nd week of veg, water with alaskan fish, 1st week of flower, throw some root juice in there?
Did you develop your regimen on your own through trial and error or are you following another grower's recipe?
I got into DWC with GH Lucas formula because of a grower on grasscity called Rumpleforeskin. Not only did I get a hoot out of his name, but he would do DWC in two 5gallon buckets, veg for 10 days, flower for 60, and get a harvest that would fill like 20 quart mason jars. I saw that and was like: damn...


ICMag Donor
I am vegging under an 8 bulb right now while I carry out a redesign. Your setup is lookin real good. Keep it going ;)


Horse-toothed Jackass
Post the pic of your jar of bubblehash in here! The natives will be suitably impressed.... :rasta: