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Police Issue Warning Over Cannabis Laced with Cocaine


Active member
Any one hear about this ?


Friday 14 November 2008

Police in Leeds are warning people to be aware that small amounts of cannabis are being sold in the city laced with crack cocaine.

The £5 amounts are known as 'Mach 5's' and are sprinkled with a small amount of crack cocaine making them more addictive and dangerous to users.

Police believe a number of those buying cannabis are unaware of crack cocaine being mixed into amounts of the class C drug.

Crack cocaine is a highly addictive class A drug that has an effect on the brain leading to users developing a psychological dependence on the stimulant. Recent studies have also suggested that long-term use of crack cocaine can irreversibly damage the nervous system.

Detectives are asking people to look out for each other and be aware of the symptoms associated with early crack cocaine use. These can include extremes of behaviour often characterised by increasing anxiety and paranoia. Users may also experience a high temperature and find their appetite is suppressed.

Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Andrew Briggs said: "We have become aware that dealers are trying to introduce cannabis users to harder drugs by lacing small amounts of cannabis with crack cocaine.

"Using any drugs obviously poses a substantial risk to health, but the practice of introducing a highly addictive class A drug to people under the pretext of dealing a small amount of cannabis is an extremely dangerous precedent.

"There is no quality control when using illegal drugs and the bottom line is that people are never truly aware of what is contained in any drugs they are taking.

"We are continuing to follow a number of leads regarding the distribution of so-called 'Mach 5's', but I would like to appeal to anyone who believes they may have been affected by this underhand dealing to contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."


Typical first it was soapbar then gritweed ..sugarweed..asbestos/silicate weed now crack weed....the UK is fucked up...


the fukers who are doing this shit need to be force fed their own contaminated shit ...kidnap the bastards make them eat 9 ounce of soapbar a day over a month..no water ..they ll have to drink their own piss or die of dehydration...and thay aint allowed a cigarrete unless its packed full of grit/sand/crack weed...evil fuckers:wallbash:


strange how its always here in UK and occasionally europe..never hear about contaminants in america or canada..just wet weed at worst thats overpriced...our health has been threatened by contaminated cannabis for too many years in UK...makes me laugh how fuked up it is that courts pass lesser sentences to rocky/soapbar dealers than home growers just because its classed as "skunk" in their eyes...one backward country this...


Resident pissy old man
Pot laced with coke! You Brits get all the good stuff! Why can't we get any of that on this side of the pond?


Active member
Pot laced with coke! You Brits get all the good stuff! Why can't we get any of that on this side of the pond?

LOL Pops. :)

Everyone know that legalizing it would make all this crap go away, right? Funny that the concept is too farfetched for those 'in charge' to understand. Gah!


Pot laced with coke! You Brits get all the good stuff! Why can't we get any of that on this side of the pond?

lol, its all bollox mate as if anyones gonna lace weed with crack, when crack sells in some places for £10 a point. (o.1g) an weed sells at £10 a g.
to have any effect in a spliff youd need to use at least a point, its just not something any sensible money minded dealer would do there is no profit in it theyl jus loose money. unless the weed is incredibly small amounts not even a spliffs worth then it may make up
there may be someone up the top doin it who get the coke in an washes it up but they aint gonna sell £5 bags of it are they?
they sell big bits an for fuckin big money say i kilo of weed laced with even jus 2 oz crack is gonna set people back probably 7 grand or more
cant see it happening considering weed sell well enough without the crack. an vice versa.
its probably jus some one that decided to experiment an added a bit an got busted then the cops test it an its got crack in it obviously the guy denies knowing theres crack in it. its used as government propoganda from then on.
anyways personally i wouldnt mind it, beats mouldy damp gritty shit that dont get u high