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Easiest way to make hash! Quick Wash ISO!


Active member
too stupid to take chemisty... sadly, I love science but the math kills me. I wana choose a naturalist major but cannot get through calculus. Im a aretest.

I just know better, think out of the box. People say marijuana makes white women have sex with negros and it causes those same negros to make jazz music, also it will cause u psychosis leading up to the murdering of your family.

But i assure you my family is safe, eating their dinner right now. i too smoke marijuana cigarettes, and cannot make jazz music (it was the reason i started up)

PEOPLE you owe this to yourselves: dont believe everything you hear or are told, i do it far too often and feel like an ass immediately once my eyes are opened or ears are cleaned out.

That website could be complete BS but i doubt they would involve themselves in such unecessary risk by selling dangerous products and lying to unwitting people about it.

It just seems like people have been making Butane extracted oils for over a century and if the feds saw a problem with it they would add something to the tane so people cannot use it for ingestion. Hence all the things added to ISO so people dont try to drink it and get waste.

Also vaseline is pretty harmless and non toxic and aids in helping a body heal, it is made from petroleum like butane and is harmless. No all petrol products are health hazards.

SORRY DINGBAT, completely off topic.


Overkill is under-rated.
Iso is made from acetone, but the only other product in it is distilled water. Our goal is to evaporate all solvents and water so only our extract remains. Anyone who disagrees should evaporate some of their preferred solvent on a mirror in a warm oven for a couple hours and take pics, i have and theres nothing left.


Active member
Do you honestly believe that because something is labeled "food grade" that it means it is ok to smoke it and use the way we are discussing?
I guess we have to agree to disagree on this one fellas.
I am gonna go cluelessly smoke some of the best dank in the world.
peace out


Overkill is under-rated.
You are completely missing the point Fab, we ARENT smoking these chemicals. Those chemicals have long since evaporated before the oil gets into our pipes. there is nothing bad to smoke, and because it's easy to look up the boiling and evap points of any chemical on the internet, we know that they evaporate at sub-200*F temps. This isn't an opinion, it's physics, and facts. if you can't grasp this then I'm sorry, but perhaps the subject is over your head.


I don't see what the big deal is, really. If you have ISO and like using it, use it. If you have Clear and prefer to stick with grain alcohol, use that. Problem - and endless rambling - solved. As for me, i'll just use Everclear. I've got it in abundance and already use it for countless other things around here. I'm sure as hell not going to the store to buy iso when i've got something readily available that gets the job done and gives me less concern about what might be left lurking in that gooey mass i just dolluped on my buds.

Nuf said. Enjoy! :tiphat:


Kiss My Ring
evaporated like any reason to further inform...
thanx that i got here in time, woulda used the lesser quality iso...
saved me some time!
Any process difference if ya use Everclear? Shake or soak time?
I wanna give this a try in a couple weeks when I harvest my AKs. Also, I couldn't figure out if its best to use fresh, dried, or frozen cuttings/popcorn buds?
I do like the sound of using Everclear instead of Iso or other stuff.



Any process difference if ya use Everclear? Shake or soak time?
I wanna give this a try in a couple weeks when I harvest my AKs. Also, I couldn't figure out if its best to use fresh, dried, or frozen cuttings/popcorn buds?
I do like the sound of using Everclear instead of Iso or other stuff.


FWIW, i just substituted it for the ISO and went along with the same game plan. Worked fine for me. I'm sure anything with trichs will likely yield the same either way.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor

...iso. i smoke it... i eat it... :whee:

I also purge and decarb at 250f... i spent many years on a potstill and fractional column... i know thhat 95% is the ethanol/h2o azeoptrope... ethanol boils at 172... iso at 190... just a guess. :dunno: but I'm thinking 91% is the iso/h2o azeotrope... it wont distill any stronger without denaturing and like the ethanol/water azeotrope... it would be alcohol and water ... nothing else... if something else were in there it would blow off dururing the 250 degree decarb with the alcohol and water... if not, it's a microscopic amount that just means nothing to me in this overly toxic world...

I started with bubble ... than bho ... now qwiso, qwet... love 'em all.

Trich harvesting ... amazing.


Was given some hash around Christmas, not sure what method was used but i believe it was ISO, good shit though! It was pressed into a dime, it was quite a treat.


Well-known member
Hey generalgrievous,
in my opinion your beautiful amber on the picture doesn't look decarboxylized,
decarbed should be darker and more amorphous, not like a stone amber.


New member
I think he meant he put his trim and his alcohol in the freezer to prep them for the wash. ;)
Exactly. I left the ISO and the trimmings in the freezer separate. lol

Already made a batch of qwiso (30 sec wash) and really liked the results. Thanks a lot for the tutorial!


New member
I've got no camera right now.
Only used about half of the trim so i'll try to borrow a camera when i cook the other batch.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
Hey generalgrievous,
in my opinion your beautiful amber on the picture doesn't look decarboxylized,
decarbed should be darker and more amorphous, not like a stone amber.

I do appreciate the thoughts jump ... don't know what amorphous means but apparently it's not a visual indicator for decarboxylation... she spent 4 hours in a 250 degree oven and rocks box in my hard candy ...

she's decarbed... :whee:


optimal is 295 for 7 mins i believe. there is a forum on here about decarboxylation that has a chart. im too lazy to go looking. wheres greywolf? he knows this stuff


Well-known member
I do appreciate the thoughts jump ... don't know what amorphous means but apparently it's not a visual indicator for decarboxylation...
she spent 4 hours in a 250 degree oven and rocks box in my hard candy ...

she's decarbed... :whee:
More correct to say THC is more amorphous or less crystalline compared to THCA.
THC and THCA are distinguished by their physical properties, melting point of decarboxylated resin is much lower.
Specifically for comparison, I decarboxylate one of the two amber twins
before decarb__ ______and after__

I repeated this experiment several times and always saw the same changes of color and structure

Amber loses the property of the fragility of the crystal and acquires the consistency of a thick resin and becomes darker,
while completely losing the characteristic odor. So I continue to believe that Fully decarboxylized may not be fragile.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
More correct to say THC is more amorphous or less crystalline compared to THCA.
THC and THCA are distinguished by their physical properties, melting point of decarboxylated resin is much lower.
Specifically for comparison, I decarboxylate one of the two amber twins
before decarb__ ______and after__

I repeated this experiment several times and always saw the same changes of color and structure

Amber loses the property of the fragility of the crystal and acquires the consistency of a thick resin and becomes darker,
while completely losing the characteristic odor. So I continue to believe that Fully decarboxylized may not be fragile.

Excellent point brother Jump!

Decarboxylating does make the resin darker and more fluid!