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Dutch Master Gold


Registered Cannabis User
MAKE SURE to stir the dm silica when adding it to the rez. It seems super concentrated and will form a white precipitate cloud and possibly lock out nutes. Its works, but be careful and stir when adding. I have since moved on to humboldt nutrients. I have better experiences with their stuff. Dutchmaster is a class of its own with all of the foliar stuff they got goin on, but if your not the guy that wants to spray his plants every single day like they reccomend, then i suggest you try humboldts line. Organic and synthetic work great. Im pretty sure the guys that founded it worked for Advanced nutrients for some time. Could jus be rumor tho. Humboldt Master A and B is pretty much connoseur but 30-40% cheaper depending on where you get it. Best amino chelated 2 part nutrient for the cost imo. But hey, you can get amazing results with just about any nutrients as long as you know how to use them. Being chelated def helps tho. You dont need to add as much food because the nutrients dont combine in the res and therefore are more availiable in the correct form for the plants to uptake.


Anyone run this in an ebb and flow system?

If so do you change out the res weekly or has anyone run longer?

How do you deal with add backs, particularly the additives? For example, adding silica to a low pH tank will definitely cause precipitation?

I would like to give DM a try but it sure seems like it is designed for dtw.


Active member
well on to yet another run with the dutch master gold. this nutrient is the shit.

currently I use

Dutch Gold grow A+B
Dutch Gold flower A+B
hygrozyme (for first two weeks to provide the enzyme the beneficial bacteria will put out once its established.)
ROOTs Organic ORegonism
Silica Blast
roots excelurator(also first two weeks only)
and big bud powder (week 3 flower to week 7)

and now

ADD .27
we shall see what if it makes any improvements that a physically observable. funky looking stuff though

Juice_Box how is the add .27 going just got some my self but now i'm thinking i should have went with the max .
I've been using the add.27. It's kind of thick, sticky and hard to pour without spilling some. I was tempted to go without a bud booster as DM recommends but chickened out and continue to add Kool Bloom in the late stages of flower.

It's hard for me to say if add .27 really works as I've never used DM Gold without it, but the buds looked pretty good even before adding Kool Bloom.

In addition to AB Gold and .27 I use
Zone (for root growth)
Silica (for stem and cell wall straightening)
Cal-Mag (with RO water it's mandatory)
Kool Bloom


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I love that nutrient calculator, but I find it a bit strong even at 3/4 strength, but I'm using tap water around 200ppm or so.


Stoney...when you change the res weekly do you just add water back in between changes or do you do some kind of add back? It seems like I have to add water every 3 days or so.
I just recieved the full gold range dutch master line

gold grow a & b
gold flower a & b
add.27 grow
add.27 flower
liquid light

I recieved advice directly from the dutch master company as to what to buy.

I have many years of experience with nutrients and indoor grows.

in 2000 I actually was picked to do a full line test of advanced nutrients line up, 3 case of different bottles of ADVANCED nutrients.. it was amazing but I have since stopped using most of there range..

the last line I used was the CANNA LINE UP..

I will be doing a direct comparison of the CANNA and DUTCH MASTER IN A THREAD I will be starting once I have collected some data and photos to share...

I really am glad to have found this thread


New member
I think you guys are right.

The Zone will just keep things sterile..killing all beneficials and stopping bacterial colonization. Zymes would be OK.

My bad for the mis info..

Next grow I'm going to have to try zymes w/ zone. Should make for a super clean reservoir.


Awesome...I heard it would neutralize the hygrozyme but guess not...Any 1 use hygrozyme with only hydroton as medium? Does it need medium or just stays in the nute solution?

This information is wrong. Here is my email to DM...
I have been searching the net for hours trying to find out if I can use zone with an enzyme additive such as cannazym, hygrozyme, sensizyme. I have had great success in winning a fight with root rot with zone already, but would like to revive the root mass of a straggler.

DM's Response
Thank you for your email,
Due to Zones amazing ability to fight off things like Root rot it isn't possible to mix Zone with the products listed below as the Zone would override the other Enzymes, it is possible to temporarily stop your Zone usage and run the plant you speak of on the other products and then return back to the Zone to make sure optimum growth and a healthy Root Zone is achieved.

I hope this helps!


Glad they introduced a PK booster, I've been using the DM (pre Gold) line for a while, and it's really good, I bought enough to last a couple of years, which is why I haven't tried the Gold version yet, but it does need a PK booster, I use their Potash+ and it's really good, it was missing from the Gold version.

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