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Dutch Master Gold


Stoney..If you fill out the calculator w/ Gold at full strength it can be contradictory. At the top of the recipe it gives a week by week break down by ec. Below that is an actual amount in volume as to how much to put in your res. At transition the top line says to end veg at 2.5ec and start week 1 of bloom at 2.5 ec. But when you look at the volume amount to put in the res it drops drastically from the last week of veg and the 1st week of bloom. It is kind of contradictory. I just flushed my system w/ Clearex and cut the nutes back to 2.2ec. Keep your fingers crossed fro me.
i see what your saying now but the way i understood is the lower EC is when your not giving them 4 weeks of veg so your veg nutes aren't that high when you swich or am i reading it wrong


I'm on my third cycle with DM Gold Flower A&B. I was using GH 3 part and still do in veg. Hope they run out soon so I can make the change to DM. I also use the Liquid Light w/Penetrator at full strength. Compared to GH, all I can say is WOW! Other than the nutes, my set-up is identical. Yield is up almost 40%!!
I used the nute calculator on the DM site, the hard water formula, just in case (I don't have hard water). Occasionally I see symptoms of overfeeding, but thats more attributed to my strain. It's real touchy.
I also use Pure Flowers bloom booster. This new phosphite technology is the shit! My first cycle with DM Gold was without a bloom booster as DM advises. I found the yield a bit lacking. Still better than GH, but the Pure Flowers put it over the top.
When I use the Liquid Light, I too get the serious droop.The next day it's gone and the plants are much bigger.
Overall I would say DM Gold has delivered on everything promised.
Now if someone could just come up with a strain that trims itself, I'd be in heaven!
All I can say is wow thank you so much fred this is the best. Combo I have ever used or seen I just can't say thank you enough fred if u want

Seed Buyer

Liquid Light and stretching- I have been testing the Liquid Light for some time now and am not totally sold on the product. Yes the plants grow 2 inches overnight, but often at the expensive of the plants structural integrity. I feel that it makes the plants a bit stretchy and the nodes do not stay nearly as tight as plants who have not been treated w/ the liquid light. I have a Sensi Star that is the slowest vegging plant on this earth, in which case the Liquid Light and some serious pinching of the stem really speeds up the growth, but for the majority of my strains it makes them a little leggy. Any thoughts or ideas?


I can report similar results, Seed Buyer. The plants do seem much more perky and their growth is phenomenal, though I can't tell if it's hurting the plant in other ways. I think a side-by-side, with LL and without, is in order.

Tell me though, Seed Buyer, are your results good with DM Gold? I find it to be a superb base nutrient.


enough talk heres a few pics of what it did for me day 43 of flower :woohoo:


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Seed Buyer

Sroney419...in case you can't see me I am giving you a standing ovation. What strain is that and did you follow the calculator to a "T"?

Knifehitz - As posted above. I first tried the Gold on 16 Sensi Star. I followed the calculator (which I never do. I always let my EC meter be my guide) and pushed the plants hard in veg and the did awesome (topped out at 2.6ec). However, in flower I followed the calculator and it cooked the plants and they were discarded. I now have about 90 LUI's in veg and am pushing them much lighter (currently at 1.5ec) and they look just as good as the other batch that was pushed to 2.6ec in veg. This go round I will can the DM calculator in bloom and go with a much lighter feeding plan. Keep you posted.


Registered Cannabis User
Heres some more dm gold results (day 55 of 70 pictured). I veg 2 weeks, then I start flower with 1/2tsp/gal and move up to 1tsp/gal at wk 3. I then add big bud @ 1/4 strength and slowy increase to 3/4 strength from wks 3-5 and use overdrive for wks 6 (1/2 strength) and 7 (3/4 strength) . Only one run so far, im not saying anything else till i have a few runs down with it. So far, so good tho.



Seed buyer ya I used the calc. to the T for hard water which is at 3/4 strength and add max zone silica and pure flowers at. 60 ml per 70 gal. res it was a little hot so I entered 60 gal on the DM calc. insted of the true 70 gal it seem to do better but I might have to try entering 50 gal next run since I add the pure flowers and the stain is a sour bubble male crossed with a white rhino female to improve yeild on the sour and quality on the rhino and let me tell you it worked it's everything most people want in dro rock hard nugs purple and covered with suger and smell and taste are right there also thanks agin half cocked for the cut


Registered Cannabis User
between 800 and 1100 including liquid karma, sweet, silica, cal mag plus, and hygrozyme.
The dm gold base nutes are somethin like 400-500 ppm @ 1tsp per gal i think i remember.


stoney what other nutes have you tried? I almost tried DM gold, but on some of the other forums i frequent i had not heard much about them, and what i did hear was not great.

I recently switched to H&G from GH 3 part, and so far i really love it, but I have been reading a lot about dutch master gold recently. How is the chelation of the nutrients with dutch masters compared to HG? I spent about a few hours talking to a few guys at different hydro shops around where i live (norcal) and all of em were talking about how super chelated hg was, how clean it was, and what great results it had.. it was odd, in 3 different hydro stores they all told me the same thing.. i am wondering if they have a good margin on it around here LOL

and why is it that more people dont use DM? it seems like it is one of the less popular brands out there


I've used G H 3 part botincare's triflex AN sinsi a b AN 3 part all the adds from an on both and ANs conni with and with out the adds nothing I've used even come close in veg and I think the pure flowers plays a big Role in flower

Seed Buyer

FLoJo...I have been using the H&G Aqua Flakes religiously for the past few years but am giving the Gold a chance. So far they are pretty money.

Seed Buyer

By "Money" the DM Gold Grow is a solid product that is a decent value. But I guess grow nutes are grow nutes. Nobody has trouble in veg. The true test will come in bloom. Can the Gold Bloom w/ no supplements hang w/ House & Garden, GH, Advanced....only time will tell. By "Money" I would be comfortable recommending the Gold line thus far.


Well-known member
If you know your strains and give them the right nutrition and environment, you can kill it with a dead fish, chicken shit and some dirt. While I agree that most brands have a few products that are stellar and when used right, can indeed improve the quality and yield.
I have used a lot of hydro ferts & adds. Remember when AB fertalizer co (SV/B came in a white can with a typewritten label & mixing instructions??? It was that supernaturals & GH flora. Over time I went through literally over 100 different products with many claims. I worked for the slimiest bastards in the cannabis specific nutrient industry. I can tell you that after starting with 1 part powder, tap water (when it was drinkable in my town) and SN's superboost or colossal bud blaster, was doing me much better than the 2+ line. I have used GH flora kabloom & diamond nectar, Nutrilife heavy harvest nutriboost & nitro, SV/B
A/B, hydrodynamics fossil fuel, Am. Hydro dark energy and supercharge, earthjuice, Name the botanicare product, I've used it. Remember humic/fulvic??? Dr. Peabody or whatever?? LOL. Nitrozime(kelp) hygrozym, sensizym, multi zym, guardian angel, b'cuzz bloom (different kelp) ever notice b'cuzz root & bloom are the same NPK??? Bumper crop, cash crop, maxi crop, docs, technaflora, AN, grotek, canna, Hesi, Advanced hydroponics, DNF, H&G, Bigfoot, Moab, bills perfect ferts, Dyna grow, peters, need I go on? Gold as a base is incredible. It can be used stand alone, or with a modified chart, other companies adds, it's awesome stuff. Ground breaking technology that will chane the way a lot of nutes chelate their products. I'm doing a side by side of DM vs Lucas. I'm putting my money on gold and a lot less of it. Stoney... Yours & smurfs shit looks fat! I like both of your regiments too! Keep it simple suckas! Don't throw away your hard earned money on EDTA crap and mineral salts. Solid gold baby!


If you know your strains and give them the right nutrition and environment, you can kill it with a dead fish, chicken shit and some dirt. While I agree that most brands have a few products that are stellar and when used right, can indeed improve the quality and yield.
I have used a lot of hydro ferts & adds. Remember when AB fertalizer co (SV/B came in a white can with a typewritten label & mixing instructions??? It was that supernaturals & GH flora. Over time I went through literally over 100 different products with many claims. I worked for the slimiest bastards in the cannabis specific nutrient industry. I can tell you that after starting with 1 part powder, tap water (when it was drinkable in my town) and SN's superboost or colossal bud blaster, was doing me much better than the 2+ line. I have used GH flora kabloom & diamond nectar, Nutrilife heavy harvest nutriboost & nitro, SV/B
A/B, hydrodynamics fossil fuel, Am. Hydro dark energy and supercharge, earthjuice, Name the botanicare product, I've used it. Remember humic/fulvic??? Dr. Peabody or whatever?? LOL. Nitrozime(kelp) hygrozym, sensizym, multi zym, guardian angel, b'cuzz bloom (different kelp) ever notice b'cuzz root & bloom are the same NPK??? Bumper crop, cash crop, maxi crop, docs, technaflora, AN, grotek, canna, Hesi, Advanced hydroponics, DNF, H&G, Bigfoot, Moab, bills perfect ferts, Dyna grow, peters, need I go on? Gold as a base is incredible. It can be used stand alone, or with a modified chart, other companies adds, it's awesome stuff. Ground breaking technology that will chane the way a lot of nutes chelate their products. I'm doing a side by side of DM vs Lucas. I'm putting my money on gold and a lot less of it. Stoney... Yours & smurfs shit looks fat! I like both of your regiments too! Keep it simple suckas! Don't throw away your hard earned money on EDTA crap and mineral salts. Solid gold baby!

damnit now i wanna try gold LOL

so how does DM compare with HG line?