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Dutch Master Gold


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. Id really like some input on this feeding regimen.

The Lineup:
DM Gold Flower A+B
DM Zone
DM Potash +
DM Max Flower
Liquid Karma
Sweet Leaf

Plan on using that on 17 cuttings for 1 week of veg and 8 weeks of flower. Is there anything I'm missing or should look into?

Thanks in advance.


I've read that. I didn't plan on using it at full strength. I was thinking 1/8th strength.

Guess the first run I'll go without it.

One Love 731

Senior Member
I finely got my girls transplanted into there new home, I let them get accustomed to their new digs for 24 hrs. then gave them a foliar feeding of liquid light/penatrator 1/3 strength are there any opinions liquid light or penatrator as far as feeding schedule or strength?
I use the LL&P at 1.5OZ each per 1QT of water, twice a week. I used to use it at the recommended 2OZ per QT, but I don't see any difference in the plants. When you're talking about a product that costs $85 for a quart, every little bit you can save makes a big difference! One tip I picked up in this thread from carguy, feed your plants, then spray the LL&P. No droop this way. Works like a charm!


I have 3 crops under my belt using the DM gold flower a/b..before that I was using AN's conni..gotta say I am MUCH happier with the results from the Gold..

I use rockwool/stonewool for a medium in a top feed recirc system..I really love hygrozyme/grozyme with the Gold,and the only other additive I use with it is pro-tekt which is just silica and that's only being used for ph up..

I did use liquidKarma with it but stopped,with it the ppms will not drop regularly telling me the plants are not eating as much,they seem to rise daily,but without the lq the plants seem to eat more, ppm's dropping..

I have used sweetleaf from AN and banana manna from tropical organics on separate crops,both seem to work good with the Gold but are surely not needed and the end product it questionable if it helps or not..

I have been looking into using some sort of bloom booster with it,but why change something that works so well..and with DM's recommendations not to ,unless multiple other people find one that makes dramatic changes on a regular basis I'll wait..

Using a simple mix of DM Gold,hygrozyme,and pro-tekt,, 2 P's per light is like clock work..

In my area the water is considered soft,and cal-mag seems to be a requirement with it lately..been using botainacares cal-mag at 1/2 strength and cured up some mild rust spotting..

someone mentioned earlier on in this thread about flushing in a recirc system and with the gold more so than other nutes I have used it's a requirement,I completely flush and refill the system every 10 days...

great thread here and that's my 2cents..

Seed Buyer

Problems w/ Gold! I am flowering a small test batch w/ Gold and am having problems 6 days into 12/12. The new growth at the growing tips are turning yellow. I vegged them at 2.6 ec and started blooming at 2.6. I doubt it is over fert because the tips are still green and leaves pointing up at a 45 degree angle. pH is between 5.6-6.0 Does this sound like a micro nute def? I just changed the res, added Sensi Cal Bloom at 1 tsp per Gal from Advanced and bumped the nutes up to 3.0ec. Any ideas?


Damn, really disheartens me to hear you have to flush so often. I'd really like to get away with at-least 2 weeks. I guess you have to do what you have to do tho.


Problems w/ Gold! I am flowering a small test batch w/ Gold and am having problems 6 days into 12/12. The new growth at the growing tips are turning yellow. I vegged them at 2.6 ec and started blooming at 2.6. I doubt it is over fert because the tips are still green and leaves pointing up at a 45 degree angle. pH is between 5.6-6.0 Does this sound like a micro nute def? I just changed the res, added Sensi Cal Bloom at 1 tsp per Gal from Advanced and bumped the nutes up to 3.0ec. Any ideas?

Sounds to me like your EC is way too high... I wouldn't even start them out on 1.3 EC let alone 2.6, try lowering your EC way way down. Pictures would also help.

Seed Buyer

I will snap some pics tonight, but the plants looked great when vegged at 2.6ec. The Gold line requires a unusually high ec. If it was over fert wouldn't the plants get the claw and have brown/yellow tips?


Veg nutes are different than flower nutes. When you make the transition to flower nutrients you're offering the plants a different formula of nutrient with different NPK ratios. Flower nutes are designed specifically for your flowers to develop and for your plant to stop it's stretch etc. etc..

Your plant may have been able to be vegged at 2.6 but I would never imagine adding that much nutrient during flower would be right as I rarely even go over 2.0 EC EVER.

Seed Buyer

Slap...have you used the Gold? The DM calculator recommends going up to 3.5ec! With other nutes I top out at 1.4-2.0. The Gold is a totally different beast.


Seed buyer-

If you look at the DM Gold nute calc, DM does recommend lowering EC from 2.5 to 2.2 when you switch from veg to flower nutes. Personally I start at 2.0 EC with the flower nutes (only if they have CO2 and are getting Liquid Light), I start with 1.6 EC if I didnt run LL or CO2.

Also, I'm not sure why, but a few hydro guys have told me that DM does require you to dump the tank and flush at least every 10 days. I have not experimented with add-back, so I don't have any personal experience.

Seed Buyer

I spoke w/ the main guy at Dutch Master and he said everything seemed on par and thought it might be light bleeching ( I doubt it). I just looked at the calculator and it says to start 12/12 at 2.5ec and top out at 3.5ec.

Seed Buyer

Just took a second look at the calculator and its screwed! It says at the top to keep the EC up at transition. But when you look at the actual amount to put into the res it is much less. Thanks a lot Dutch Master!


I saw that too. I think it may be because the flower nutes are more concentrated? I don't know tho as I've never mixed a batch before.

I plan on using it at 1/3 strength when i do mix it up. I think it maxes out at like 850-900 or something like that. My clones will only get 2 weeks of veg after they root nicely.

Seed Buyer

Stoney..If you fill out the calculator w/ Gold at full strength it can be contradictory. At the top of the recipe it gives a week by week break down by ec. Below that is an actual amount in volume as to how much to put in your res. At transition the top line says to end veg at 2.5ec and start week 1 of bloom at 2.5 ec. But when you look at the volume amount to put in the res it drops drastically from the last week of veg and the 1st week of bloom. It is kind of contradictory. I just flushed my system w/ Clearex and cut the nutes back to 2.2ec. Keep your fingers crossed fro me.


New member
I am just finishing up my first run with dm gold.... the verdict is still out as I love how coni does for the indica's...