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DuckU Outdoor Grow

DuckU Outdoor Grow

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kaczy - you've produced yourself some wonderful buds, in less than perfect conditions, which is what I'm trying to do, so I hope you can help me.

To give you a background of what I'm working on; I'm growing in UK, at 52 degrees, with a variety of strains (Durban, Purple widow, KC33 and unknown), its my first grow of any sort and they've only just begun to flower, apart from the Durbans, which are a couple of weeks ahead of the others.

What I really want to know from you is how you feed them the PK. I've got a bottle of it next to me (alongside the Cannaboost), but I'm unsure when and how to give it to them. You're the only person I've come across to use PK on a guerilla. So my questions are;

1. Do you only foliar feed them PK?

2. When do you start feeding them?

3. What concentrations do you work with?

4. The bottle says use it once, do you follow this rule?

Please add anything else you think may be useful to my grow.

Thanks and keep up the great work!


Just dropping by to say: Fantastic grow! Very beautiful pics and a great vibe in your posts. May the rest of your outdoor season be as pleasant as it has been this far.


Active member
Hello friends :tiphat:
@Kanibal thanks for paying a visit and for the picture. What strain is that? Looks great! :respect:
@Panoramical, hello mate. Listen I use PK both to foliar feed and straight to the ground. My big spots I only foliar feed for the obvious reasons. Small one female spots I do both foliar and root feeding. I start to feed when I see that budding really started to show some speed. I mean not when I see first pistiles but when they form into nice popcorn sized shape. Mainly it depends on how the certain plant looks like, and also how it reacted to the nutes in the past (veg. stage). I work with less than 80% of concetration that producer stands for. I use Canna PK 13/14 so you have 15ml PK per 10L of water, so that means I use approx. 1ml-1,5ml per 1L of water to foliar feed. You can use full spectrum for adding it to the ground since the root system of outdoor giants is so big and strong they will handle the 100% dose. As for the PK I use it multiple times alongside with Fungicide added to the mix. I sprinkle my plants with PK and this so they flower nice and have reasonable resistance to mold. So I say no to your 4th question. And last but hopefully not least, can you show me your plants than It would be easier to say something.

:thank you: for visiting.
Peace DuckU :joint:


Active member


Cannot sit on my ass when I smoke some ES. Thats why
I have some pics for you. :joint: Damn this weed is so good.

Take a look how is it now. Most of which is Lemon Stinky :

Enjoy the show my friends. The end soon is coming so. Nothing more to do than take some samples, dry them smoke and enjoy the lasts weeks of growing. Damn this went soo fast than Iam a lil bit confused when it all happened. Nevertheless :joint: smoke is going to be nice, enjoy enojy :thank you: :rasta: peace and good luck.




Hey kaczy he he :wave:

Wonderful flowers you grow. Promise to be delicious fruit he he. Let the Polish weather did not disappoint, I very much want to watch the flowers in all its splendor.

Good Luck!


Thanks kaczy - i've taken some pics now and put them in an album if you wanna check em out

our grows are different, in that mine are in pots and yours are in the ground. going on the size of my buds, do you think they could handle some PK at half strength? They've been used to MiracleGro up until now, are you familiar with this product?


Active member
LAtest UP Highhh...

LAtest UP Highhh...

K'up friends :friends:

High @Panoramical. I did look at your plants and I can easily say that you can use some PK on durbans. For the rest of them I would also do it to encourage Blooming. I see you have relly healthy plants so to no ruin anything would you please make slightly diluted mix of PK. For the first time if you not sure how they react to something other than your Miracle Grow (Iam not familiar with this stuff :bashhead:).

Man you should try light for the 1st time using this cause it's serious shit you know. Very concentrated additive so you could also use it alongside with your normal nutes. I will say that u can use PK to foliar feed and overall standard nute to the ground. If you have something universal like Miracle Bloom or other things like Canna Terra Bloom or Plagron Terra Bloom you can use it with PK. Only one thing to remember use them wisely with 50% dose and you'll be fine as will your plants. Keep it green and lots of buds in autumn.

Now boys and girls ;) time for some buds straight from the escapade.

Enjoy 'em :thank you:
:D :joint: GL to all :wave:

:jump: :wave:


I think i'll give them their first dose tonight then. If i give tonight, we're expecting rain tuesday, that should give them enough time to absorb the nutes before they are washed away.

I've got Canna Bloom, PK and MicracleGro in my inventory. I'll use all three at half strength tonight.

FYI, MiracleGro is a huge brand in the UK, used as a general purpose fertiliser by many gardeners. I chose it as a safe option baring in mind my experience.

Ill be keeping my eye on your progress. Really inspiring stuff!


Well-known member
hi mate
kaczy my mouth is watering when I see your babes,they are so beautiful bro that I can watch your pisc hour after hour!!!!!Lemon Stinky looks so tasty,her colors....fantastic!!!!!
Sunny karma for u bro!!!!!K+



Active member
Thanks for stoping by my friends :friends: and for the comments.

:joint: Autumn begins in 5 days here so nice buds are slowly forming.

BHPT from Esbe :

DuckU :wave:


rocket high

Active member
impressive stuff there duck ... i hope to have the same in scotland next year ...i just hope its going to be a good summer next year .. enjoy your buds man ;)


Active member
Running with scissors...

Running with scissors...

Hi friends :friends:,

impressive stuff there duck

Thanks man! Autumn karma + for you.

enjoy your buds man

I appreciate this, and I will! :thank you:

sweet update!
thanks for sharing, great pics.

Thanks again GMarius and see you next time :D. :respect:

Lemon Stinky Pinky show :

Enjoy... :cathug:

Peace to all.
DuckU :joint:


rocket high

Active member
good stuff duck .. the purps really shout at me ;)
hope you enjoy that bud you've cut down it looks very impressive .....


Active member
yo! one more update. Soon we'll finish this shit...

nights are starting to get very cold... though I think they'll manage to take it to the october. Wish me 'n them luck :bis:


GL also to you all viewing.
Peace DuckU



wow, they're looking incredible!

How cold is it getting where you are?

I had a night at 2C last week and mine all survived through it. Tonight and tomorrow night will be 3C, according to forecast. Fortunately, I've been foretasted warmer temperatures for the following two weeks.

Now I've just got to judge when I need to chop, before mould and not too early. Will be a tricky decision.

I love those purple buds of yours. I've got some purple widow which i'm hoping will start to colour soon, it's pretty green right now :(

Keep it up kaczy! Loving your work