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DuckU Outdoor Grow

DuckU Outdoor Grow

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PES Ground spot and nearby...

PES Ground spot and nearby...

:tiphat:Hello ganja lovers and growers. I hope the season pleases you as it does for me :joint: At day direct warmth sunlight and at night thunderstorms with lots of rain. Plants are going crazy and I am sure that some of them will reach 3 m. I have very fast pheno's of Easy Sativa and Selasie Sativa this year. They have sugared buds already 16 th of august. Harvest is getting closer and closer. Lets take a look...

They don't need anything except a good dose of Canna PK 13/14. I poured some over my main spot to ensure that there will be some nice food for flower build up. 2 last males faced extitction and there are only females allround. Everything is looking great so far and now I am very happy I planted these Sativas from my Polish friends. This will be for sure nice crop and good quality smoke. Some of the EAsy Sativas and Selasie Sativas are covering with sugar and Maroc and BHPT are keeping up also. Next time I'll check if the PK worked for good and is it still needed. For now I have some time to chill out.

Peace and good luck to the end my friends.
DuckU :joint:



Hi Kaczy

I love your mountain spot, great view you have there :) Don't you have ground frost (przymrozki) trouble in early/late season there?

It looks like you're going to have a lot to smoke this winter :D keep it up bro!



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Canions, PES spots and Loko Spot...

Canions, PES spots and Loko Spot...

Hello everyone

@Lob. No, in fact on a slopy terrain you dont have this kind of problems. Cold air is moving fast in a tight layer just near the ground until it reaches the bottom of the valley. In the bottom though there might be cold during the october long nights. Damn I dont care about that cause my plants are going to be harvested at the end of september. They are really fast this year. Mostly Stinky Pinky:

Other plants:

Thanks for watching, and if you have some questions feel free to ask.



I have one question. What you gonna do with all that great buds :D
You have very nice spot, hills rulez :) This pinky stinky looks delicious :) You have green thumb for shure. Good luck and stay safe brother.


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Hi Zapaleniec. I am going to smoke it all, 'cause I am a fking pot head. Thanks for the comment. Yeah I pick my spots carefully, and If something I see looks beautiful than I choose the place. I like it because it is hard to reach and full of sunlight all season long so it's almost a perfect place. Next year I will plant lot more marijuana in there. I have picked up some nice early Sativa Seeds and they will overgrow those slopes in next season. I just need few people to help me do this.



Congrats on ur early success, will be following to then end. Your plants look so healthy I think many of us could learn a thing or two from your grow. Anyways I expect your end game is just as successful as the first half. Keep up the grow'd work.


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Episode when we enter heavy flowering period...

Episode when we enter heavy flowering period...

Another update please.

This time was the PK 13/14 and fungicide in use. My 1500 ml atomizer is way to small for so many plants. What can you do? Two more bottles with mixture of PK and Guaranteed 500 SC and I went to check out my ladies. They grow well despite there has been no sunshine for couple of days. Rainy and windy wheather. That's why I decided time to secure from mold.

:cathug: Lovely plants. They rewarded me this year. For all this love I gave them. They grown so :bow::respect: BIG. Jeez now I know how much work waits for me this autumn, but it will be pleasent one ;) Time to check out the canion spots.

See ya friends and enjoy the pics



great guerrilla grow kaczy,

seems you chose well, with both your spots and your strains.

did you dig holes and replace the soil? or did you just amend the soil there?

looking grat, peace out.


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Hello friends, :thank you: all for stopping by and make some comments :respect:.

Yo gaiusmarius I've just prepared the local soil adding dolomite lime and rich in nitrogen fertilizer. I grow on these spots for 2 years now so the soil there is very rich. This year I will add some Canna Terra Profesjonal Soil after I harvest my plants.

Peace and good luck all.



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Canna PK 13/14 and Fungicyde in action...

Canna PK 13/14 and Fungicyde in action...

High :joint::tiphat: all ganja lovers and :respect:.
Today was 1st day of harvest. Yes you might not believe but it has happened. Super fast pheno of Easy Sativa F3 was choped today and as far as I remember this is the record breaking result. 29 of august. Yeah I think she needed like 12 days to finish but mold did some damage, and I'd rather take her a little unmatured than crippled by disease. However other plants are doing very well. Especially late phenos of ES and Marok, and also Selasie Sativas as well as Mexican Sativas and Guerilla Gold crosses. Lest look on some of them:

Growing in first row: Marok, than Selasie Sativas, MS x GG and late phenotypes of Easy Sativa F3.

I'am not 100% sure, but I think that these plants below are exactly Mexican Sativas x Guerilla Gold which is an amazing cross. I didn't realize how big, thick, branchy and bushy plants might be. Now I know that for sure. Pics were taken standing between the bush and as you can see they are way up to the sky. Really big mothafuckers :jump:. I estimate that it'll be the most productive plants in my grow.

Time for Esbe crosses. This is [Bangi Haze x Danish Passion] x [Erocket x Purpurea Ticinensis] F2 which I think is the best cross I have ever seen in my life. Plant shows so many colors. From dark purple stems and petioles to yellow calyxes and dark green leaves with some orange tones as well. Truely a rainbow plant. Grows a little bit Hazy but still starts to flower in the middle of august so earlyness is a factor that Esbe put in this cross.

She suffers a little cause of spiders and lots of stress during early vegetative stage but nonetheless growing GOOD! She was foliar fed with PK 13/14 and a also a little but of Gwarant 500SC for mold. Great ane once more great. Waiting for heavy harvest this year.

Cheers :friends: and good luck.



Once again amazing pics, they really show how much care and time you put into them. Also congrats on the early harvest, I too harvested today(not by choice, wind blew a branch down) but anyways that is the quickest harvest I've seen, it's really amazing what you've been able to do so far north, you make it look so easy. Also, what are those ones 10' or bigger? they look like monsters.


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Canion spots thrive...

Canion spots thrive...

High boys and girls :joint: Nice day today and so now as I look trough the window and see these nasty dark clouds I'am happy I took some time to check my valley spots. Great look allround. Moreover my local growing friend send me some HFH Hashplant and Erdbeer x PurT pollen. I took it with me to make some nice crosses for the next season. Alsi I'd like to give away some of them to my friends, so 100+ seeds should be a little bit something for everyone. Both strains were made by Esbe so I think it's gonna be a killer selection. In the future I'a like to make some ErdPurT x (Mex. Sativa x Guerilla Gold) and also with HashPlant. I've selected nice plants for ErdPurT x [(Lemon Stinky x CrazyXseeds) x (EasySativa x Early)]. The best Stinky Pinks, which I mean most dense strucure of buds, early flowering and thick bushy structure. It should be a killer. Ok now some pics from the valley land:

Stinky Pinky pheno selected for breeding, for its amazing speed and resistance to any discomforts. Nice small but dense Plant with rock hard buds...

Mostly to the Sativa side phenotype of SPinky is this darling :cathug:. Sweet smell and long flowers with typical thin and slim structure. Very fruity as well. Resistant. Nice mommy...

Now the best SP pheno which was the fastest in my whole 2010 outdoor project. She will be ready in two weeks, but now as she is pregnant, she'll live until she delivers me some seeds. Yes I have no feelings. I know ;)

That should be it for now. See you soon fellas :wave:

Peace DuckU


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Mystery spot...

Mystery spot...

Hello all thanks for visiting my thread.

@Barefoot, I don't have any harvest pics of ES. I almost never take harvest pics, cause I think showing dead plants it's not funny. Cured and ready to smoke buds that's different though. Today I went to my friends' main spot to check out for any improvement. Guess what? I found it. So here we go with the show:

First off Selasie Sativa :

Next we have Bangi Haze x ErdPurT :

They have suffered a long time from Ca and Mg defs, but now are flowering very solidly so I think it's going to be a happy harvest for my friend. I've also found approx. 60 seeds on the biggest and earliest Sativa probably pollinated by a very early ErdPurT or Automatic male. We'll see next year what they bred.

Thanks for watching, and see you soon :wave:

Peace :joint::friends:



Hi kaczy :joint:

I see that your garden this year looks very nice :)

pics for you- Ak47xShamanka