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DuckU Outdoor Grow

DuckU Outdoor Grow

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Well-known member
wow - this looks amazing - be proud of yourself producing such nice flowers !!
Freakin AWESOME bro!
sunny karma for u !!



Active member
Slowly but steadily entering October...

Slowly but steadily entering October...

Hello :gday: and best wishes to all of you growing outdoors. For a past 3 days the weather was excellent with no rain and lots of sunshine. Little bit of wind also helped and on some plants where there was minor signs of mould it totally dryed it out. I took scissors with me and took care of damaged spots. Cut'em out and sprayed with my concentrated mix of fungicide. Ok however they need a couple more weeks but I think in my conditions I'll be choppin in first week of october. 1 to 7 will be an adequate time depending of course on the wheather. If it'll be moist and damp conditions chops will have to be delayed. If the first days of october will be nice and indy with some sun I will desire choppin.

As you all know precise harveset date outdoors is almost unable to determine. So in that case I will strictly rely on outdoor conditions. Tha is a truely outdoor aproach. Well the mother earth gives me no choice but to trust my instincts. I'd like to throw a season ending party for my friends with manicuring the finest buds, but I just can't give them an exact date to do so. That is what really excites me in the end. I am so close to finalizing my mega project and still there is a lot of things to worry about. To care about also.

Well lets cut the craptalk and lets get back to bussiness end of this elite tourney...

First off probably Mexican Sativa x Guerilla Gold I'am not 100% sure but considering the shape and tone of the buds I'll think it is that shit:

The rest of the family will soon reach its full potential, Stinky Pinky:

More buds from PES garden:

Greetings to all of my friends. Love ya and wish you great harvest experience.

Peace DuckU :joint:


nice update, i hear you on the harvest days, very hard to predict. is there a special reason why not to harvest in the rain apart from not getting wet? planning to get my first plants any day now, but it has been raining, not sure about harvesting dripping wet plants?

anyway, great thread. :wave:


Active member
Well GMarius, there is a significant difference between soaking wet plants and dry ones. It's simple as this. If you collect in dry and sunny wheather they will dry even faster. Imagine wet buds, they can rot while drying. They did that before to me couple of years ago when I was forced to chop. I had to increase the temperature in my drying dome an this caused a harsh taste to the buds. This is my personal expierience and I don't say that what you say is bad or smthin. No! I just prefer to collect buds dry and soaking, yeah but in resin though :)

Peace DuckU


Well-known member
Hi mate
looks kick as....very nice frosty girls...
I see it'll be stoned winter for you my friend!!



Well GMarius, there is a significant difference between soaking wet plants and dry ones. It's simple as this. If you collect in dry and sunny wheather they will dry even faster. Imagine wet buds, they can rot while drying. They did that before to me couple of years ago when I was forced to chop. I had to increase the temperature in my drying dome an this caused a harsh taste to the buds. This is my personal expierience and I don't say that what you say is bad or smthin. No! I just prefer to collect buds dry and soaking, yeah but in resin though :)

Peace DuckU

right of course, that makes sense. last thing i'd want is to get bud rot while drying. yes it makes sense about the heat too. don't want to have to heat the drying room.

luckily for me today has been dry so far, i think i will go get my ripe plant. should have had time to dry off since all the rain yesterday.

cheers for the feedback man.

rocket high

Active member
shit hot duck ... nothing better than a puff puff party :biggrin: ... good to see all is well so far ..love the stinky pinky MMMMMmmmm yummy :)


Active member
Last week of my outdoor grow. Well my friends. Last days and the forecast for all this week is great. Sun sun sun, so scissors in my hand and to the bushes we go...

Nice conditions to dry cannabis so I'll have to chop. Mold is getting to eat some of buds but only tiny piece of it so...

Thanks all for watching and wish me luck. I'll post some harvest pics soon.

Peace DuckU


Active member
Thanks smierdziel! very nice to see you. Yes you are right this year is going to be super max in terms of amounts of weed.

Cheers bro see you soon.



New member
Looks like a great outdoor grow. Great looking buds and
plants, Keep up the good work in the great outdoors. :)


Active member
Season 2011 Kick off!

Season 2011 Kick off!

Hello dear growers wherever you come from :D :tiphat:

This time I have some interesting strains to grow in my outdoor garden. Lets take a look with what we are dealing here.

I have some stabilized Maroc crosses with some Early genetics to it, a lot of Esbe strains like Erdber, HFH Hashplant, Orange Bud, MMGG x Bangi Haze PurT (mmm sounds nice ;)), also a very nice schroom x Cindy 99, Nepalese Jam crossed with our local hero Shaman, Stinky Pinky as always looking forward to make some seed from this fine plant. Ok that would be all. If I remember something I will add it ti the list but so far my memory keeps only that.

So here is how it looks in terms of germination rates. The most vigorous and fast seeds were these from our great friend Esbe :)thank you: so much brother). Mathemathically it was about 95%. Only few out of 40 or so, didn't cracked. As for the rest it was slightly worse but nevertheless they are doing fine. This is how it looks after approx. one week after putting seeds into the cups.

Here we have same plant at about 11 days :chin: (that's pretty damn fast :jump:)

Unfortunately I forgot what was the name of the seedling, but I can presume it is either Marok x Orange Bud or some sort of HFH esbe mix, cause its very fast and growing super healthy with lots of vigor.
I think she will be :cathug: my beloved one (favorite, geisha, the ultimate slave girl :friends:).

That's it for now. I will catch with you later.
Cheers and keep the good work going.

DuckU :wave:
