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Duck Mr. Preeeeezzzzzz


lmao at those gifs...and yea that guy is a badass, glad someone got to physically express how disturbing bush's reign was to the man himself before he left office

if that journalist smokes weed id def pack him a bowl right now
dbuzz said:
yeah, you don't throw your shoes at leaders in the middle east unless u want broken bones in jail. which apparently has already happened. ole g.w. wasn't smirking for nothing. :nono:


G.Bush laughed because the shoes missed him and that the man would also be severely punished for pulling a stunt like that.


now why would anyone on earth have a beef with G.Bush and friends incorporated??


Active member
Hello all,

I am sorta suck on this one....

On one shoe its like Chris Rock says...I not sayin he shoulda done it, but I'd understand.

On the other shoe, whats this dumbass doing throwing something at my Prezzzz. Yeah hes a dumbass for a Prez, but he's my prez and phuquing with him is like phuquing with me and mine...sort of a warped patriotism if you will.

Now I wish the guy no physical harm which has been eluded to (have not read the article yet), but I would at least hope he made a career decision with this. As mentioned above this is not the stunt you pull on a world leader no matter how far up his ass his head (the Prez) is.

I especially liked the Matrix vid...most kewl.

I liked GW's response to the preceived insult...its like when people wave at you and dont use all five fingers...yeah, I bet he knows about that...lol


PS, In some manner of twisted similarity to the colonial states saying phuque you to the British or even a new found freedom in Iraq that nutured such an act of defiance.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
minds_I said:
Hello all,

On the other shoe, whats this dumbass doing throwing something at my Prezzzz. Yeah hes a dumbass for a Prez, but he's my prez and phuquing with him is like phuquing with me and mine...sort of a warped patriotism if you will.

That dumb cave dweller ever throw anything at my PM I'd strangle the piece of shit on the spot with my bare hands. I would defend Mr. Bush from an assault too being a close neighbour. Chretien once defended himself from a fool who got up close & personal LoL it was hilarious. Jean grabbed the turd by the jaw & spun him around to his security, that's how you handle this type of shit. I loved Bush's smirk while the shoes were blazing. No fear Mr. Bush! Clinton will say she's ducked shoe snipers next election.


Had this cave dweller without shoes had any balls he would have thrown them at Saddam, I believe his parents were killed by Saddam. Now that would have taken courage as that regime had no freedom of speech & his soon to come pleas of mercy would be screams of agony. Now what hero?? Maybe than I'd have some respect for a 7th century cave dweller but not for a shoe throwing fool. They now need to make an example of this stool. He can get a maximum 2 years in jail, that sounds about right for this offence. :spank: A public caning would be more appropriate though.
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