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Duck Mr. Preeeeezzzzzz


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cocktail frank said:
why did someone throw a pair of shoes at bush?
He made a surprize visit to Iraq, and an Iraqi journalist threw two 90 mph fastballs using shoes at Bush's head. But Bush's cat like reflexes kept him out of danger.



668, Neighbor of the Beast
I just want to get a big LULZ in here real quick..

Where was the secret service guy that was supposed to jump up and take the hit?


In the middle east to hit someone with your shoe is a serious insult. I remember when "operation iraqi freedom" first started they tore down a statue of saddam and there was a bunch of iraqi's strattling the statue whacking it with their shoe. Incase bush missed the point, iraq doesnt like you G.W!

HA! as a second though, bush dodges shoes almost as well as he dodges questions.
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Iron_Lion said:
In the middle east to hit someone with your shoe is a serious insult. I remember when "operation iraqi freedom" first started they tore down a statue of saddam and there was a bunch of iraqi's strattling the statue whacking it with their shoe. Incase bush missed the point, iraq doesnt like you G.W!

HA! as a second though, bush dodges shoes almost as well as he dodges questions.

Good insight about their culture i remember that good post

I am sure it was a Soonnie otherwise if it was a not what is he upset about Bush put the sheits back in power

Oh wait a minute i almost forgot they are closely aligned with Iran who should be thanking Bush for giving them more leverage in the region

Instead they throw shoes go figure

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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I was impressed with him being able to get out of the way

Those press conferences seem so uptight, you would never expect that to, or anything for that matter to happen.

I was very surprised he was able to bend down and get the second shoe and get it off, you would think he would have been tackled or shot before then


cant stop wont stop
This thread tittle was a little missleading..

or maybe its just me.. thought it was making fun or asains or somethin.. ^^

haha non the less this shits hillarious!
thnx myassisgrass for postin that up!!

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