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Drug Couseling

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weed fiend
Yeah, I've gotta see the side you're presenting rather than my individual exception. I'm sure these counseling sessions do involve actual abusers. My assessment may be closer to the truth than I personally accept. But that dood really got to my hate button. With him, I was on the cusp of aggressive abuser, lol.


On paper I am not a person with a problem. When asked all the questions that are the basis of the assessment I gave them nothing. Never smoked pot in my life, had not drank in three years etc. Still, they knew I was court ordered for the assessment and knew that if they had a recommendation I had to follow it under the terms of probation. So I have to sit thru 3 months of treatment? No problem, that is what they do and everyone that is in business needs to keep the business flowing. If you have someone by the balls in a commercial situation you tend to take advantage of it. Will I benefit from one minute of counseling? Not. It is a joke, a farce and I don't have a problem. I am not even smoking weed right now because of the probation. I don't even care about the money I have to spend on this place, it is the utter waste of my time. Sure the meth heads may benefit from this but I am not addicted to any drugs. We have two meth heads that are in my group on their own. I appreciate their dedication but they did a drug that everyone knows is very addicting, whereas I never have touched the stuff.


Active member
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuiuuuuuuck systematic drug counsoling. if someone is hooked on anything other than weed. give them high amounts of kush untill they are well then proceed with eliminating the root cause of their addiction. nooone should be in"drug treatment for cannabis" if they are abusing cannabis in such a way that it is detrimental then it should be deakt with psychology or by analyzing his enviornment. not telling him weed is bad.


Active member
I got a DUI 5 years ago when I was an idiot and very immature. Even though the punishment doesn't fit the crime when it comes to DUI's you just gotta roll with the punches. I haven't had a drink and got behind the wheel since. I am lucky all I got was a night in jail, $2500 fine, 3 months of classes, and 2 days of community service in the jail. If you go out and get another DUI you are an imbecile and deserve everything that is coming to you.

For all of you idiots out there(i was an idiot), DONT DRINK AND DRIVE! You could kill other people as well as yourself, but usually the drunk survives. It is extremely selfish to get behind the wheel drunk.


Active member
just read about it. you are correct sounds great. however again never tried it.


I got a DUI 5 years ago when I was an idiot and very immature. Even though the punishment doesn't fit the crime when it comes to DUI's you just gotta roll with the punches. I haven't had a drink and got behind the wheel since. I am lucky all I got was a night in jail, $2500 fine, 3 months of classes, and 2 days of community service in the jail. If you go out and get another DUI you are an imbecile and deserve everything that is coming to you.

For all of you idiots out there(i was an idiot), DONT DRINK AND DRIVE! You could kill other people as well as yourself, but usually the drunk survives. It is extremely selfish to get behind the wheel drunk.

That is a fact, and I cannot state it enough, Don't drink and drive period. I was an idiot too, and maybe I should have emphasized that more and would have caught less hate. My beef is that I don't need counseling. The fines and probation are just, but the treatment is bullshit and doesn't really work anyway.


Active member
That is a fact, and I cannot state it enough, Don't drink and drive period. I was an idiot too, and maybe I have emphasized that more and would have caught less hate. My beef is that I don't need counseling. The fines and probation are just, but the treatment is bullshit and doesn't really work anyway.

Just find the positive in the counseling. I had to do it as well and it sucks, but I know I was able to have some classes where I was able to discuss certain things and I like debating so I made the most of it. I also had a couple old friends that were in the class coincidentally.


I love my life
u drove drunk? (I know u'll probably say you werent. it was only 1 drink, right?) sorry mate, no sympathy.

shouldve dealt with yer shit when it happened

Fuck that and the three people who thought it cool. You drove.... Ok, did you cause and accident? If so did you pay for it? Were there any injuries associated with your incident? If not I don't want to spend a fucking red cent caging or re-educating you.

Funny how RE-EDUCATION doesn't work in Siberia or Vietnam but these spend everyone else's money fucks want it to be front in center in the US.

Live free or die.



I love my life
There are some ass clowns on this sight that are ok with you being caged if you have over 5nano grams of cannabis metabolites in your system EVEN IF YOU DON'T HARM ANYONE AND HAVEN'T SMOKED IN TWO WEEKS.

What the fuck is wrong with this world? Quit caging non-violent people already!!!!!!!


Darth Fader

... to keep the business flowing. If you have someone by the balls in a commercial situation you tend to take advantage of it. .... It is a joke, a farce ...

Yep, government smoke and mirrors in order to hand you off to their private sector corporate partners so that they can extract $$$ from you. Makes you wanna pull a McVeigh, don't it?

I especially feel for you because of the parade of idiots on this thread who seem to miss that this is the effing point, not your DUI. It is just the latest example of big government overreach. I'm surprised more people don't go postal over crap like this. A system like this will make you lose your mind. Did you know Narcanon is a Scientology-based program? No shit.


Active member
There are some ass clowns on this sight that are ok with you being caged if you have over 5nano grams of cannabis metabolites in your system EVEN IF YOU DON'T HARM ANYONE AND HAVEN'T SMOKED IN TWO WEEKS.

What the fuck is wrong with this world? Quit caging non-violent people already!!!!!!!


Yeah, wait until some of your friends die because a drunk driver. Driving drunk is a serious thing. I went through it. I am so glad I never hurt anybody. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed someone because i just had to drive somewhere while being drunk. .13 is not just buzzed, that is drunk! That is what my BAC was when I got my DUI. Cannabis shouldn't land anyone in jail, but drinking and driving is potentially life threatening so you should go to jail for it. It turns you into a weapon on the road. I guess since my DUI too many incidents hit home for me.


I love my life
Yeah, wait until some of your friends die because a drunk driver. Driving drunk is a serious thing. I went through it. I am so glad I never hurt anybody. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed someone because i just had to drive somewhere while being drunk. .13 is not just buzzed, that is drunk! That is what my BAC was when I got my DUI. Cannabis shouldn't land anyone in jail, but drinking and driving is potentially life threatening so you should go to jail for it. It turns you into a weapon on the road. I guess since my DUI too many incidents hit home for me.

No ACCIDENTS are serious. Doesn't make two shits if my dead relative is under a drunk or a 17 year old texting or a 77 year old that doesn't know what decade it is.

What is wrong with personal responsibility?

I too couldn't live with myself if I took another life. A friend of mine told me that the US legal limit used to be .15, so maybe your .13 example is DRUNK but it hasn't always been.


Like I said .5nano grams and many states want to CAGE this community. Don't give me your moral compass and force me to pilot my own ship. You wouldn't like it if I forced you to live by my rules.



Active member
Then keep your two cents to yourself, because that is all your opinion is worth. Drinking and driving has killed more people that I know than firearms. I know quite a few people that have died from being shot as well. Maybe I am biased, but if jail scares people to not drink and drive than jail it is. I was shit face when I did my breathalyzer and it was .13. The truth is, people do stupid shit when they are drunk and because of that people started to die. Maybe he didnt hurt anybody, but what is to stop him from getting behind the wheel drunk if there are no consequences? Wait for someone to die and then give them a little bit of jail? 2 nights in jail isn't shit, but to someone that isn't used to that lifestyle it can make all the difference in the world. I will gladly put my tax dollars(I actually pay taxes) to pay for jail for a couple days and rehabilitation. In a perfect world there would be personal responsibility and common sense, however that isn't the case. The dude that was drunk and stoned that swerved into my grandpas lane and killed him when he was riding his motorcycle only got a couple months. He also fled the scene of the crime. No biggie though. Back to Mexico for him!
Yo Designer, I agree with you %100 as far as only people who want to quit quit. On the flip side you did make a mistake that shows no regard for fellow human life. Deal with what they tell you to deal with and be grateful as your situation could have been worse.

The system is designed to, at the very minimum, have you think twice before driving after a drink. I have a feeling you will think twice before commiting this crime again...



Active member
I am sorry for being harsh, but that car took my grandpas head clean off. My buddy Jessie was in a coma for 3 days while all of us were a wreck the whole time praying for him to come through, but then he passed. Life sucks sometimes, its part of the price we pay for living in 'their' world.


I love my life
Then keep your two cents to yourself, because that is all your opinion is worth. Drinking and driving has killed more people that I know than firearms. I know quite a few people that have died from being shot as well. Maybe I am biased, but if jail scares people to not drink and drive than jail it is. I was shit face when I did my breathalyzer and it was .13. The truth is, people do stupid shit when they are drunk and because of that people started to die. Maybe he didnt hurt anybody, but what is to stop him from getting behind the wheel drunk if there are no consequences? Wait for someone to die and then give them a little bit of jail? 2 nights in jail isn't shit, but to someone that isn't used to that lifestyle it can make all the difference in the world. I will gladly put my tax dollars(I actually pay taxes) to pay for jail for a couple days and rehabilitation. In a perfect world there would be personal responsibility and common sense, however that isn't the case. The dude that was drunk and stoned that swerved into my grandpas lane and killed him when he was riding his motorcycle only got a couple months. He also fled the scene of the crime. No biggie though. Back to Mexico for him!

That is sad and lucky for you. Many American familys lose their loved ones to guns and military service.

There are consequences for driving a 4,000lb vehicle; killing another is one possibility. I've personally been hit HEAD ON by a 72 year old sober as a church mouse; is that better than being hit by a 72 year old drunk?

It sucks to have loved ones killed, my family too has unfortunate stories of roll over and fire.

The real point I'd like you to think about relates to state power over the individual.

Cannabis is outlawed even at penalty of death in some countries; however cannabis is cultivated in EVERY country in the world. Driving drunk is OUTLAWED in every country in the world; however drunk driving occurs in EVERY country every day.

I know the results of drunk driving can be death; however I prefer to see state resources spent caging only those that cause harm. And further I'd like no distinction made between drunks and non drunks that kill people with their 4,000lb weapon. I'll agree to cage them as long as you want as long as you agree to cage ALL that cause injury.



weed fiend
I think we've got some teetotalers here advocating the no drink and drive decision. Societal laws are based on responsible drinking. If one happens to thing there's no such thing, that's fine. I never consider myself an irresponsible driver either stone sober or under the legal limit.

Are one's faculties impaired at less than the legal limit? Absolutely. Does one deserve a guilt trip from a few that crashed and burned? :chin:

If I drink a beer, I chill for an hour. If two beers in two hours, another two hours chilled w/o drinking more. If I have an accident, it's not likely to be alcohol related. That's where merely drinking vs responsible drinking differs.
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