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Dream Berry BRIX/ROLS Newb Contest Entry



I will bring you some bokashi starter. Worms won't eat stuff that is not already breaking down so a stinky bokashi pile is like a magnet for the little fuckers.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff

I put some ground eggs shells and used coffee grounds in three spots today underneath the alfalfa. I'm sure that is not going to be enough to feed all of them though. i do want the bokashi. i would feel AWFUL if my worms were hungry. I'm a bad, bad worm farmer. lol

EDIT: the eggs are from our chickens which are organic or whatever. they eat grains and greens. run around all day outside. should be ok to use. the coffee is just Costco kind.


Active member
As long as the coffee was brewed you should be fine, keep an eye out for mold because coffee is prone to that.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


La Vida Loca
Yeah DoubleDDs :yes:

That is exactly what you want vs using air stones. I built one very similar to your first link but using a 5gal bucket.
Works well but builds up the slime in certain places. At least mine does. Besides that it sucksto clean. Your second
link is more what you want I think. :2cents: Less problem spots in my opinion but :dunno:

I am going to try and build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRFa8fXLirQ, very similar to your second link.
Just the air injection is in different places I think.

If you build yours before I build mine please let me know your findings with the performance and functionality.



Active member
I set up my KISS (keep it simple spaceman) wick system. It has proven itself efficient in the heat, but I am going to add airline to each res, I have a 6 out air pump waiting to be used.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


look what I found growing in my bed from the alfalfa mulch!


After giving them the first feeding with Peruvian seabird guano with 1/2 tablespoon per gallon I increased it to 1 per gallon. I also added some yucca, molasses, myco dry powder. This was all added to a watering can and let sit for 12 hours and then feed. My airstones are dirty and frankly, I am sick of cleaning my brewer every couple days. it's worse than refilling and cleaning out my hydro reservoir which I only had to do weekly plus I ran a sterile rez so it stayed cleaner. I'm going to add some guano pellets to the topsoil. To avoid burning the plants since it's so concentrated, I plan on taking advantage of the large pellets and adding them two at a time which is about a quarter teaspoon; maybe a little more. That way I don't have to worry about the plants and since I can't flush my bed, makes it easier to apply in slower small amounts. Then I can just water as long as I find some amendments to add for potassium. Does anyone have any recommendations for taking this totally simple? I am going to be starting school when these girls are flowering. I contacted the teacher and she said that it is very intensive and since this is my first science course in YEARS then she advises me to only work part time. I really don't have time to clean out compost brewers every couple days.

What are some benefits to water only grows? I've heard yield is decreased but that's it. Any good people to look at? Thanks for all you help and comments!! :tiphat:


Active member
Why do you need to clean your compost tea bucket constantly? We have a living tea bucket, we have 6 air stones in a 50gal res we toss in a tea bag some liquid fish, seaweed and Seacrop. When we water straight from the res we top it off with fresh water and some more fish, seaweed and Seacrop. The air stones get dirty but as long as it doesn't stink the plants stay healthy. If the res starts to stink we dump it out and start over.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


can't I just soak it in some water till the pellets get soft? what is the real benefits of AACT tea? just that it can build microbial life because that's not the only way I imagine. I'm going to build another batch of soil today and am trying to choose on what to do now that I know more about organics.

I keep reading that your brewer needs to be cleaned out/sterilized before you brew your next tea because everything becomes anaerobic. I have been told everything from 6-7 hours and 36 hours you have to dump and start fresh. everyones got some opinion on the matter and I don't see anything exceptional about any method. either way microbial life is being produced whether you are making a tea, sprinkling spores on the dirt, adding worms to your soil/fresh EWC, etc that really, each way you look at it, organics promotes microbial life. I'm leaving to go buy some peat moss and then I'm going to go pick up amendments at the hydro store. I'm sure at some point I will see you.


Active member
You are absolutely correct there are a million ways to skin this cat top dressing, amending, ferments or teas. I have tried most all of them and to be honest use them all together. A big tea res works for general purpose feeding, while top dressing guano in flower and stage specific tonics are nice to round out the feeding soil.

Peace, SSSSpaceman SSSpliff


I have learned so much the past month or so about organics. What has started out as a complicated mysterious grow promising zero pests has blossomed into discovering how nature works in harmony with plants. The past pages of posts can show you what the process has been like. I need to start another grow so I can keep harvesting monthly so I popped 5 feminized Pineapple Chunk seeds and mixed up some soil for a water only method using some bokashi compost as a top dressing with the extract used only to make a quick tea that is non aerated. super simple and easy just for my aunt. I thought this would be easy for her but she doesn't want to brew teas either so I'm going to try this. If it works out, then I will amend my soil for the next grow. If you would like to follow this along as well and give me advice, that is very welcome!! https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=6454775#post6454775
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so I gave my worms some banana peels and it's been a few days and I went to go check it and I see no worms :(

I was under the impression that you can literally lure the worms out of the soil with them. I thought I would find some writhing underneath. I am the worst worm farmer EVER! I'm not sure what I should do but my gut tells me to just let em compost but then I think, "That's like a 150 dead worm bodies in my 3x3 bed!" Oh the agony of growing indoors! I planted one outside for kicks and the sucker took off and has grown like crazy! It had PM on it really bad but now outdoors, not one spot and it's been weeks! I even live in a rainy mildew area of the PNW.


building a good living soil indoors is not easy.
but worms doesn´t usually like the top of compost pile, so normally they keep underground, temperature is a factor that can make then to hide. I dont think they are death in your bed unless you gave then some poison fert or something.
normally the good envoirment conditions to the plant are good to the soil life, but light is an issue. With a good mulch this problem is well reduced.
sorry for the too much talking, sleepless night and a good haze!


Got myself some Budswel guano since I used all the Peruvian in the soil I mixed.

Dream Berry is getting big!! she stands at 16 inches so far and is really starting to branch out some.


Dream Berry is at 10 o'clock and has the skinny sativa leaves


building a good living soil indoors is not easy.
but worms doesn´t usually like the top of compost pile, so normally they keep underground, temperature is a factor that can make then to hide. I dont think they are death in your bed unless you gave then some poison fert or something.
normally the good envoirment conditions to the plant are good to the soil life, but light is an issue. With a good mulch this problem is well reduced.
sorry for the too much talking, sleepless night and a good haze!

you're not talking too much! that is good advice! I think I just worry too much.


Got some Skippy Peanut Butter jars and took a wood burning kit to it to melt a lot of holes in the sides and bottom for the worms to get into the bokashi compost. When I went to dig in there with my gloved hands, there were a bunch of worms under one spot of bananas. I am so happy to see a bunch of slimy worms! My girly heart skips a beat knowing I'm not a mass worm murderer! I know a lot of men are reading this and I know how I sound. I just don't want to hurt the worms with shovels or starve them. Gotta be humane and shit.

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tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
looking good DD I see you grabbed the budswell :biggrin: I never try the dry mix only the bottle ....you girls will surely appreciate it I can tell the difference this round buds not very dense , still frosty just not as dense

lets get some frost in here :biggrin:


Well when I first picked out the seabird guano, I saw the price of the budswel and didn't even look at the bag. I really like the lower percentages of NPK and that it is a mix of both guanos and EWC. It says it won't burn which makes me feel easier about application rates too. I'm just going to scoop and let it sit for a couple hours to get to room temp and then feed. there is live worms in my bed so AACT teas aren't as needed. :jump:

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