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DragorGanic CannaCabina


Day 37 Pics

HTC Skunk IBL x Stonehedge #1

HTC Skunk IBL x Stonehedge #2

SOL Blubonic

DNA D-Line Chocolope

Norcal J1

Apothecary Kaia Kush

Full Cab

just started flushing them, and a slight yellowing is coming about as expected, calyxes swelling and many more popping out every day, and the trichome are copious on all strains except HTC #2, slightly lagged behind all others - but her sister makes up for her. one more guano feed end of this week before the axe mid july.
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Day 40 Flowering Update

Day 40 Flowering Update

Hello viewers,

Time to fill you all in on the latest developments...

Brotha Monk's Stonehedge crosses - nice vigor at the end here, starting to mature fairly quickly too, check out the variation in flower formation and thickness...


Blubonic - been a chunky topped beast the whole time and now she's starting to get extra heavy up there and filling up the nodes tightly, damn sub you didn't tell me it was gonna get HUGE haha it's totally like the stuff you showed on here, I just saw again... very rich musky smell but some sweetness too, mmm

DNA Chocolope - dayaaamm if I didn't feel like I was in paradise after smelling this badass lady... strong sweet pineapple smell but a slight coffee musk when you rub the leaves or stem... tried a super early sample and still shook me up a bit haha

J1 - looks a lot like Chocolope but I think it's cause Chocolope has the Cannalope Haze cross in it (which is part JHerrer)... funky ass looking plant for sure wild hairs sorta lanky but tight nugs still, irridescent green hues on calyxes and all sorts of colors hairs, maturing very quickly - what's the recommended flowering days on her sub? whatever?

Kaia Kush - explosive smell like the diesel fuel smell of og kush mixed with bergamot and cloves and some other sweeter smelling spices, damn this shit is gonna be dangerous stinker after its done curing, much thanks OGorganic!

Ten more days... whooopa :smoke:
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
sup D- my bro took her at 70-those were the pics i put up, i just got done taking her down at 60. literally-my fingers are sticking on the keyboard again. there are some trichs that have gone beyond amber to black already, i was real surprised, tonight was the first night i even looked at the trichs!


subrob said:
sup D- my bro took her at 70-those were the pics i put up, i just got done taking her down at 60. literally-my fingers are sticking on the keyboard again. there are some trichs that have gone beyond amber to black already, i was real surprised, tonight was the first night i even looked at the trichs!
yo homie yea I think 70 might be overkill no? I have 30-40% cloudy right now so ten more days should be enough to get them close to my preferred 10:80:10 ratio... she had a burst in size when I gave the AN + homemade tea 10 days ago, we'll see what she makes of this last guano tea I gave last night... mmm sticky taffy candy nugs :) she doesn't smell too strong though in flowering? looking forward to your subshots update on da J1'er!!
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Awesome thread D, most impressive lineup of top tier genetics. I really like your setup as well, clean and efficient, very nicely put together. Thanks for sharing this with us and presenting it so well, much appreciated ^_^

Many Blessings,


Day 42 Flowering Update

Day 42 Flowering Update

greenbeats - you are absolutely welcome my friend, and thank you very much for your compliments - it is my goal and pleasure to see others benefit and enjoy my collection of pics and updates... i hope the Kaia lands in your hands soon my friend!

Day 42 Photo Update



SKIBLxStonehedge #1

SKIBLxStonehedge #2


Kaia Kush

BroMonk - was either one of the parents of the SKIBLxStonehedge susceptible to heat? one of my ladies is being extremely finicky with the slightly warmer temps in the cap (was fine below 80F but between 80-85 she looses mad turgor) =/ beastly growth though on both so not too much a concern...

Cloudy trichomes are bountiful on all strains... seven days to go... o please let the mercy of Mother Nature be on my side and ripeness prevail on all... Amen. *exhale*


Dragor, the StoneHedge fem was a little picky towards high heat in flowering. I attributed that to the airy structure of her bud clusters. I just turned up the can fan, and raised the light up a few inches, and she was extremely happy once again. Keep in mind, it was winter when last I ran her and the temps were never above 85 directly under my lights. Night temps went down as far as 55-60f. The skunks were not affected by either high or low temps. Perhaps the non turgid leafs are an expression of some hidden tropical sativa phenotype. I've seen it many times in equatorial sats.

I may have to do a run of them soon. So many things to do though. You know how it is. I would like to see them vegged much bigger, and have a regular 12/12 to see the difference. I enjoyed your experiment as well. Thank you very much brother.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
d-it just clicked in my head that your headings say htcskunk x stonehedge. maybe i misinformed you. its actually a stonehedge mom, as bro mo pointed out. will be interesting to see how she smokes! just harvested the k11, j1, and a mystery cut that smells like cherries and looks like bombass litlle cush nugs. get together becoming imminent.....sub


BroMo - I appreciate the amount of detail you provide in your responses, you have a keen eye for the plant as I see and your work now and in the future is gonna be some exclusively dank stuff... My lady isn't droopy all the time but it drinks up so quickly or something that it runs out of water faster than the others... I tried putting her in a more 'cool' spot in the cab with fan blowing and not as close to the bulb and she is doing okay with that... too bad, as you said, I didn't veg her out big enough, would have loved to see a more chunky single cola or some funky arms... I am not doubting the quality of the end product one bit seeing that these two are really going nuts this past week, gotta get new pics up tonight.

sub - great point dude; I was aware that the Skunk IBL was used to make the SH more tolerable and hefty so I did take it that the dad has to be the Skunk, it's just that I wanted the lable to read in order like "HTC SKIBL" x Stonehedge, no intention of saying skunk was crossed with the stonehedge; dude you got some dynamite going on with those new nugs, ultra unique and potent strains - yes, get together would be righteous...

greenbeats - thx again brah, it's been a year I'm into this cab-style growing for personal and its really working out perfect for me, substantial yield for personal and easy to keep clean and close eye on. I'm just as anxious as you to see how this extremely varied set of genetics end up... exponential growth in reekness daily is a good indication though, lol


Day 46 Flowering Update

Day 46 Flowering Update

Hope you guys like this next update, full of new chromorphic transformations taking place, these ladies are wiggin out to finish, tryin every trick in the trade to get these ladies to finish proper, they have almost full cloudy trichomes and the J1 has plenty of amber I can see already, so I don't think potency is going to suffer too terribly, yet yeild remains to be seen, they are nonstop munching away at any food available at this point (fan leaves mainly)... each becoming as beautiful as the next, more and more every day, all in their own unique ways, now is this what they call the growers rush lol ... enjoy the fotos folks!


HTC #1

HTC #2



Kaia Kush


My experimental grow is nearing the end and I thought I'd drop some details bout how I enforced fast maturation of such long flowering sativa strains...

The initial 4 weeks of flowering with the whacky 6:40on/12off light cycle definitely helped quicken the onset of bud formation and trich development...
Then when I switched them to the 10on/14off for these last 3 weeks they kept up the quick maturation as well as the buds thickening up like crazy, day to day...
The feedings were consistently compost tea with LK or LK+Maxicrop and from weeks 4-6 I gave them plenty of high phos guano in tea form as my pot sizes are too small to maintain amended nutes all the way through.
Supplementation of CO2 was in the form of my own breathing during sleep (lol, I work symbiotically with my plants) as the light cycle is during the night and the cab is in my bedroom - never got around to putting the paintball tank idea to proper use...
Lights have been raised further from the plants the past 3 days to mimick the coming of winter.
Last 2 waterings were withheld until plenty of soil drying occurred as this can help promote more THC gland development/insulation since the plant wants to maintain its core humidity/turgor - has helped in the past I think so giving it another shot.
Finally, they will get the 30hours of darkness treatment before chopdown.. I should have pics of them at Day 49 tonight, and harvest pics a couple days after, best to all...


Dragor said:
Lights have been raised further from the plants the past 3 days to mimick the coming of winter.

I enjoyed watching the show Dragor. Unusual light technique to say the least. Seeing as how you were very scientific in your approach, I thought I could tell you, during winter(northern hemisphere), the planet actually moves closer to the sun in it's orbit. So the intensity of the suns rays are more, not less. It only feels less, because of the earths tilt, on it's axis away from the sun.

Thanks for the test run, and I hope to see more of your grows in the future.


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Day 50 Flowering Update

Day 50 Flowering Update

SOL Blubonic

DNA Chocolope

Apothecary Kaia Kush

J1 clone

HTC Skunk IBL x SAG StoneHedge (#1)

HTC Skunk IBL x SAG StoneHedge (#2)

48 hours until the hanging, they look completely ready under the microscope but not so with the naked eye (white hairs aplenty)...

B_M - that's a very interesting fact I didn't know, makes sense though since the northern hemisphere angles away from the sun in summer and opens angle up towards the sun in winter... this grow was definitely the craziest one I have pulled so far as far as trying new things, and I enjoyed all the learning that went on, just probably won't ever try such a grow again in the future - can't wait to see how the SKxSH came out man, they STINK (one of them like a skunky wheatgrass and the other like skunky sour candy)!! :smile:

edit: forgot garden shot
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
man those are crazy lookin!!!! especially since you are seeing the amber with all the hairs still white! that blubonic looks coated man!! cant wait too smoke somadat again. and thanks for the time and dedication it took to try an experiment that i have never heard of anyone doing before. maybe it didnt turn out exactly like you wanted, but thats how advances are made, by trying crazy shit! kudos to you. see ya saturday night.....sub


HaH man these plants and this grow have been a frickin' crazy trip for me, went from nothing to full blossom nugs in no time, tons of tweaking like nobody's business - but seriously rob, thanks for your sincerely kind words about my 'project', your support and motivation made a difference - a lot of scientific theorizing ended up in such an unorthodox style of growing - and honestly, I will be shocked outta my pants if the trichome profile speaks the potent truth, cause as you said it, a crazy new discovery it would be! - literally grow 10+wk sativas to full strength in less than eight *fingers crossed*... godspeed to ya my brotha, I'll let you and BroMo know how things turn out :)


Harvest Shots

Harvest Shots

Here are the ladies in their initially hung state..

End of first day in drying chamber...

End of third day drying...




HTCx Pheno 1

HTCx Pheno 2


Kaia Kush

:joint: smoke report in a few weeks :wave:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
so nicely done! and quickly too. again, big props for trying something new, great job documenting it, and nice pics! great thread all around-now just need some cured shots and smoke reports, and its a wrap!.....sub


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
just got samples of each one of these, and i cant wait till they are dry!!!! the chocolope smell is one of the most, umm, alluring smells i have ever experienced! its still wet, and its a small sample(not complaining-just making the point of so much smell from such a small sample!) cant wait to let you know what they smoke like. had a great time at the session bro!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
HOLY CRAP that kaia kush is bombass smoke!!! man, i hit a bowl about a half an hour ago, and zoned out for twenty minutes, right after posting on another thread, as i was smoking it, that it wasnt overwhelming! bro, cant wait till your back online. we need some more pics....sub