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DragorGanic CannaCabina


Brother_Monk said:
Here's the breeders description of her.....

Stonehedge is a marijuana of megalithic proportions. This plant has vigorous growth and excellent crystalline structure. By far the largest and most dense sativa we have, also a Cannabis Cup award winner in the late 90's. Her lineage consists of an old style Cambodian type plant with a slight Western Winds influence that enhances the sativa strength and pleasure. The high she possesses is soaring and overwhelming, providing the smoker with a lithographic outlook. Stimulating, cranial sensations are often followed by an upswing in altitude and attitude. Whether taken in the evening or after work, her magic is well received. Not recommended for operating heaving equipment "unless it's you." Type: Indica - Sativa. Vegetate until: 4-7 internodes. High: creeper quality: first eyedroop, followed by full relaxation. Long-lasting high. Taste: slightly hashy and sweet.

Grow Location: Indoor/Outdoor
Flowering: 65 days
Height: 1 meter
Yield: 350 grams per square meter

The description pretty much hits the nail on the head, all the way around.


I have experienced this wonderful strain before while I was in college. I would have to say some of my all time favorite weed.. ever :D.


Update: Flowering Day 14

Update: Flowering Day 14

During the light cycle earlier this morning I got around to feeding them some more much needed grow+bloom ferts in hopes of getting them as ready as possible for flower growth (within another few days tops?) - the transplant didn't shock them at all they perked up very quickly (soil mix worked out pretty good it seems) - but after the feeding I started playing with their spacing and position in the cab, and made the decision to lst/supercrop Kaia, J1 and Blubonic - so that I can get them all down to pretty much same height and more bushy cuase it seems I definitely have the room for 6 ladyhogs - the tops (about 3-4 nodes down from apical meristem) were flopped over slightly (bent stem techniqe) on these 3 breeds and by lights out the fan leaves in those areas had already redirected to the light. I tried to be very gentle so the shock isn't too much (but I decided to do it now than later, quick after transplant and before full budding mode - the better).

(edit) Kaia & J1 in the center, all at day 14 now, stronger HPS in place:

DND: Soon this patience (er impatience) will pay off lol - as I can tell so far, these ladies are really putting on some branching and size last few days, shouldn't be any problems filling cab space and yielding at least 0.5g/watt (hopefully).
Gonna be placing a better bulb in tonight - 270watt LumenArc SuperAgro, so we'll see..

donpuro: Thanks for the personal account of StoneHedge! Yet another lover of this strain, it seems it's a an old classic that my beginner grower skills didn't risk growing back a decade ago when it was first out, but now I reminisce and get to bring back this old skool funk - o yea!

Brotha_M: Wow one of these ladies stinks sour and skunky funk already when I rub the main stem, very strong smell, and the other a more mellow earthy hashy smell so far - they gonna be beauties I can tell already...
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Update: Flowering Day 16

Update: Flowering Day 16


SKIBL x Stonehedge #1

SKIBL x Stonehedge #2

SOL Blubonic



Kaia Kush

dragor :wave:...
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Update: Flowering Day 18

Update: Flowering Day 18

HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #1 & 2 + SOL Blubonic

HTC SKIBLxStonehedge #1

HTC SKIBLxStonehedge #2

SOL Blubonic



Kaia Kush


Thanks for the update... all are looking good, but the D-Line really stands out to me. Looks very nice and bushy. Have you noticed more stretch using this light cycle as opposed to 12/12?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
d-whats goin on man? good to hear from you today! im totally stoked dudddee on this j1-the trichs are so thick and bulbous i keep pullin her out to make sure pm has not hit her! yours are all looking so good-cant wait-i sense another sd get together coming!


DND: The ladies love the light schedule growing extremely fast, def faster than regular hours. DLine has been a beast from the moment I put the clone into soil, good thing I controlled her diet in veg so she wouldn't take over in flower. As for stretch, so far they almost tripled in size from veg, which is normal for my typical potting technique.
subrob: Whats uppers Dude was def great catchin up some with ya this week. From the pics I've seen so far on here, damn that J1 outcoats close to ninety percent of strains normally, I'd put another fan blowing over her to keep humidity even lower inbetween her branches. Mine is just now starting to put out the gland head on the sugar leaves! Smells have developed very much in the last day or two. Bro, the next get together is gonna be So Dank, Wow can't wait AhHaha.. I think I covered the whole gamut of Cannabis Flavors on this batch, lol.
Updates cannot be made due to technical issues, hopefully back soon. Thanks for all the views Everyone. Peaceful weekend to all..
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Flowering Update Day 21

Flowering Update Day 21

After some minor PC repairs I'm back with another (lengthy) update (apologies beforehand for typing while medicated)...

So... its been about twelve days since the transplant into bigger flowering pots, and the feeding regimen has been a consistent mix of 1 tsp LK, 1 tblsp Peruvian Guano, 1 tblsp Jamaican Guano, 1/2 cup EWC, 1 tsp mollases per gallon of water - with the exception of one feeding about 5 days ago which consisted only of ewc/mollasses plus 1 tblspn BioBizz FishMix and 1 capful of Maxicrop (gave them a bit too much I think, suckers stretched a good bit but put on some nice form/secondary branching in the process). I had to lower the shelf another inch and a half today because they had gotten closer than 6 inches to the light. Being day 21 now and the flower growth picking up speed, I doubt much vegging/stretching will continue. I'll give them a tiny boost of the Fish Mix again next weekend, with another week of weening out the Peruvian guano and slightly upping the Jamaican, and change in the single spectrum HPS bulb for this mixed spectrum SuperAgro one for no frills finishing in 50-52 days... What do you all think of the looks on these ladies, they look more/less mature than they should be for day 21 of flowering?


Skunk IBL x Stonehedge both look identical (front center and left); taller one smells strong(er) than the shorter, but has longer/less internodes like a sativa version; I really love the dense structure of the shorter pheno tho which is growing a lot quicker yet lagging in terpene production, we'll see...

Blubonic is a beast of a stretcher (front right), I tried bending her stalk some six days ago and accidentally snapped a few veins so the flower growth on the nodes below the break have been somewhat slowed but not by much and possibly due to the distance they are from the light now - it actually has a blueberry hint to it when rubbed; staying single cola like the SkunkHedges but beating them out in speed of flower production otherwise.

J1 is and has been a very quick grower since I started flowering (back left), stretched quite a bit but I expected it and started training her early on, and she has behaved very nicely, except I wish her lower side branches would reach up for the light more, all good with the super thin serrated leaves tho light penetrates with ease. Smell from the branch oils of the lower branches (after trimming some hopeless ones) was indeed lemony zest mmm!

Kaia Kush has such a sexy structure for lack of better wording (back right), it actually looks like a harp or some architectural design haha naturally a VERY beautiful structure, with an equally beautiful name indeed. Her pistils are just fascinating to look at - long, shooting up very straight and close together forming a dandelion-like look - smells earthy flowery yet hints of diesel/petrol too.

DLine defines the beauty of a well behaved Cannabis Sativa breed! I am very impressed with her ability to cope with underwatering and underfeeding (early on in veg) and in flowering she has been the quickest in onset and production so far, with a lanky and unique look to her that screams Thai landrace to me for some reason (even tho I have never seen or smoked Thai before hrm) - smell is slightly sweet but not too distinct or chocolatey, yet...

The anticipation builds for what beholds these genetics, stay tuned for more! :joint: Thanks again for all the feedback, compliments and looks...
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Flowering Update Day 25

Flowering Update Day 25

Hey all - Was a super busy week for me, so I didn't get a chance to upload these pics I took on Wed, from day 25, my apology, here they are, a quick update before I put up the ones from yesterday (day 28)


HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #1

HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #2

SOL Blubonic



Kaia Kush
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Flowering Update Day 28

Flowering Update Day 28

Current status as of yesterday:
Lighting: 100% HPS flowering spectrum 250w
Feeding: 1 cup EWC/Compost, 2 tbsp Jamaican Guano, 1 tsp molasses, 2 tsp AN Iguana Bloom, 2 tsp AN Super Tea Blom, 2 tsp Liquid Karma - bubbbled.
Ventilation: Cabinet air cirulating fans are being left on now for dark cycle because of increased overall ambient temps lately; average cab temp is 80 now instead of 75.
Growth rate: All are growing at the same pace with Chocolope showing a bit more advanced trichome production. I clipped more of the bottom branches off to disperse energy better. The only N source they will get is the EWC and Iguana Juice for another 12 days, then flush with no N source for 10 days. I am using Budswel 0-7-0 for the flowering guano at the rate of 2 tbsp per gallon but gonna increase to 3 tbsp and see what happens, gotta get these babies thick, only 3 weeks til harvest! :rasta:

HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #1 & 2 (reversed, #1 is shorter pheno)

HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #1

HTC SKIBL x Stonehedge #2

SOL Blubonic




J1 & Kaia Kush


Kaia Kush

Stay tuned for the second half of the show! :jump:


Dragor, excellent growing bro! Your skill is above par. I've been watching all along, and I must say I'm very happy with the results so far. The IBL Skunk has had a good influence on the structure of the SH. We should know in the next few weeks, if the buds get dense. That was my main goal with the cross. The SH is powerful and thick...just not very dense. Great grow/show my friend! Keep up the good work.



Brother_Monk said:
Dragor, excellent growing bro! Your skill is above par. I've been watching all along, and I must say I'm very happy with the results so far. The IBL Skunk has had a good influence on the structure of the SH. We should know in the next few weeks, if the buds get dense. That was my main goal with the cross. The SH is powerful and thick...just not very dense. Great grow/show my friend! Keep up the good work.


Thankyou Brotha Monk! My thoughts on your cross so far are: very thick and vigorous veg growth, 3x + stretch in flower (def heavy sativa trait), secondary growth is average to above average (if I had veg'ed longer I would have had a nice octopus structure like my Chocolope), heavy feeder and as I posted before the taller pheno started stinking pretty early around 3 weeks and now the shorter pheno is getting stank too - time to kick in ultra stealth mode ;) I am really enjoying working with this new cross Brotha, you done a great thing to bring back that old skool Stonedge stoneage! Q: what makes the SH so loose in form? Too branchy? Tiny calyxes that don't swell much? Has this weak trait in SH been the case for just you or others you know as well? New pics are gonna be killer with changes from the early flowering colors (green & white) to mid flowering (orange browns) then later flowering (reds and yellows) - jah bless da ganjah :jump:
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Dragor said:
Q: what makes the SH so loose in form? Too branchy? Tiny calyxes that don't swell much? Has this weak trait in SH been the case for just you or others you know as well?
My experience, each time i ran her, was very impressive, large thick buds. But when she dried, was light and airy. The calyx's were huge, but lightly formed together. You could squish her down flat when pinched between thumb and finger. She was not too branchy for the small size I ran her at. I topped early, and got 4-6 main colas. I believe she was made for outdoor production IMO. I could see it getting very very large/un-manageable under the sun. Hope she puts on loads of buds for you.



Brother_Monk said:
My experience, each time i ran her, was very impressive, large thick buds. But when she dried, was light and airy. The calyx's were huge, but lightly formed together. You could squish her down flat when pinched between thumb and finger. She was not too branchy for the small size I ran her at. I topped early, and got 4-6 main colas. I believe she was made for outdoor production IMO. I could see it getting very very large/un-manageable under the sun. Hope she puts on loads of buds for you.


BM: Makes sense - I can only think of one such strain and that's Satori, her flowers were definitely fluffy but she grew like she was gonna yield heavy. I have noticed this past week that she has been drinking/transpiring much faster than the other strains and quickly wilts and the bottom fans are already starting to yellow too. Big time screaming at me now to give them MORE! So - thanks to these HTC's I am humbly reminded that I tend to underfeed/water my ladies during flowering when they need food the most. I just rewatered all of them (after a day and half since last) and the pots will now have a heavier checkpoint level this point on (meaning definite runoff from the pots each time)... It's all an experiment for me, I am in no way an expert but I try to listen to my plants as best I can..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
d-wassup man-babies are looking grand my friend. talk about genetics! so impressed with what your stash to be, will be! just hit that J1 again-L O V I N G it! bout day 35 those little golf balls will be swelling and covered! i gotta go, im high.


HTC Skunk IBL x Stonehedge Day 31

HTC Skunk IBL x Stonehedge Day 31

These two sisters showed a clear divergence of phenotype today - they had been slightly different all along with the different shades of green, stature and branching - but now their bud structure seems to show variance too...

Real interesting to see the F2 mixup, as slight as it may be (dominant Skunk line keeping things in check?) - as of yet they both smell similar, a sour, acidic, type of skunkiness.

Pheno #1

Pheno #2


Day 31 update - continued

Day 31 update - continued

Blubonic - really took off since the last heavy feed three days ago

Chocolope - heavenly sweet chocolate covered strawberries smell

Kaia Kush - relatively slow growing compared to the rest, under all the same circumstances, might be genetic I'm thinking

J1 - sub this lady's gotten pretty triched out already it seems, caught up with the Chocolope no problem, outpacing all the others too with the dense flower clusters - smell isn't as strong yet but I'm getting something sweet for sure

Looking back at my other grows, it is becoming evident that the short photocycle I am using (6:40 on / 12:00 off) is preventing the packing tight of the buds, they seem a bit more airy than the past. Need to figure out a quick and easy way to supplement co2 during light time to compensate. More to come soon...


I'd like to get some feedback from anyone reading this - it's about playing with the light cycle midway through flowering...

From the start of flowering they have been on 6hours 40min light and 12 hours dark, been 5 weeks now. As you all may have noticed the bud growth is real slow and I am due for some airy buds at harvest. So I decided to up the light hours to 8hours and dark to 13 hours for today/tonight and then tomorrow up it to 10 hours light 14 hours dark and keep it at that for the last 2-3 weeks.

Do you guys think that the plants may hermie or stress out if I make this change, this far into the flowering cycle? I read around that the 10/14 regimen accelerates things fairly quickly - and I should be set to finish in 8 weeks as planned.


May I ask what was the purpose of 6:40/12 to begin with? The only time I ever messed with the light schedule, was during a power outage, that was unavoidable. Several plants hermed on me half way through.

Since they are basically getting 12/12 now per day, maybe switching to 10/14 wont harm them too much. It's your garden. Do what you will. If you are not happy with the results this far, give it a shot. You can always run 'em again if they herm on you. I would enjoy watching your results.



Reasoning behind 6:40/12 for flowering was based on the theory that one can 'trick' the plant into thinking the days are going by faster, instead of 24 hours for one photocycle, its 18:40, so I would essentially about 2 flowering days for every 7 normal days. This is because I wanted to get one more harvest before the end of July. From the looks of it they were/are definitely maturing much faster than my other grows so this theory probably holds true (so far), with an extreme loss of yield (which I wasn't expecting).

At the end of last week I slowly upped the light hours and dark hours so I can prevent herming. They have been on 10/14 since the weekend and I've not found any nanners on any of them, thankfully. What a huge difference it has made for the ladies too - they were clearly starving for more light hours, as they have doubled in thickness easily. I just hope they mature within my limited time constraints with this new light regimen.

I'll see about some pics later to show their progress...