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DragorGanic CannaCabina


Dragor back at the Diaries with some new genetics for ya’ll, it goes some like this…

(3) HTC Skunk x SAG Stonehedge [subrob/Brotha_Monk experiment]
(2) MOD Menage a Trois [SB freebies]
(2) SOL Blubonic [subrob]
(1) OG Kush x Bubba [bagseed]

Jack Herrer x Skunk #1 (aka J1) [subrob]
DNA D-Line (aka Chocolope) [Malibu co-op]
Apothecary Kaia Kush (OGK x SSH) [Reseda co-op]

Using 2ft 4bulb 96watt T5 fluorescents.
Planted all beans on April 30th directly into FF 3bag mix in 8oz cups under humidity dome, all popped by May 3rd.
Clones from two co-ops were fully rooted; D-Line joined us May 4th and Kaia joined us May 9th.
Cuts of J1 needed rooting time, so I placed them in clear solo cups of FF 3bag soil mix under humidity dome and they both started showing roots within 2-3days of doing so (first time trying this, thinking the soil microbes attacked the root hairs through the peat).

The soil mix I used for veg was based on the FF3bag/MSM idea I experimented with in my last grows but since I didn’t have enough OF left to make enough original mix, I decided to blend something new in this time along with the leftover OF as my soil base. Thanks to sophisto and his insightful comments here on IC and in person, I picked up some EBStone as my soil base addition. It has all what OF has plus more without the fishiness. The amounts I used were:

3 gallon EBstone Edna’s Best Potting Soil
2.5 gallon FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil
1.5 gallon FoxFarm Planting Mix (compost)
3 gallon FoxFarm Light Warrior
2.5 gallon Perlite (reg med size pellets)

Poured this fresh soil mix into individual 3qt veg pots and amended 4.5 tsp each of powdered dolomite lime (thanks to BurnOne’s advice, for buffering high acidity of peat based media such as LightWarrior as well as supplies long-tem cal-mag) and FoxFarm Starter Mix (3-4-3) dry ferts. Following this, I watered each pot with a tea made of the following:

In 2gallons of bubbled tap water
4 tbsp of EWC-compost (in nylon teabag)
4 tbsp of unsulphered molasses
(bubbled this for 24 hours at 80F before foaming began, after which I added 1 tbsp Maxi-Crop and 1 tbsp Liquid Karma, bubbling continued for another 24 hrs before tea was used on the freshly mixed soils)

Pots sat overnight (wish I had more time to let them “cook” with the bacterial tea as Suby suggests) but I was short on time and began transplanting this morning.

All are doing well now in their new homes, well fed with microbeasties and slowly but surely perking back up to continue their journey through the CannaCabina.

Thanks for stoppin by and reading/viewing, pictures will be bountiful this time around, with so much variety I’d like to show you all – enjoy and comments are always welcomed + very much appreciated! Gratsi :wave:


Birth of the beans...

Much more pics later tonight...
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
right on man! I am very excited to follow this thread! gonna have some incredible plants. the blubonic did not get a fair amount of time and effort from me last time around-i only had time for the one run, but seeing her organic this time should be a real treat.<by the way, the pics breeder steve used for his website description of blubonic came from the same seed pack yours are from-thats gotta be good joojoo right?>
the J1 came from up north, and i know some other members here have grown her, but havent seen any info on here for her-guess thats gonna change. my bro has her at about 35 days, and she is a very impressive girl top to bottom.
I saw you notated the stonehedge x HTC skunk ibl as brotha monk. good call, it wasnt an HTC release, just an experiment.
man, you got some sweet genes all around. this oughter be good :rasta:
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sub - welcome my brotha, great to have ya! thx for the strain infos..
this grow is gonna best all my others as I try to max out in efficiency and design with this cab(ina) I been using
that pic shown in sol's blubonic strain desc looks heavily calyxed and oozing with delta9 juice dude, she's gonna get the good ol'organic treatment so we'll see how much flavor we can get out of her, as well as effects oooo ya!
seems like the freshest seeds were the ones you gifted me bro; the MOD's took almost twice as long to pop and are very slow veggers (which has been said before about them) so is the OGxBubba bagseed (this was a very dark seed overripe I'm certain, but planted anyways, one of its cotyledons kept growing longer without producing much real leaves so I had to trim it half off, weird lil' thing but still keepin it)
So your bro's running J1 eh? nice nice, gotta see pics of that ish when he's ready to share, dying to see how she turns out cause I'm one of the biggest Jack Herrer fans out there and have heard about this clone quite a few time through the grapevine..
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photos: veg day1

photos: veg day1

Here are pics of the individual strains as of this evening:

DNA D-Line (Chocolope)

Apothecary Kaia Kush (Cannabis Cup 2007 Sativa Cup Winner)


HTC/Brotha_Monk Stonehedge x Skunk IBL

Spice of Life Blubonic

Mist of Destruction Menage a Trois

Natural Caregivers (NoHo) OG Kush x Bubba

and what it all bubbles down to...

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I guess I shoulda aimed this thread at the Indoor Soil grow forum - got drowned down to page three in two days, 45 views and 1 comment, worth continuing this thread? Let me know if anybody cares about this grow else I won't waste my time...

In any case, all twelve ladies are up and on their feet again after the weekend transplant. They got the normal tea again with some dutch BioBizz Fishmix instead of the molasses (1tbsp per gallon) [contains plenty sugar and K so didn't need the molasses for bubbling] - this FM is very efficient way to deliver a rapid dose of N to the plants without burning them (really well pH-balanced straight outta bottle) - I will probably brew with it once a week and use straight water with liquid karma and ewc/molasses/kelp tea alternatively, throughout veg and the first week of flowering.

Have a happy & green day... dragor


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hell ya keep it going! people dont really start commenting till the pics look smokeable!!!! nuther 60 days and this cabinet is going to be the shit! grow it, and they will come! :joint:
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Status Update: Veg Week 1

Status Update: Veg Week 1

Here are the pics, details to follow...

DNA D-Line (Chocolope)

Apothecary Kaia Kush


HTC/Brother_Monk Skunk IBL x Stonehedge

SOL Blubonic

MOD Menage a Trois

NCG OG x Bubba Kush
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Tagged! I will be riding along with intense, vested interest. Looks like the Stonehedge is dominant so far. Their momma was very dense cabbage, with light buds. They looked dense as hell, but given a squeeze, she compacted right down. Let's hope the SKIBL hefts her up a bit.

The Stonehedge topped once, grown in E&F using lucas formula.





Well-known member
ICMag Donor
dragor-man i just love watching seedlings grow into themselves-yours are looking beautiful man! i gotta get bro over here to snap some pics! top job so far bro....

brotha monk-noticed the coloration on your leaves-she wasnt outdoors was she? never mind, just took another look and saw the rocks- cant wait to try her-cant remember the lineage of stonehedge, maybe some cambodian? can you hit us with her background? thanks man


Brother_Monk: Hellz yea, great to have you join in here - your babies are very very fast growers, beasty little things (oxymoron lol) - thanks for puttin those momma pics up - she's gorgeous and I noticed a unique trait on her - that the fan blades are of equal length on the center and adjacent two blades on each leaf, not the typical decreasing size blade pattern - would you say so? I just looked at her offspring and can't tell this pattern yet too young and not elongated enough - seems like fatter leaf blades too (SKIBL genetics?) - in any case they are just loving the organic setup and can't wait to flip them in a week.

subrob: I know what you mean about seedlings - they really get you admiring the beauty of the plant to its fullest - birth to death (err propagation) - gotta get those pics of yours up - man your BDXNL is something else! Keep up the great work yourself bro..


please keep this thread going! you've got some really interesting strains, i'm sure more people will join the show eventually!


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Looks like you've got a good soil mix going there. Those Sk x Stoneh should be impressive, they've got some great big leaves already.


perakko & ixnay007: welcome to my show guys, muchlove for the comments;
perakko: I am more excited about this grow than any of the others I've done, the final six selectives are going to be a spectacle to see, might require a camera upgrade, we'll SEE lol

ixnay007 - I enjoy your posts here in the forums, have learned a few things from them for sure, this is my first time really playing around with real organic teas and supplements, as well as much more foliar feeding in veg, which I overlooked in last two runs. SKIBLStonehedge cross is really something else, I can already tell the different phenos on the three - and I hope the one pheno I have my eye on turns out to be my momma - the Blubonic isn't lagging too far behind with them big plump round fan blades on one pheno and long slender ones on the other!

Of the clones - J1 I gotta say is a super slow vegger, took forever to root and start growing again after cloning. Kaia Kush is on the other hand a real fast vegger and secondary branching is telling me yield on her is gonna be plenty considering he short veg period. And the DNA DLine needs no further words, such an illustrious breed, for sure a stretcher I am expecting!!
... :rasta: :wave:
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Here's the pics I promised in sr's thread. Didn't want to clutter his with off topic pics. This is the momma I have had for almost a year now. She's looking a little beat up, because she has not had a medium change(4x4 rockwool), or flush, up 'till now. SHe was frying a little with a salt build up, so I flushed her last night for the first time in 12 months! Hearty bitch, I'll give her that. She takes a lickin'...... Anywayz.........

Check out the density of the cabbage. Sorry 'bout the photoshop...had to get rid of fingerprints hehheh. :bashhead:




These pics don't really do her justice. But the nodes are packed so tightly together, with secondary growth coming off each one like crazy....she almost looks like she's budding, in veg! Super hearty and stout genetics. Tony (sagamartha seeds)deserves much props for this girl. I bet she would be a monster outdoors. Now that SKIBL is in the mix....look out!



subrob said:
cant remember the lineage of stonehedge, maybe some cambodian? can you hit us with her background? thanks man

Here's the breeders description of her.....

Stonehedge is a marijuana of megalithic proportions. This plant has vigorous growth and excellent crystalline structure. By far the largest and most dense sativa we have, also a Cannabis Cup award winner in the late 90's. Her lineage consists of an old style Cambodian type plant with a slight Western Winds influence that enhances the sativa strength and pleasure. The high she possesses is soaring and overwhelming, providing the smoker with a lithographic outlook. Stimulating, cranial sensations are often followed by an upswing in altitude and attitude. Whether taken in the evening or after work, her magic is well received. Not recommended for operating heaving equipment "unless it's you." Type: Indica - Sativa. Vegetate until: 4-7 internodes. High: creeper quality: first eyedroop, followed by full relaxation. Long-lasting high. Taste: slightly hashy and sweet.

Grow Location: Indoor/Outdoor
Flowering: 65 days
Height: 1 meter
Yield: 350 grams per square meter

The description pretty much hits the nail on the head, all the way around.



"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Brother_Monk said:

These pics don't really do her justice. But the nodes are packed so tightly together, with secondary growth coming off each one like crazy....she almost looks like she's budding, in veg! Super hearty and stout genetics. Tony (sagamartha seeds)deserves much props for this girl. I bet she would be a monster outdoors. Now that SKIBL is in the mix....look out!


Man, that last description describes the DC I have in veg at the moment, been LSTing her, and damn has she turned into a horizontal jungle :)

I should take more photos..

Thanks for the compliments Dragor, but I'm a rank amateur in the bio field, although I see that here even the professionals are still learning :)


SKIBLStoneH Phenos

SKIBLStoneH Phenos

Brother_Monk said:
Here's the pics I promised in sr's thread. This is the momma I have had for almost a year now.

Check out the density of the cabbage.



These pics don't really do her justice. But the nodes are packed so tightly together, with secondary growth coming off each one like crazy....she almost looks like she's budding, in veg! Super hearty and stout genetics. Tony (sagamartha seeds)deserves much props for this girl. I bet she would be a monster outdoors. Now that SKIBL is in the mix....look out!


Brotha_Monk Muchas Gracias for those StoneH momma pics and the background info! She is definitely a bushy lady, as you said - dense like cabage haha ;) She doubles/triples in size during flowering? - she's got mainly sativa genetics in her, but hopefully SKIBL will keep her short. What did you think about her fragrance and flavor? She sounds very similar, in certain ways (e.g. branchy/leafiness & soaring, long-lasting high) to Mandala's Satori strain. Below are pics of my three SKIBLxStoneH's main stalks:




That first pheno seems to be the most representative of the momma's traits, the other two seem to have longer internodes and less secondaries coming off. I'm thinking they'll have about 6 nodes and be 6" tall by the end of this 2nd week of veggin under T5s 24hrs

ixnay007 DC (DeepChunk) is definitely a megalithic girl (sorry - just had to steal Sag's words there haha) - I love her wide and bushy pheno - I am also doing some LSTin on my D-Line (Chocolope) clone to keep her short & bushy (this strain stretches a lot due to the original Chocolate Thai genetics). I'll post updated pics by the end of the week

:rasta: Dragor :rasta:
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Veg Update Week 2

Veg Update Week 2

Vegging Day 13'ers

J1 - she is surprisingly slow growing but I think it's just an illusion, because her leaves are getting pretty damn long and big but her main stalk isn't stretching too much and secondary branching is quite slow... I believe nondual said she is doesn't grow much axially so training her midway through flowering helped increase yields? I'll have to try that...
- she's into the bondage thing...

Kaia Kush - doing good here, she branches out well but is a very "light" and thin structured lady, I hope her branches will thicken well during flowering, nonetheless she is a stunning beauty her leaf patterning and colors are something to stare at haha :)

HTC Skunk IBL x SAG Stonehedge - badass strain so far, grows like a conquerer of the jungles would, beastly in girth due to elongating petioles and gigantic fan leaves - that one pheno is staying pretty compact and I wonder what's up with this outlier pheno - a keeper in my compact cab setup I would say...


SOL Blubonic - another spectacular strain so far, fan leaves are short and compact but very wide blades and the color is a blueish hue of green. one of the phenos is stretching a lot more than the other, so hopefully that's the male hahah


MOD Menage a Trois - can you say short and stocky? damn they both just will not stretch at all, but her leaves are much thicker than the other strains from seed and have the darkest forest green color - one of these babies is gonna be the golden ticket... mmmm dreamweaver haze godbud oooo

OG x Bubba bagseed - this is what Darwin and Mendel would call "weak" genetics, unfortunately. i will put it through flower and see what happens, but its main stalk is very thin and will need support soon when she gets more top heavy with leaves and buds...

Vegging Day 18'er

DLine Chocolope - she has stopped growing taller but definitely still throwing out massive arms like crazy (just as Ed states in the BBBvol3) - I am expecting her to try "taking over my garden" (Ed R.) soon as I transplant and flip lights - smells real strong when rubbed or shaken and it's definitely not sweet but musky and earthy almost that coffee/coco smell... can't wait!


Dragor said:
Brotha_Monk Muchas Gracias for those StoneH momma pics and the background info! She is definitely a bushy lady, as you said - dense like cabage haha ;) She doubles/triples in size during flowering? - she's got mainly sativa genetics in her, but hopefully SKIBL will keep her short. What did you think about her fragrance and flavor?
No problem Dragor! I'm honored that you are growing this cross out. The least I can do is drop in with as much info as I can.

Both the SKIBL and the Stonehedge, about doubles in flower. So, I wouldn't expect to see anything too unmanageable from her.

The fragrance from the SKIBL, is skunky/astringent/rotten sour fruit. Her smoke is identical, even with a short time in the jar. The Stonehedge was very earthy/hashy/sweet. But she needed a good cure to bring out her flavors in the smoke. Too bad I didn't let too much of it cure long enough, to bring out her full flavors. I just kept reaching for that jar. Not very smooth with a short cure either. Sags description of the stone, is right on the money. Almost overwhelming for me. I needed to sit down at first, until I got used to the feeling. Very intense head rush, then a floaty behind the eyes, then it moved down into the body where it shook my insides.

Fuck man that Chocolope really fucking took off there at the begging. About 10 billion times faster than any of my growth lol. Good genetics or what? damnnnn.
