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DR60/ LED Grow Xmas Spectacular (LR2 Cross Breeds)


my, my, how time flies. Did you have that many orange hairs at this age the last time you grew this strain out?


I didnt grow this out a buddy did. And this is a Cross Breed we made stupidly or well he did. He had a male kept it on his computer desk about 10 yards away and was hitting the plant to watch the pollen fall off. And yeah you know the rest take a female and hermie it. So this is a seed from that. Idk nothing about the strain, Free seed. Gives me free Buddah! =)


I see that in the title now after you pointing it out, it says cross breed. Cool, free is always good and an autoflowering "mistake" can't be too bad. :yes:


I see that in the title now after you pointing it out, it says cross breed. Cool, free is always good and an autoflowering "mistake" can't be too bad. :yes:

Hey who knows, she looks Great to me the bud . But I am having sum issue some say magnesium. But IDK I think it is a PH level issue but my meter broke so who knows.


Just looked back. In some pictures it's looking like a calcium deficiency, but I think you're correct with it may being lock-out and it could be more than one thing. Where did the yellowing of the tips start, newer or older growth? and same for the interveinal chlorosis? Almost looks like you got Iron, Calcium, Magnesium lockout/deficiencies. What nutrients and minerals are listed on the products you are using? (superthrive not included) also, what is the starting PPM of your water?


Jan 21 2010

--This Plant has been struggling the last week. My PH pen went out and I think Has messed up my Ph of the soil.
I was also Using Ph UP and Down in the same Mix so I think that also cause this.

-- As you see I am having Nute Lock out from the Ph being below 5.5 PH. I have tryed to fix or help the plant by
Feeding her 1/4 Teaspoon Of Kool Bloom. Dont have a Ph Pen so I went and Only used this Nute because it is Clear. I dont have a Ph
Pen So I cant feed her the Regular Nutes.

Guaranteed Analysis (2-45-28)
Total Nitrogen (N) ..... 2.0%
2.0% Ammoniacal Nitrogen (N)
Available Phosphate (P2O5) ..... 45.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O) ..... 28.0%
Magnesium (Mg) ..... 1.0%
1.0% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)
Sulfur (S) ..... 1.5%

--I had fed her 2.5 Cups of this Mix and since the Nute was a powder that went in Clear. I used My PH drops to adjust the Ph and I just had to raise her a little. The PPM of the Mix was 1.0-1.2 EC and 500-600 PPM. Run Off of plant was 400 PPM. So I think we are good, and the plant has eaten a little but needs more. Time will Tell now.

-- I have in order a PHep5 Hanna Digital PH Pen. Im not going cheap. This has Auto Calibration. So I will be happy. And like
They say. Spend cheap grow cheap, get cheap :giveup:








How many days has it been now? Too me that plant looks like it's starting to use up it's nutrients and is getting ready to finish up. What are the trichs like? If they're still clear/cloudy then you have a beast of a nitrogren problem it looks like.

It's normal for leaves to start to discolor and fall off in flower, specially around the bottom. The biggest sign of trouble is if you see deficiencies on the new growth.


Day 51 or 52 The plant isnt near to be done I dont think. They say to live 9 weeks. So I guess maybe?? I just hit it with 1/4 Teaspoon of Kool Bloom. I have been having this issue for a week now. Has not gotten better.


If i were you, i would start flushing now. Since you've been struggling so much with nutes and defs, i would flush for two weeks and start fresh over with new seeds. Even more so since you said you just bought a new ph pen. This really isn't that big of a decision to make either, since you're nearing your finishing time. How do the trichs look? what percentages of colors? Have you been checking?

I would also do some research on nutes, application rates, other breeder's techniques and learn as much as you can. That's what i do, it's worked for me!


yeah I have read and you cant really follow others, these are an auto. I am not flushing there is no need to. there isnt anyhting left in the soil. I barely fed this any nutes really and just plain water. i just think the PH is off and I am hoping it gets adjusted soon, or Whatever. Like you said soon I will be starting new!


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
At this point I would either fork up the cash and get the PH pen ASAP and if you cannot afford it for whatever reason go to some hardware store or pool store and get a manual PH test kit at least that is going to get you into the ballpark.

Just give it as close to PH'd water as you can and just let it go to 60 days and pull it. I don't think its going to do much more so you can get started on the next one as soon as you can.

Jack it up to experience and just work on the next one where this one didn't get it.

I am going to make some changes to my next grow with the lights and instead of trying to get 6 plants under each one just 4. I would like to try three of the 300w models in the same space. Even though its back to a total of 1000watts but still the temps would be a way better for the closet grows.



Thanks SAH Great help. yeah I am letting it go. but these go for 9 weeks. Till they are done. So SHould I let it go to then or no?


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Just keep an eye on her and when its not getting bulkier and you see no new pistils thats it.



New member
Remember Roor that at the end it is natural for some yellowing of older sunleaves, but yoiu do seem to have nute-lock to me. The tips burning is to much nutes, but then it lookes like lock-out!! Don't think IMHO that you'll gain much if any more, start flushing now and take what you get. I did the same to my mother last yr. Was All PH of WATER. Hope this helps. Here is a link for sick plants..............http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688


Jan 23rd 2010

-- plants still struggling to Keep on keepin on. Still seems to be lock out.

--No PH Pen yet in the mail. Prob Get it monday.

--Started to flush plant this morning, with Good PH water. I will see if this helps and will help Ripen the trichs.

__Took a few pics to show what I have so far.

-- Plant has a great Smell to it, and I cant wait to smoke her. This strain is and Grows Diff than EasyRyder. Wish I had more than 2 Autos. Would LIke to do 4 this time.





new growth looks better at least, i think that plant is definitely finishing up, look at those fan leaves.

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