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Dr. Mollie Fry gets 5 years



I'm really surprised I'm the one that has to start this thread and wondering how dead this place has become. Yesterday Dr. Fry and her hubby each received the mandatory minimum of 5 years at their sentencing hearing. Both are free on $25,000 bail pending appeal.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
I still don't understand the legitimate reason why you cannot "mention" medical MJ in a Federal case. That is the basis of the whole case and imo opinion is withholding evidence. Don't you think if the Jury heard the reason someone was growing was because they thought they were protected under law that the verdict would be different. Corruption!!! Someone please explain this to me.


I don't see there's anything to explain really. Federal court, federal laws soooo that's the 'legitimate' reason even though it's not 'legitimate'. Not very complicated.

Marco Renda

Active member
I read that they were offered a deal ( PROBATION ) but they turned it down. I don't think that anyone should be put behind bars for this plant ESPECIALLY someone who was out there trying to help sick people.

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal



Active member
Chiefsmokingbud said:
Don't you think if the Jury heard the reason someone was growing was because they thought they were protected under law that the verdict would be different.
Someone please explain this to me.

I think you just explained it to yourself. :wink:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Nondual said:
I'm really surprised I'm the one that has to start this thread and wondering how dead this place has become. .
Mollie was my treating physician for a couple years and was doing a wonderful job helping others. Nondual thanks for posting...what took you so long? DD



Active member
my understanding is that the deal was turned down because they both would have felonies. Mollie would get her dr.s license revoked and Dale would be disbarred. a disaster for their patients and clients....what would happen to them if they did mention medical, say during cross examination or something? its crazy that they call it a fair trial but you cant defend yourself because in that court those words magically dont exist.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well I am so glad to hear that they are free on bail. The appeal could take forever ...so lets just hope they remain free. Dale and Molly are great ppl and have been very good friends to the Babba family. They stand up for the whole MJ med community. Thanks you guys and much love from us too you... thanks for the compassion.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
nor-cal said:
Nondual, I actually started a post on this a month ago. I don't think anybody really read the post and "got" what I was trying to convey.

I don't think many of this new breed reads past a post or 2 hence all the repeated threads. I have never met these folks but know the one's that have and must say I'm so very sorry that our political systems are so damn fubared that you could go to jail for trying to make someone's life a little better by growing a freakin seed. :badday:

In My Prayers


I don't think many of this new breed reads past a post or 2 hence all the repeated threads.
Don't know if you're talking about me but in 3 years online I have about 10,000 posts on various canna forums...including some old accounts here at IC. The thread mentioned was not titled anything about Dr Fry and the first post did not mention her by name. That thread was about general info mainly and not specific to Dr Fry IMO...or at least that's the direction it seemed to take for a bit. I hear what some others are saying.

I knew about her sentencing almost immediately after it happened but kind of by accident. I figured someone who is closely following the case and has a better background with it would post quickly.

A close friend had a recommendation written by her and Dr Fry really worked with my friends special needs regarding the amount of medicine she requires.
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Nondual said:
Don't know if you're talking about me but in 3 years online I have about 10,000 posts on various canna forums...

NO not at all. Any thread regarding a fallen brother is welcome my friend. Simply put ph troubles in the search box and you'll see what I'm talking about even tho the answers to any and ALL ph issues are within the pages of this site. :jump:

Glad You Cleared It Up

fully baked

Could the appeal have any effect on federal laws whatsoever?? Say they aren't charged with cultivation because of their medical excuse. Would that allow others to also cite this case in future cases then??

Purely hypothetical, just thinking about what the implications could be if the appeal is successful.


Active member
thats exactly why their trying to crucify them. to set a precedent for future cases. this is the reason eddy lepp did what he did, to set a precedent that favored mmj patient immunity. hasn't quite worked yet but the feds seem to be using that strategy in this case.


thats exactly why their trying to crucify them. to set a precedent for future cases.
I'm pretty sure precedents have already been set (statutory law) and no need for more. The Supreme Court has already basically spoken on this. As someone stated before they had the opportunity to enter a plea and chose not to and can understand why they didn't because of who they are but the 'reality' of the situation is they were fighting an uphill battle. Only way I can see things really changing is if the Dems get into the White House then all these actions will become a much lower priority in part probably due to some funding getting cut to support such things even starting in the first place. I'm pretty sure the judge that sentenced them is a more liberal Democrat but his hands are tied regardless of his personal feelings.

IMO a successful appeal will be tough.

I have much more direct experience with situations like Dr Fry and her husband than most because...(use your imagination and fill in the blank).

even tho the answers to any and ALL ph issues are within the pages of this site
Dr Fry and her husbands sentencing never happened before so how could this information exist in other threads? I used my judgment, how ever flawed, to give what I believe this situation deserves by starting something fresh.


Bong Smoking News Hound
Nondual said:
Don't know if you're talking about me but in 3 years online I have about 10,000 posts on various canna forums...including some old accounts here at IC. The thread mentioned was not titled anything about Dr Fry and the first post did not mention her by name. That thread was about general info mainly and not specific to Dr Fry IMO...or at least that's the direction it seemed to take for a bit. I hear what some others are saying.

I knew about her sentencing almost immediately after it happened but kind of by accident. I figured someone who is closely following the case and has a better background with it would post quickly.

A close friend had a recommendation written by her and Dr Fry really worked with my friends special needs regarding the amount of medicine she requires.

Well first off get an account that works! and stick with it!

Second sometimes we need help from people like yourself to post such things. As i would have never of known this. So thank you for posting it.

And id like to know some details as to how all this happened? I thought the Supreme Court Ruled going after doctors for recommending Marijuana.
its kinda funny how much "med" users cry about the law when they get in trouble...federal law always supercedes state law...thats the rules "we" set up...i know it sucks..but did ya really think they would let ya do anything ya want, just because ya have enough votes to control the local goverment...this is a republic not a democracy..mob rule doesnt apply..california doesnt control the u.s...now your cops and local officials dont listen to the law...just like you!!