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Dr. Mollie Fry gets 5 years


Bong Smoking News Hound
Dale Dale Dale. You are pushing the envelope buddy.

dale gribble said:
its kinda funny how much "med" users cry about the law when they get in trouble...federal law always supercedes state law...thats the rules "we" set up...i know it sucks..but did ya really think they would let ya do anything ya want, just because ya have enough votes to control the local goverment...this is a republic not a democracy..mob rule doesnt apply..california doesnt control the u.s...now your cops and local officials dont listen to the law...just like you!!
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I thought the Supreme Court Ruled going after doctors for recommending Marijuana
Sorry but I'm not really up on stuff like that but would also like to know.


Active member
i think they ruled that the feds cant revoke a doctors license just for recommending mmj. doesn't dr. fry's case revolve more around her direct involvement w/ getting patients their meds or????? really screwed up no matter how you look at it.


dale gribble said:
its kinda funny how much "med" users cry about the law when they get in trouble...federal law always supercedes state law...thats the rules "we" set up...i know it sucks..but did ya really think they would let ya do anything ya want, just because ya have enough votes to control the local goverment...this is a republic not a democracy..mob rule doesnt apply..california doesnt control the u.s...now your cops and local officials dont listen to the law...just like you!!

Whos crying? I think there are lots of brave people butting their ass on the line for what they KNOW is right and fair. Thats bravery to me.


Active member
God bless these brave people and all who try to ease human suffering with the healing cannabis herb.....

Keep us posted as this case winds its way through the "justice" system.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


They were given the 5 year because they "conspired" to grow more than 100 plants. What I read was, That they weren't even growing some of the plants they just gave someone else advice on how to grow thier own plants. AKA: Feds proved they were linked to over 100 plants either direct or indirect.

Dont go over 99,
Dont sweat it!!


Dont go over 99, Dont sweat it!!
To avoid federal attention I'd say yes that's true but know of friends in some counties in Cali that have been arrested for growing 6 plants because the yield was estimated that it will come in over 8 ozs. I'm talking about plants still in a garden. There are no guarantees with this stuff...none.


Freedom Fighter
dale gribble said:
its kinda funny how much "med" users cry about the law when they get in trouble...federal law always supercedes state law...thats the rules "we" set up...i know it sucks..but did ya really think they would let ya do anything ya want, just because ya have enough votes to control the local goverment...this is a republic not a democracy..mob rule doesnt apply..california doesnt control the u.s...now your cops and local officials dont listen to the law...just like you!!

But the fact is...Federal Law does not trump State law--
Federal Law says we can carry a gun...but some States will arrest you for this--
Federal Law says nun chucks are legal...some States will arrest you for this--
If they are allowed to use the Federal Law trumps State Law thing...it would basically nullify all State, County, and Municipal Laws and Codes--

You say "we" cry about this....but it is ppl like you, who just roll over and lick your nuts in acceptance, that is hurting this Movement-- Thankfully, there are ppl like Dr Fry....who are willing to fight and stand up for basic Human Rights--
but the fact is....there facing time...federal time...i never said i didnt think the fight was worth fighting...just that no-one is above the law...so when you get caught dont cry about it...anyway back to trying to lick my nuts...


that is some bad news i actually can say i know what its like being on the other end and its not fun

i actually just got out recently from prison for our lovely plants but i will not conform and give up the things i love just got to be abit more careful

best of luck and hope all goes well for the dr.


Freedom Fighter
dale gribble said:
but the fact is....there facing time...federal time...i never said i didnt think the fight was worth fighting...just that no-one is above the law...so when you get caught dont cry about it...anyway back to trying to lick my nuts...

The point is bro-- They are not crying about it-- They are Appealing it-- You must use the Legal system...mangle, twist, fight...however you do it...but yeah...the "Law" can only be fought in Court...how Ironic is that??!! lol--


Eugene Oregon
kmk420kali said:
But the fact is...Federal Law does not trump State law--
Federal Law says we can carry a gun...but some States will arrest you for this--
Federal Law says nun chucks are legal...some States will arrest you for this--
If they are allowed to use the Federal Law trumps State Law thing...it would basically nullify all State, County, and Municipal Laws and Codes--

You say "we" cry about this....but it is ppl like you, who just roll over and lick your nuts in acceptance, that is hurting this Movement-- Thankfully, there are ppl like Dr Fry....who are willing to fight and stand up for basic Human Rights--

Thank you, could have said it better mate =D


Active member
kmk420kali said:
...the "Law" can only be fought in Court...how Ironic is that??!! lol--

But public perception can be fought outside the courts and it was once said "people can only be governed as much as they are willing to let themselves be."

Change their hearts and their minds will follow.


I read that that had their garage converted into an entire grow op..and several other rooms, which means they were most likely over the 100 plant limit.. They also go them on tape calling the cops "narcs" to an undercover officer. I can see protecting a doctor for writing meds, but not when they are directly profiting off the recommendations. This case really sheds a negative light on medical mj in cali. It is too bad they set up their business this way, because they could have really used their credentials in more acceptable ways...


Freedom Fighter
ripOG said:
I read that that had their garage converted into an entire grow op..and several other rooms, which means they were most likely over the 100 plant limit.. They also go them on tape calling the cops "narcs" to an undercover officer. I can see protecting a doctor for writing meds, but not when they are directly profiting off the recommendations. This case really sheds a negative light on medical mj in cali. It is too bad they set up their business this way, because they could have really used their credentials in more acceptable ways...

Because all other drug sources (Pharmaceuticals) do not profit from them...oh wait...THEY DO!! The Government...and I mean that for whatever Country anyone might be from...but The Government...should not be up in our private lives...that is up to the "Local Yokels" to try and do-- If the "G" gets too much power over ppls lives...ppl will Revolt--
If I can grow a plant...and make $$ off it...I should not be "Labeled" as anything but a "Farmer"--
the people will never revolt...the people want protection...and peace of mind..and in most cases the goverment gives it to them...how long do you think your "farm" would last without the protection of goverment agencies?? you have heard about cartels right? would you prefer half your harvest go to some gang members for "protection"?


ripOG said:
I read that that had their garage converted into an entire grow op..and several other rooms, which means they were most likely over the 100 plant limit.. They also go them on tape calling the cops "narcs" to an undercover officer. I can see protecting a doctor for writing meds, but not when they are directly profiting off the recommendations. This case really sheds a negative light on medical mj in cali. It is too bad they set up their business this way, because they could have really used their credentials in more acceptable ways...

If you think the Doc and sidekick were profiting from the sale of MJ then you must not be very aware.

I would suggest that they both sacrificed salary to grow cannabis and distribute to those in need of medicine.

A Doctor and a Lawyer can make a trunkload of cash by Doctoring and lawyering, but these good people are obviously not on this Earth being motivated by profit. If they were, they'd be 24/7'ing their professions to bankroll their investment properties like so many others.

Instead, they put their futures on the line to do something good.

They are following a path of heart, and if you do that you cannot fail, no matter what some Government believes.

I'm in awe to be able to witness the great and beautiful qualities of mankind :redface:


Bong Smoking News Hound
nipplecrippler said:
If you think the Doc and sidekick were profiting from the sale of MJ then you must not be very aware.

I would suggest that they both sacrificed salary to grow cannabis and distribute to those in need of medicine.

A Doctor and a Lawyer can make a trunkload of cash by Doctoring and lawyering, but these good people are obviously not on this Earth being motivated by profit. If they were, they'd be 24/7'ing their professions to bankroll their investment properties like so many others.

Instead, they put their futures on the line to do something good.

They are following a path of heart, and if you do that you cannot fail, no matter what some Government believes.

I'm in awe to be able to witness the great and beautiful qualities of mankind :redface:

Amen brotha! Little logic into the case hu?
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