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Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

Doomsday Prepping for Economic Catastrophy

  • Everything will be just fine you old worry wart...

    Votes: 31 23.3%
  • War is the most likely doomsday...I want a bunker.

    Votes: 25 18.8%
  • Big darned asteroid is coming making a tsunami...get a surf board

    Votes: 6 4.5%
  • You are right Bog. It's the economy stupid...

    Votes: 71 53.4%

  • Total voters


What's funny to me...is people telling other people they are preparing. Loose lips sink ships. Don't tell anyone shit. 1st rule

Like my neighbor telling me about his new assault weapon he bought...in all his paranoia...to protect himself from god knows what....this impending doom (or ban in this case). In the mean time he's middle aged...fat...out of shape...smoking down cigs looking for a heart attack...but hey!....he'll survive the doomsday....except he won't

because some crafty fucker will just blow his head off with a 12 gauge...and take his shit.


Active member
What is funny to me is the idea of prepare for the worst, hope for the best is lost on people.

These are the same people that break into a cold sweat because they went to take a shit and didn't bring their Iphone with them.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
These are the same people that break into a cold sweat because they went to take a shit and didn't bring their Iphone with them.

I don't own a fanboy phone, .... I do own a 5 year old Nokia, which I only use to make phone calls, and I have never activated any of the web functions.. Tried to put some music on it by copying from a CD once, failed, never tried since. I got this phone as an upgrade on my contract 5 years ago, have have declined 2 upgrades since then when I could have had an Iphone or an Android phone, but as I don't feel the need to have a facebook page or a twatter account to update my every waking moment, and have no desire to watch TV on a park bench I don't see why I need it.
Never broke in to a cold sweat whilst emptying my bowels either.

See how being "Prepared" serves you when roving gangs of police and military go around robbing people to feed their own families. They have better toys than you, they have more toys than you, and they are trained in the effective use of these toys.

Your right to bear arms won't protect you from drones either, in the areas of Pakistan where the drones are being used, everyone has an AK in the house....fat lot of fooking good it does them eh.


When the EBT cards are no longer active, thats when you will see the SHTF....as we now sit there are over 48 million people on the SNAP program, up from 21 million from when King Barry took office...its only a matter of time when it all blows up....

when it comes to prepping...if I can't shoot it, eat it, drink it or grow it, I have no use for it...all this shit about gold, if you don't recall, all the gold in the US was confiscated in the 1930's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102...

Do I want the shtf to happen, hell no I don't, but its better to be prepared then it is to wait for the FEMA bus to come with the hand outs....which may never come.

Glad to see some folks out here that think the same way...each and every day it amazes me to see the folks who think nothing is wrong here is the USofA...then again TPTB have watered down our beliefs with the influx of illegal immigrants that are now here in the US and have no fucking idea why or how we became the USofA.

Is this a person who will survive doomsday? This is the population I have to look forward to? Great. You people are laughable...only..in the way you take yourselves serious

Love to hear your beliefs on how we became the USofA. No really...it must be some awesome rhetoric going on in your head
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Active member
See how being "Prepared" serves you when roving gangs of police and military go around robbing people to feed their own families. They have better toys than you, they have more toys than you, and they are trained in the effective use of these toys.

Your right to bear arms won't protect you from drones either, in the areas of Pakistan where the drones are being used, everyone has an AK in the house....fat lot of fooking good it does them eh.

To assume it is either peachy or doomsday is weird to me. There are many shades in between. Maybe a food shortage because of a storm, and a two week supply will prevent you from fighting crowds. Or maybe your home garden. It can be the simple things as well. Prep for the worst, hope for the best....and everything in between. Also, what makes you think you can take your neighbors gun, with no gun yourself?

As for drones, the only way to win that war is gorilla war fare. In history this is the best strategy against far superior enemies is gorilla war fare. Guess what the first weapon of choice is for that type of war?????? Guns. Keep sipping the kool-aid on the whole gun control thing, but if guns go, so does our freedom. (in my opinion, and I respect yours)

lost in a sea

yeah its them damn illegal immigrants not knowing their history that has fucked up america,, has watered it down and the like..



To assume it is either peachy or doomsday is weird to me. There are many shades in between. Maybe a food shortage because of a storm, and a two week supply will prevent you from fighting crowds. Or maybe your home garden. It can be the simple things as well. Prep for the worst, hope for the best....and everything in between. Also, what makes you think you can take your neighbors gun, with no gun yourself?

As for drones, the only way to win that war is gorilla war fare. In history this is the best strategy against far superior enemies is gorilla war fare. Guess what the first weapon of choice is for that type of war?????? Guns. Keep sipping the kool-aid on the whole gun control thing, but if guns go, so does our freedom. (in my opinion, and I respect yours)

And another one who thinks his guns are going to make him a professional guerilla warfare freedom fighter.


Active member
Grasslands - yea that part about illegals is not right imo. Not only because is seems on the edge of racist (even though white, brown, yellow, purple and black all immigrate, so not technically racist) but our own school systems don't teach America's history any better. It is scary how uneducated people coming out of public school systems are these days.

And another one who thinks his guns are going to make him a professional guerilla warfare freedom fighter.
Never said that man. Just said that guns do play an import role. Never said I was Rambo.


Grasslands - yea that part about illegals is not right imo. Not only because is seems on the edge of racist (even though white, brown, yellow, purple and black all immigrate, so not technically racist) but our own school systems don't teach America's history any better. It is scary how uneducated people coming out of public school systems are these days.

Never said that man. Just said that guns do play an import role. Never said I was rambo.

Fair enough then. I apologize. I'm not anti gun...but realistic about their uses. Guns are only as good as their users.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Worse case scenerio I can grab a gun off a dead person.....even then it would be for protection and stealing food. If things got bad the govt would be handing out MRE's and having huge mess tents. I think people would share unless there was no Govt at all...in that case ya better got something to trade or a farm of your own.

Weed is good to have if their is no gov, cause fact is that stuff trades nicely! If we had to grow our own food I would be in a ghillie suit all day and all night.

I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly...

Does this mean you would suggest everyone else share and trade and farm while you steal it from them?


Well-known member
The American socialist Norman Thomas once said “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Fair enough then. I apologize. I'm not anti gun...but realistic about their uses. Guns are only as good as their users.

which im sure is why all the gun people would like to keep them... its uses will be needed if all shit goes to hell...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
The American socialist Norman Thomas once said “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

which is true all u need to do is look around.. all we have are socialized this and that... its funny we want to tell everyone this is the bad guy or that is. when its literally a virus eating us alive from the inside and everyone cant see it.

almost makes me think that america as a country has syphilis and we are slowly starting to go nuts from it....


Active member
See how being "Prepared" serves you when roving gangs of police and military go around robbing people to feed their own families. They have better toys than you, they have more toys than you, and they are trained in the effective use of these toys.

The "band of brothers" are gonna hang tight eh? Clearly your an optimist.
As far as the better toys nonsense...you see laundry soap and a few bags of nails, I see waist high mounted claymores, full of flachettes.

This is the population I have to look forward to?

I hope your sitting down, because from what I've read, that you've typed...you won't be there with us.

I'm not sure if I'm reading this correctly...

Does this mean you would suggest everyone else share and trade and farm while you steal it from them?

I wouldn't worry about that guys suggestions mr. mustard....doesn't sound like he'd be around long enuff to express that opinion...lol ghillie suit? lmao...please...your moms calling...you left COD on in your xbox again.


which im sure is why all the gun people would like to keep them... its uses will be needed if all shit goes to hell...

Keep them. It's false security...but keep them. Why not fully automatic weapons?...why not grenades?...keep whatever..people should keep whatever they think they need. If shit goes to hell...shit goes to hell with bullets flying....shrapnel flying..and there you go.

And then...all the patriots can rebuild their beautiful worlds back from the blood and carnage...and there will have been no doomsday at all. It will be right back to where it left off...until the next doomsday threat arises. What a beautiful...unoriginal world


The "band of brothers" are gonna hang tight eh? Clearly your an optimist.
As far as the better toys nonsense...you see laundry soap and a few bags of nails, I see waist high mounted claymores, full of flachettes.

I hope your sitting down, because from what I've read, that you've typed...you won't be there with us.

I wouldn't worry about that guys suggestions mr. mustard....doesn't sound like he'd be around long enuff to express that opinion...lol ghillie suit? lmao...please...your moms calling...you left COD on in your xbox again.

Us? You are whom? You Survival Man? You the man with the plan..and all the anarchist cookbook knowledge? O my god...please dude..please... You sound fresh out of boot camp...or a backwoods militia...hardly serious though
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It will be right back to where it left off...until the next doomsday threat arises. What a beautiful...unoriginal world

If we could only kill ourselves and not the entire planet...

Everything else seems to be okay until we endanger the shit out their species...

We won't get it right no matter how many times we get a chance.


Active member
Us? You are whom? You Survival Man? You the man with the plan..and all the anarchist cookbook knowledge? O my god...please dude..please... You sound fresh out of boot camp...or a backwoods militia...hardly serious though

Me? I'm whats known as a realist.

Do a little reading, listening, research. You'll find that social value and morals went from an all time high, to non existant in the span of about sixty years in North America.

Twenty years ago, when kids weren't in school they went outside to play. Camping, fishing, hunting, and bushcraft were all quite popular. The one fat kid on the block was a fat kid because his mom made great food...

In the now, all the kids are fat. It's because they don't go outside. The hobbies are now computers and texting. Violence isn't scary any longer, movies and television glorify it. I mean shell shock is still shell shock...you just rarely hear about it anymore.

I've had extensive munitions training in the past which is why I thought your "cookbook" comment was pretty cute...but it does prove something. That information is readily available out there for anyone who is interested in learning about it.

So when SHTF have fun with your gang, because us like minded individuals will be in well prepared gangs of our own. The difference is we'll all be smoking BOG's gear with the four horsemen waiting for the rival gangs to show up.


Green lung

Active member
20 years ago lol back in the old days.

20 years ago you same clowns were playing Gi Joe in the woods with your beer belly buddies telling everyone the same thing about how Bill Clinton was ruining the world lol

You guys are delusional not realist lol.

You want to go to war, go to Afghanistan and test your "bushcraft" .
