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Active member
Nice finds every one! Here's some of my old bag seed grows. I called this one short bus 2 reasons and one you visually can see why. The other was becuase it made you feel like you should be riding the shortbus. :rasta:

Tasted like coffee smelled like earth.


Here's a lady I currently have going from Mexican brick bagseed, she is at 50 days of 12/12, only another 70 or so to go! This is my second time running her, she is a super high yielding lady with a speedy, racing high. I love her dearly, so for me, bagseed is a good thing!









HerbGlaze said:
Bagseed.. can be good but bad.
Just like odds of finding a heads up penny the chances are 50/50 I think its the same with bagseed

Bagseed... No clue what strain this is.. this is my friend Squirrels.
He told me he used bagseed for it No clue what strain it is though.

Your "friend" Squirrel is a liar.

I grew this plant, I took this picture and I originally posted it in the "Post Your Budshots" thread in 8-06.

http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=571500#post571500 post # 510 all the way at the bottom.

And its not Bagseed, Its the old version of Nirvana Purple Power Plant I ordered from gypsy in about 01.

I think you owe me, and all the cool people like Lewgrew! who gave you props on this stolen picture, an apology.

. :asskick:
HerbGlaze said:
Wasnt that potent but I felt it in the average range.. and..
The smell was a skunky/grape/citrus smell.. the taste was pretty smooth tasted just how it smelled..
LOL my dads famous qoute "Well son know what shit tastes like? JUST HOW IT SMELLS!"
Same with bud in my opinion in most cases!

And now that I see you giving a smoke report on weed I grew, weed that I know for a fact you never smoked, I know YOU are a liar too.


Bubble Puppy

Damn ....put ya right out on front street...thats some messed up shit


Active member
Damn thats messed up HerbGlaze taking credit for shit you or your friend never grew or smoked...

Hey British H you actually let that lady go 120days!!! I don't think I could wait 4 months for flowering. Very impressive.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
fine work StashBastard ,looks a tasty plant
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Eugene Oregon
-StashBastard- said:
And now that I see you giving a smoke report on weed I grew, weed that I know for a fact you never smoked, I know YOU are a liar too.


Why the f'uck in the world would I lie, I think if anyone owes an apology its my mate Squirrel he showed me that picture, I smoked the weed that had 100% the resemblence as the picture he was obviously full of shit, im sorry for the confussion, but if you think about it lets go back to the real bullshitter
and its the e-net id rather not argue, but once agian sorry for the confusion mate.


hey guys heres my two bobs worth

hey guys heres my two bobs worth

all bag seed just starting to flower cant wait to post bud shots

and these are aussie bagseed

cant wait too show america sum aussie bagseed budds

aussie strains love this thread keep up the good work guys and gals


dank bagseed

dank bagseed

found about 20 seeds in a 1/2 O of some dank that i was told was master kush.

First three are ones that i did 12/12 from seed.


3-19-08 one more update :)

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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
You all have some nice pics of bagseed... We should call it something else
like good seed.. and mexi can be called bagseed. cos when yer buying a bag of wat is considered killer like say sensi star well its good seed not bagseed. But when you buy a bag of mexi or mids that has no name.. Now thats a bagseed imho and thats where u find the elites.. Thats how i always thought it was.. I may be wrong... Anyhow i try and throw down a bagseed every year OD at our lil spot.. so lets see wat comes this yr.. Great thread no arguing its nice thanx to all who have contributed without any meanness if you will.. Other than herbglazes homie stealing someone elses pic... no cool squirrel needs to buck up... peace bbl...

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Active member
hello again bagseed is a staple, most people with a large comercial grow will not let anything get to thier sensi, most of the seeds you find in a really good bag, are coming from some type of work.(not alwasy) if your getting some good kind herb from the grower himself and he says he will give you 1/8 o for every seed you bring him perhaps there is a reason?????? and you need to give it back to him, hes trying to make something and needs every seed for selection..... i alwasy gave it back and when he was gona pay me for it alwasy said No thanks man ur doing the work here, im just gettin it back to ya..... long story short one day he handed me a bag and told me that whatever seeds i found where meant to be mine to to grow them with love.

im partial to this along with the cp101 it had the sickist trippin high u could want

all from bags ive gotten some of the plants from the bags turned out much better then the bag lol.....
anyway now ive kept a few of those and have some more seeds to meet thier sisters, and am working on my own crosses with the stuff, its all a love inspired passion. \\

sackoweed you send out bags with seeds of crosses to help other's? thats great man it really does help others i alwasy try to pass the beans on to anyone who i can tell loves the plant. and i hope others will follow, even some seeds u might never use will please others.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
great pics every one
this is my bag seed cutting ,made it for a second run. about 2 weeks into flower now
(the middle row of bud sites )