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The revolution will not be televised.....
Man!! I had no idea this thread would turn into such a great and informative one!!! I encourage everybody to get away from sending seed companies your money and hopes!! You end up with less than what is promised, risk arrest, and alot of times get some trash that wasn't what was promised. Now everyone keep your panties on and unbunched while I give a few of the breeders I have paid good money from, their respects!! I will never fault another grower for wanting to invest in some BOG, Res., Tom Hill(my fav),Gypsy and a few other's seeds cause from what I have grown and seen they are worth every dime. With that being said I just can't see paying for seeds again with all the numerous ways things are being tracked and watched these days. I also must admit that living here in the yay area I see clones of everything under the sun and can get the elite genetics for 10-20 bucks for confirmed female elite genetics so seeds are not high on my priority list. Seeing what I have on this page though makes me want to break oput some of the 15 years of seeds I have stuffed into containers in the freezer!! Lastly you guys are truly what the scene should be about which is growing the seed for your own pleasure and taking a chance to find ur dream girl!! Great thread and props to all the growers.


Here is sum pix i took of a bagseed that i called "Chi-chi".I'm still mad that i had a failed re-veg cause i was out of soil for a min :bashhead:



Well-known member
British_Hempire said:
Thats a lovely Paraguayan, what latitude are you at? Wish I could grow those type of sats where I live!
Hi British! I´m at 34 LS (Argentina). All you can get here in the "market" comes from Paraguay and some from Brazil. Sometimes you find very good herb (and sometimes ugly :nono: )


Active member
Bag seed is great if you grow it sin semilla style down south. It might finish too late up North and it might be too lanky to grow indoors. My first grow gave me more than six ounces of dank from bag seed. I made a few newbie mistakes, like over fert, but it was better than anything I could buy on the street.



Heres some bag seed i popped a few months back. I have one budding outside right now that ill get pics of sometime soon for this thread. Heres a pic of the more sativa version that grew out of many seeds we planted. For the most part they are short with nodes close together. You don't need to top this strain as it branches on its own. This plant was never topped or trained at all. Good to see a bag seed thread going on though.
Keep it up guys. :cool:

Bag seed never topped. Named S-2 (seedling #2)

heres the next generation. Same bag seed.


these two ladies are only at day 12 of flowering, but i expect big things to come as the budsites like double in size overnight...i'll keep this thread posted on the results



Hey Hooka I have one that looks alot like yours it's my favorite one because it doesn't stretch and grows lots of branches. Know anything else about her? I sure don't.


Sativo I recently had to pull her early because she hermed out. :cuss: The grower i got her from said almost all the seeds he planted from the same bag seed turned out hermi... Sucks cus she was an extremely vigorous plant. Thats all i really know about her.

Good luck with your grow man.
