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Don't Panic It's Organic 1st GROW!

These are my 4 Vanilla Kush.
These took the worst beating with my neglect. 1 with all the brown was feared dead until it greened up and started growing again. Another that was all spindly is showing normal new growth. 1 looks OK while the other larger one looks amazing. I'm concerned about the droopy leaves, but they all seem to be perking up, so I'm not going to change anything.


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These are my 4 Super Lemon Haze. The first one looks amazing. Almost identical to my bigger Vanilla Kush. All seem to be perking up and even the stretched/stunted one is showing new growth.


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thanks man. i'm wishing my plants good karma and it seems to be working. I have a white froth that seems to be building at the top of my rez. Plants seem OK. I stopped with the hygrozyme, could this be root rot again?

I will post a pic
First. Here are 2 grapefruits and 1 Vanilla Kush ( by the blue fan)


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Now my roots are kinda brown, not sure if it's the organics or not. I'm out of hygrozyme and I don't want to just start dumping H2O2 or Sodium Bicarbinate (baking soda) into the rez. I'm afraid I'm overreacting and that organic nutes get destroyed by these chemicals? Is this foam on the top of my rez something to be afraid of? It appears organic and stays for a while. Hasn't risen more than 1/2inch so far.

The last pic wasn't the best example sometimes it a lot worse. My res temps are always 67-73 degrees. Averaging about 70

anyone get this?


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Nice reflexes, you are getting into the right groove now.

What color is the concoction in the bucket? Roots can get stained, but too much heat causes browning too. You can adjust the pump flow down to lessen the froth, I'm sure you are getting way more oxygen than they require.

It truly is more fun to grow than smoke sometimes.
thanks kannubis.
The color of the solution is the same as it starts out as, dark green/brown. I'm not used to organics in the rez. They do things that would make a grower accustomed to chemical nutes freak out. I'm talking about brown roots, dark colored water. But the plants seem OK and my regimine of frozen containers keeps my rez temps down. I even set up a battery pwered probe that wirelessly tells my clock/weather station thingy wat my rez temp is without opening my closet.

My pH was 6.0 exactly with just the nutrients and the bottled water. I didn't have to add any pH adjusters. One container has drifted to 6.2 and the other at 6.4 I'm going to let them hang around there and check the pH first thing in the morning. I've learned that a little pH drift is OK. plus I'm starting not to trust the Earth Juice Natural pH Up and Down. Goes out of solution and pH will go back to normal until you stir it. Maybe this is for soil?
oh, and very true on growing being more fun than smoking. I feel accomplished and I'm learning along the way.

And i enjoy mixing my organic nutes. the Roots Organics Trinity Catalyst smells like Candy/Coffee. It's very sweet yet earthy at the same time. Main ingredient is... MOLASSES!!! Haha, well atleast I won't need to add any carbs this grow.

Going to the hydro store to pick up my new Hygrozyme and Roots Organics Orgeonism XL. The XL is supposed to innoculate with bennies and keep the nasties away. Hope it works!


Molasses could be the very culprit in the foamy head on the solution. When I added it to my chem run, I got the beer foam looking head on them.

The important thing is enjoying the journey. :)

I think you are getting that down shibby.
hmm. well foam or no foam molasses is supposed to work wonders, so i'll stick with it unless I see problems.

After extensive reading, I have found everyone agrees that above 85 F heat stress can occur. I have 3 circulatory fans and a 175cfm blower (attached to a carbon filter and duct muffler so probably about half cfm). My ambient temps at plant level are upper 80s!!! If I leave my hand under the light for a minute, it is slightly warm but never gets hot.... My rez temps are kept 67-73 and are monitored all day.

Also My pH keeps steadily rising overnight. It goes from around 6.0-7.4 I know pH drift is normal, but this much overnight? I assumed that I should allow the pH to drift between 5.2-7.0

So far my plants are doing good. One of my Grapefruits is showing itty bitty leaves opening at all the nodes. I guess I'm used to seeing clones at the clinics, but the leaves on all my plants are so dang small. They look healthy for the most part, so no complaints.

Here are some pix. The plant by itself is the grapefruit, and those are it's roots


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Good Morning Everyone!
Did a rez change yesterday. Organics kind of have me on the fence, nutrient solution seems OK until you stir it and all kinds of black gunk appears. I believe it was on the bottom of the rez. But, my plants seem to be doing just fine. So far I have 3 amazing Grapefruits, 2 decent super Lemon Haze and 2 really good Vanilla Kush.

I want to start LST and tie them over but I remember reading somewhere that you wait until the 5th node? Unfortunately I am on a time table and promised some patients medicine at the start of November, so I'm only going to veg out another week.

I'm going to set up my flowering chamber with my 1000w Quantum ballast and maybe turn it down to 600watt and veg them for a few days under that. Is it possible to dim just any HPS bulb? And what is a good height to start the light at?

I upped my nutes a littls so I'm running:
7.5mL Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Super Tea Grow
5mL Roots Organics Trinity Catalyst
2mL Humboldt Roots
6mL Hygrozyme

along with my Calc and Mag supplements for my R/O water

PPMs are at 360-370, but I know my TDS meter isn 't picking up all the organics.

1st shot are of my 4 grapefruits (bottom right and middle) and 2 smaller Vanilla Kush on the top.

2nd shot is of my 4 Super Lemon Haze on the left and middle with 2 more Vanilla Kush on the right

The last 2 are of my Grapefruits. These are about 1 Node ahead of the others as far as growth, they are also showing lots of leaves opening at the nodes. I'm very excited for these. I hope the rest will pick up when i put them under the bigger bulb.


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The first two pictures are of my better Super Lemon Haze plants. 1 looks very squat and Indica dominant while the other is taller with thinner leaves and looks sativa dominant. I love sativa Dominant bud, but I'm not going to keep her as a mom unless she finishes in 10 weeks or less.

The last picture is of one of my Vanilla Kush. These all seem short and stout and very Indica dominant with dark green, fat leaves.
It isn't showing my last 3 pix so I will upload again.

1st is indica dom Super lemon Haze
2nd is sativa dom super lemon haze
3rd is a Vanilla Kush


A good starting height for the 1K is to have it just a bit above where you can hold your hand under it comfortably at canopy level for a good while. There should be a quick growth spurt when they get the added intensity of the big light.
Sorry everyone who was following and helping with this thread. Let's just say that I'm a novice grower who jumped in over his head. Organics in a DWC are NOT EASY!!!
Work got super busy so I was away most of the day and my pH was going haywire. I did a little research and Humboldt Roots is supposedly Roots Excellurator with a different label. RE says specifically NOT to use it in an aerated rez... My Roots looked so nasty and the smell was horrible. By week 3 of flower my poor plants were barely growing or showing buds so I made the switch to synthetics.I am now running AN Sensi Bloom, Dutch Master Zone, cal mag + and AN Big Bud powder. My plants exploded and are coming along nicely. I think they re a week or 2 behind in flowering bc of the fail with organics.
I learned a LOT with this organic DWC attempt. My ph would rise 1.0-1.5 a day!!!! I was literally dumping in pH down. My rez would stay all brown/green and i had horrible algae that no organic remedies worked on. My TDS levels were climbing daily, and honestly, i'm surprised my plants grew at all.

I don't want anyone to do lose faith in organics due to my experience. I am not an expert and my plants definitely suffered from lack of attention. I Believe sterile synthetics are the way to go with rez based hydro systems. I have a few clones of lemon kush and cotton candy kush side by side 2 of each in hydro with chem nutes vs. 2 of each in coco with the organic nutes. I want to compare the taste/growth/yield.
Once again, I apologize for not updating. And thanks to everyone who was folloowing. I will post pictures of how far they've come along when the lights go on in a couple hours.

i'm still alive... my plants too

i'm still alive... my plants too

Hello everyone,
So I'm really sorry for not being able to update. My ladies are doing wonderful. They are 7.5 weeks into bloom. they are a bit behihnd schedule due to my noobness and mistakes. my 2 prize plants are both Grapefruit. One has a super long main cola with buds lining the entire thing (over 15'') and the other is shorter but with a good main cola and about 7 shoots on the bottom with 4-7'' long buds. They are supposedly an 8 week bloomer but im going to give them nutes for 8 weeks and flush atleast a week until they are ready. When touched they smell like strawberry soda mixed with cherry ringpop. Super Awesome! I found Albertson's has dried ice and i've been putting it in a styrofoam cooler above my light and letting it fall onto my plants. a couple pounds will last over 12 hours this way.

I am unsure when they will be done. THey really took off at week 4 of flower when i switched to synthetics. Only then did they really start showing white hairs... I am hoping the added co2 from the dry ice will make them mature a little faster.

Here are close ups of my 2 prize Grapefruits. Then the others and a group shot. That is a 15'' ruler. Don't know why i have a 15'' apposed to a 12''....


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