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Don't Panic It's Organic 1st GROW!


Where am I?
Def move them lights closer. That's the whole beauty of flouros. I'm so picky bout my seedlings stretching more than anything :). Lol. I just hate it. Don't ask me why but it does. Anyway. Nice setup dude. Gonna def pull a seat up
Thanks man. Right now I'm working from home so I have plenty of time to tend to my babies. I catch myself watching them grow haha. lights are about 4'' from the tops now and the stretching has definitely stopped. After lasts nights move to the DWC containers and veg cab, they have all perked up.

3 of my remaining 4 Trainwrecks seem to be looking more normal now. Weird, bent leaves seem to be growing out normal.

The vanilla Kush look shorter and I can already tell she is gonna have fat indica leaves.

The Super Lemon Haze seemed to stretch the most but have evened out now. Big variation among these, expected from an F1 pheno. Hopefully I pick the right winners to clone.

The Grapefruit are the unknown in this mix. Never smoked or grown, just a strain that caught my eye. An 8 week, maximum yielding sativa. Its supposedly a pineapple pheno C99 crossed with another tropical sativa. Very happy so far. Seedlings are VERY uniform, like i was growing cloned seedlings.

and now the pix!
My setup with fan plugged into light.
lights on!
retarded trainwrecks
stretched super lemon haze


One thing to remember shibby, the plants grow themselves - you can do more harm than good by trying to get too involved. Let them do what they do and give them what they need, not the coolest stuff you can find to throw at them.

Good growing to ya!
thanks for the advice. I know, I have to try very hard not to over love them. are you saying that anything in my grow is overkill? please let me know.

I'd rather have too little of something than too much.
it's always easier to add a little more than it is to take away a bunch


Not overkill, but add things slowly as you go. Get the basic steps working and then add in the fancy stuff to dress it up as you get more used to what they should be doing. And a little really goes a good distance in DWC.

The organic DWC is interesting to me. I saw good results from chem DWC, but didn't like the herb. Guess I'll just have to stick with dirt in the backyard for now. I love the free hps in the sky.

I'll be poking in to see how the org buckets work. Might have to try them out in the cooler season.

Best of luck in your grow, yield will come, so once you get it figured out 90% you'll be one happy grower. There is a little room for slips because the gals can take a fair amount of abuse.
Definitely going to try to cover all the bases on this grow. I chose organic because it's a medical grow for me and several other patients and we picked organic because it has all the hype here in Cali right now. I'm a fan of chem grows as long as they are flushed properly. Hopefully organics will make it harder to burn the plants. Too early to tell.

As far as yields go. I'm hoping to get an ounce off of each of the 4 different strains I have. This grow is to pick out my mommies to get good clones for my SCROG next round. I only want 1 or 2 of each strain and just fill up a 20''x22'' screen, then fllower them under my 1000w.


The organics won't make it harder to burn them, but the natural ingredients are more wholistic IMO. Here in Cali, we do have the reputation of being a bunch of fruits and nuts, but that doesn't mean organics are simply the rage. I might be nutty, but I know my plants do better with only natural additives, and that makes me feel good about what they produce. The ones chopped this year are all around better than last year's that were chem-fed.
that's good to hear. this is my first 100% organic grow. looking forward to see how it turns out. kind of battling temps right now. I had originally planned on running TWO veg tents with two DWC containers and 1 T5 strip each. But due to space restrictions, I had to cram everything into 1. Temps are constant 85 ambient and upper 70s in the rez!!!! I mmight convert this to a Ebb & Flow with the Rez outside of the container. what a headache! Another solution would be to get rid of a level of plants, but i don't know if i can bring myself to throwing out my seedlings. The retarded trainwrecks I could do without, but I'm not sure I could pick another strain to throw out.... oh no!
So I'm battling temps. My normal cab temp is 87 degrees and my res temps are probably the same. Water feels luke warm to the touch and I put frozen bottles in there only to have them melt within 5 minutes. I'm considering ditching my Trainwrecks and consolidating the remaining plants into 2-10 gallon totes. This would allow me to have all my plants on 1 level and only use 1 t5 strip. Should I do it? or just run with what I got? I'm afraid of heat stress and the plants going hermie on me.
So today I checked my rez temps... Exact same as my ambient temps. mid/upper 80s. EEEK!!!! My plants have grown, but the trainwrecks are looking weird/spindly and one fell over limp and died. All my other plants are doing great.

So I decided to take drastic measures, I ditched my 2 level setup and put my remaining plants in 2 10gal DWC totes. I insulated the totes with Stick-on duct insulation on top and foil tape on the sides. I consolidated my 4 air stones and put 2 in each container. I took out one of the t5 strips and my temps are exactly at 80 and my res stays at 70. YAY! I have SO much more room now and I rez changes wont be such a pain.

My plants seem to love it already and I swear there's been growth in the last few hours. First set of true leaves opened yesterday and I can already see the 2nd set forming on 10 out of the 12 plants!!!

I also added half strength Humboldt Roots and Roots Organics Trinity Catalyst.

Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Super Tea says to add 3.5-7.5ml per liter. So that's close to 15-30ml. I added 2.5mL per gallon of solution.

My TDS meter is all but useless with organics. Barely registers any PPM change.

I will add pix tonight I promise!


Freeze some water bottles, from 1/2 liter to liter size and change them out a couple times a day for the cheap fix on res temps. They do help even when the ice is melted because it keeps the temps from climbing higher. It ain't the ritz, but it works in a pinch. Just remember to replace water if you are going to leave the bottles out for a while. 1/2 liter bottles 3x a day worked for my 3 gal buckets, so you might have to go big on the size.

That TDS meter is not a useless tool when the medium is all liquid. It should give you an idea where your nute levels are. If there is no change, you might need to add more nutes, but let the plants tell you what they can. DWC organics may need PH corrections since the water doesn't have the PH buffering ability that soil does.

You are definitely learning as you go. You got the easy plant sign down now, but that is the one to avoid the most :)

I countered the worry of having all my plants crap out on me by doing 4 - 5 times as many as I wanted to end up with. Not too far off with using regular seed. Now, they do better than I used to think I could make them do when I just water/feed them when they tell me to.

I swear that signature I have seen on here somewhere is true. It goes along the lines of "look at how well we have trained this human to feed and water us..."

You will get it worked out with enough trial & error and reading til your eyes hurt on here. This is the best learning tool I have found.

One tip is a cup of EWC tea in the res, it will help with keeping your roots healthy at warmer than ideal temps. Some sort of anti bad bacterial thing in it.

If you are having that kind of heat trouble with only t5 lighting, you will need to make a change before powering up the 1k hps. It will get way hotter than multiple t5 fixtures.

Stick with it and adapt as needed. The end result is worth it.


The Mad Monk
^^ +1 to all of that. nice post, kannubis!

Good luck w/the 1st grow, shibby. Tagging this one to follow along.
Thank you guys for the kudos and advice! I have totally revamped my grow and all is well! I have 4 of each strain now:
Vanilla Kush
Super Lemon Haze
Ambient temps are in the low 80s/high 70s and I rigged a thermometer inside the rez that has a digital display outside
mid 70s in the rez but I hope it'll change once I move the air pump outside the grow cab.

I had a weird PH swing from 5.7 this morning to 6.8 this afternoon!!! I put some pH down in the rez's and it seems to be stable now. Weird. I'm hoping I cured my hydroton properly.

All but 2 of my plants are showing dark stems... but growth seems good and leaves look healthy. I'm not going to mess with it unless I see some negatives.

New set up
Super Lemon Haze. Stretching from lights being too high has stopped.
Vanilla Kush baby
as for the heat issue with the 1000k I'm not too worried. I have a seperate 4' x 4' x 6'4'' flower tent with an 8'' fan on it. This WONT be in a closet and i plan on venting the hot air out of a window. I definitely wouldnt put the 1000watter in that tiny cab inside a closet. FIRE HAZARD!!!

How strong of a nute concentration should I have in at this point? I am about to leave on a trip the next 3 days. AN recommends 15-30ML of MEST Grow per gallon. Right now I have 2.5mL per gallon of MEST Grow along with half strength Humboldt Roots and Roots Organics Trinity Catalyst. I don't think I need any more, but I read that dark/reddish stems can be from nitrogen deficiency?


Shibby, let the nute levels stay low until the seedlings get established. Once the cotyledons turn yellow and start looking like they are ready to come off is a good time to start adding a bit more nutes. Lots of seedlings have colorful stems, not just N deficient ones, so you might want to check other threads for the baby pics in them to compare.
Ok well due to amazing new trails in Mammoth, my vacation was not 3 but 5 days. Unfortunately, I didn't cure my hydroton properly and my pH was at 7!!!! All my plants were showing various signs of pH lockout (yellow leaves, deformed growth, spindly). But amazingly they over doubled in size since I left.

Upon further inspection I noticed my rez was full of yellowish/white slime and the temps were 76.

So I put my poor plants into smaller rez with frozen bottles to keep the temp down, and I've been constantly adding pH DOWN to keep the pH at the right level. It's been starting to stabilize after a day. I also purchased HYGROZYME and my plants have been soaking in that. Already all that gunky whitish stuff is falling off and my white roots are showing.

All my plants are turning green again and I swear they are still growing. These babies can take a lot. 1 Vanilla Kush looks like it has nute burn? and another vanilla Kush looks all spindly but its new growth looks normal.

I have purchased calcium and magnesium supplements and got 10 gallons of Sparkletts for my rez (my tap water was at 570ppm this morning). I also bought another air pump and bubble wall to aerate the resevoir even more to prevent rot + add O2.

I will post pictures tonight.
Sorry its been so long everyone (anyone?). I've been nursing my babies back to health and surfing so that leaves 0 time for posting. lol. sorry. I did a lot of changes and learned a TON through my mistakes and the search button on here. I now have 2 air pumps rated up to 175 gallons each pushing air into about 15 gal total of rez water. I only use R/O water now b/c my tap water sucked and had too high (460-570) ppm.

Here are some pix from Sunday night with my plants just starting to recover.
The 1st two are of my new rez with 2 bubble curtains as apposed to the 1 curtain 1 airstone I had before. I like the curtains because they aerate over a greater area.

The 3rd and 4th pic are 2 of my Grapefruits. So far these have been doing the best by far with all 4 growing at the same rate/uniform. It's 75% C99 which grows like it should, like a weed lol.


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