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Donkey Kong


some guy
Wellat day 45 I had some unfortunate circumstances with the DK. The idea of using uncycled soil was out of desperation and I had no other choice, but as I am nearing harvest time a lot of the fan leaves are starting to yellow and due to my use of UVb bulbs right near the top of the upper canopy, yellowing fan leaves that are falling off the stalks are exposing lower popcorn nugs and about 1/4oz worth of popcorn nugs have been poisoned to death. They are all brown and all the trichomes have been burned off and there is absolutely no smell/resin left to 'em. lol.

Other than that she is looking good.


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Wellat day 45 I had some unfortunate circumstances with the DK. The idea of using uncycled soil was out of desperation and I had no other choice, but as I am nearing harvest time a lot of the fan leaves are starting to yellow and due to my use of UVb bulbs right near the top of the upper canopy, yellowing fan leaves that are falling off the stalks are exposing lower popcorn nugs and about 1/4oz worth of popcorn nugs have been poisoned to death. They are all brown and all the trichomes have been burned off and there is absolutely no smell/resin left to 'em. lol.

Other than that she is looking good.

Wow shitty bro.


some guy
Wel, unfortunately it looks like my uncycled soil is going to do no justice for the DK. It's at day 53 of 12/12 and the calyxes just don't seem to want to swell up. 2 of my 5 girls responded fine to the soil, but the DK was not one of them. Hopefully next round will be better, but this round i will probably just turn all of her into hash or something. I will get pics in a few days when I get my phone back (I lost it at red rocks this past weekend). Overall she just is a completely unhappy plant. Went from lovely to ugly in a matter of 2 weeks. I'm not surprised though, uncycled soil was bound to bring about some problems I just didn't think it would be this severe. Next round will be a winner though!


Professional A$$hole
Heard that. I'm running just the one AC right now, can't afford a better one atm. Definitely does not do the job, can only run 1000 of my 1800w setup. Temps at 1000 73-78F, temps at 1400 76-84F, temps at 1800 85-92F. Bleh. Either way should get a high yield from this gal. Hoping to have 25ish 1/4 (give or take a few grams) oz colas just from the main tops.

Check out my 2x2.5' grow tent environmental conditions this past summer with my 400w hps. This was 7 days a week all summer. I still got great yields and a good product, IMHO. More foliars then I could count, however. here's my thermostat and a pic of the GSC I grew from seed during this time (although I did have to chop her a week or two early.
Holy shit how did you keep them alive long enough to cut? 45 at dark 106 at lights on? Get a bigger inline for your hoods if they're a/c, and put a humidifier in there plants don't respirate well in that dry of an environment. Your buds will be airy af and produce almost no terpenoids in those conditions. Hope that helps and good luck


some guy
Holy shit how did you keep them alive long enough to cut? 45 at dark 106 at lights on? Get a bigger inline for your hoods if they're a/c, and put a humidifier in there plants don't respirate well in that dry of an environment. Your buds will be airy af and produce almost no terpenoids in those conditions. Hope that helps and good luck

When you have so few plants to tend to it's very easy to give them the time and care they so desperately need. Foliars every day 2-3x a day, constant rotation, etc etc.

Well I was growing in a 8 sq ft grow tent and had no expendable income at that time. This was about a year ago. Fortunately conditions are no longer like this. Don't be mistaken though, I live in Denver and many of my friends prefer the flower I grew last summer over most dispensary product. It didn't look perfect (I had to chop them a little over a week early, but those terpenes were powerful and it only took 1 second of opening up a bag with a gram in it to stink up an entire house).I have yet to have a suitable growing environment in my entire 4 ish years of growing. It used to be heat, lack of humidity and lack of space and now it's my shitty a/c unit and uncycled soil. Started in a 14"x6" pc case, then moved to a 22"x14" rubbermaid tote, then to my 6 sq ft closet, then to a 8 sq ft grow tent, then to a 12 sq ft grow tent, and now to a good sized 10'x8' room. All I need is a better ac unit and I should be good to go now that my soil has had a good 3 months of cycling. I should've fed 'em a kelp tea or 2, but I can't afford a better air pump then my 3 gal equivalent (my plants are in 20 gallon no tills, that's like 18 days straight of brewing time just to make enough for al of them).

I am happy with how I've always made do with what I've got. I may not have dialed in temps, Co2, humidity, space, ventilation and a well cycled soil, but I am generally happy with how my plants turn out in such harsh conditions.

Starting in the worst conditions and slowly working my way up only makes me a better grower, imo. Growing in awful conditions for 4 years will pay off when I move to NorCal in a few months and finally have a proper setup and 3 acres for outdoor ;)
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Professional A$$hole
It's good you can compensate for conditions, I could not as I have 70ish ladies and a few studs, but if your humidity is still so low I would go to sears and pick up a humidifier for ~$30. Worth every penny. You won't have to beat up gland heads with foliar sprays, plus Borg loves dry rooms, especially hot dry rooms. I can understand not wanting to put $700 towards a co2 gen/controller combo, or $1000 on a mini-split ac, but thirty bucks for better respiration and an inhospitable environment for pests? I would call that a necessary cost, up there with bulbs and ballasts. Shoot for 40-45%rh


some guy
My current conditions are 72-88F and 40-65% rh. If anything I now need a dehumidifier! lol


Professional A$$hole
Your alright with 60 ish percent if that's your max, not really high enough for bud rot unless the strain is prone, and mites hate humidity so I'd say your rh is dialed if you can keep it in that range


Pagan Extremist
I chopped the first 2 DK's due to mites... didnt want em to spread and DK had em the worst... So I'm stickin these 2 in early....




some guy
Ok here is the sad DK around day 65ish of flower. Pittered out, just letting her run until those calyxes swell up (if they ever do). Really am wanting some seed stock of the Flo Scout Cookies x DK. She will be getting some different 2 month cycled soil so she will not be so depressing next round.



i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Lettin unhappy plants go that long is a good way to create the next clone only... did she stress enough to throw pollen ????? Interesting strain though.. mr goodbudz pics look bomb..


some guy
Lettin unhappy plants go that long is a good way to create the next clone only... did she stress enough to throw pollen ????? Interesting strain though.. mr goodbudz pics look bomb..

Nah, no nanners whatsoever. If you ask me it hasn't flowered long enough for that and I don't need it to either. I was forced to give her uncycled soil at the beginning of flower so flowering may take a little longer than usual.


some guy
Time to revive the thread....dk in FULLYcycled soil. Time to see what I can actually do with her. Hopefully my mix wasn't off and it just needed cycling….26gallon pots. Here we go.
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some guy
I know you ain't been around in awhile MGB, but I'm going to keep posting here anyway.

4 days after the scrog net was installed…..

She responded very well to the training and in a damn short time too. I count roughly 20-30 tops (although I eventually lost count because there are so damn many)
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Active member
Damn I miss my donkey kong cut lost her to the Borg. Well I actually tossed her because of the Borg and I was moving and didn't wanna infect my new place.

Well she looks great Mr. Tea can't wait to see how she turns out for ya.

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